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  • in reply to: Jeremy Corbyn to be elected Labour Leader? #112822

    ComradesFurther to post #309 which contains the text of the Private Eye piece [Page 9, 4th-17th Sept] the following reply was submitted from the Media Committee:Date of Issue: 3 September 2015SUBJECT: Reply to ‘HP Sauce’ Socialist Party item, Private Eye (No. 1400)No, we do not have ulterior motives. We stood against Jeremy Corbyn at the General Election when he wasn’t standing for Labour Leader on the same basis that we oppose him now: his policies rely on the continued existence of capitalism, and therefore the exploitation of the working class to make profits. We stand, as you rightly observed, for the abolition of the wages system all together.To that end, over the years, our members have donated money and time to the party. In 1951 we bought premises that now attract a considerable paper value (and which we have no plans to sell). We do not derive any income from our premises, and indeed they cost us money in taxation. In a property society we require funds and resources to make our case for the abolition of property society.p.s. Our pamphlets are freely available online at Pamphlets | The Socialist Party of Great Britain

    in reply to: The BBC and the SPGB #112414

    Probably my fault Comrade – as part time minute keeper to the EC – for not providing as much detail about '"the trellis" as some Comrades may have liked. I will be a bit more descriptive with the next installment – but only a bit more; we don't want all our cash going to the PO's shareholders, do we?  

    in reply to: General Election – Campaign News #108010

    Candidates/Speakers Presentation Skills Training  Next Saturday, 28th February – 10:30am to 4pm – Socialist Party Head Office, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UNPlaces are still available for prospective Party candidates/speakers and other interested members to receive some free training. To avoid disappointment please book a place in advance. Email spgb.ksrb@worldsocialism.orgor telephone 07593 129 470This event is to be facilitated by Howard Pilott who as well as being SPGB prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, is an experienced trainer in this field.  There will be an opportunity to be filmed making a presentation and to receive feedback. If you are unable to attend but you think you could benefit from some training or support in this area I would still like to hear from you.Rob Cox – Member SPGB, Kent & Sussex Branch

    in reply to: General Election – Campaign News #107967

    Dear Comrades Candidates/Speakers Presentation Skills Training at Head Office  Saturday 28th February 2015 – 10:30am to 4pm – 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN There is an opportunity for prospective Party candidates and speakers to receive some free training.  This event is to be facilitated by Howard Pilott who as well as being SPGB prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, is an experienced trainer in this field.  There will be an opportunity to be filmed making a presentation and to receive feedback.  The full programe for the day will be available later.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this event, as places will be limited.    Contact me by email at If you would just like more information or are unable to attend but you think you could benefit from some training or support in this area I would still like to hear from you.   NB I apologise if you already received this message – I thought I had sent it out on Thursday but it seems to have got lost.

    in reply to: Election Campaign Workshop #104945

    Comrades New Speakers Training[@ Head Office Workshop – Sunday 26th October]Here are two more ideas about how we could run the afternoon session (Plan A):‘Question Time’:  A practise session for some prospective new speakers/candidates being grilled on some more of the questions from the proposed new ‘Modern Speakers Test’.  This way no-one has to do a lot of preparation.  We could do it like a “question time” show and let someone from the audience ask the question and see if they are happy with the answer.‘Hustings Meeting’: As Comrade Buick has suggested, “the speaking skills required of a candidate would be a local radio or newspaper interview and speaking and answering questions at a hustings.”  We could run it as a hustings meeting with one or two members acting the part of the capitalist candidate(s).Both these formats would be a bit more laid back and entertaining for all concerned but could still benefit the participants.Please if you have thoughts on this (and/or would like to take part ) please reply in the usual way or email me c/o: Here for info is the current afternoon part of the Workshop timetable:1400hrs New Speakers TrainingPlan A:  Mock Public Meeting Short address by and questioning of prospective candidates(If there are volunteer “new” speakers available)Plan B: Guidance for New SpeakersTaking the Test – how to prepareSpeaking to the public – Practical tips & handoutPlan B could take up less time so lead to an earlier finish1520hrs Roundup & Thoughts on Next Steps                             1530hrs FinishFor the EC

    in reply to: Election Campaign Workshop #104944

    Are you a new speaker/prospective Party Candidate…?Volunteers Needed: Election Campaign Workshop @Head Office:- Sunday 26th OctoberDear ComradesSpeakers and Candidates Test / TrainingVolunteers are requested for the afternoon session of this workshop which is planned for the Sunday of ADM weekend.This session is intended to benefit those who are likely to be a SPGB candidate in next year’s elections and who would like to get have some practise in public speaking. The plan is to have a mock public meeting after lunch with an opportunity to give a short address and answer some questions from the “audience”.Please could you let me know as soon as possible if you would like to take part in this section of the workshop.  We may still take volunteers on the day but if you want to take up this opportunity it would be best to get your name down in advance.Please contact me via the Forum thread on the SPGB website:Home » Forum » World Socialist Movement » Election Campaign WorkshopAlternatively email me c/o spgb.ksrb@worldsocialism.orgor Reply to me on Spintcom. THIS IS THE TIMETABLE FOR THE AFTERNOON SESSION:1300hrs Lunch Break1400hrs New Speakers Training             Mock Public Meeting  Short address by and questioning of prospective candidates 1520hrs Roundup & Thoughts on Next Steps                             1530hrs Finish Many ThanksRobert CoxFor the EC 

    in reply to: Election Campaign Workshop #104943

    Election Campaign Workshop: Timetable for Sunday 26th October THIS IS THE CURRENT TIME-TABLE FOR THE DAY: 1030hrs Introduction & (if still required) appeal for volunteers for afternoon session                     1045hrs Guidance on Parliamentary and Local Government ElectionsBeing a Candidate or Election AgentGetting nominatedPost Office procedures1115hrs New (Modern) Speakers TestBrief IntroductionMock InterviewAudience FeedbackReply/Roundup1200hrs Training Needs Brainstorm                             Public SpeakingMedia/Communications/Interview TechniquesMethods of Delivery1300hrs Lunch Break1400hrs New Speakers Training Plan A:  Mock Public Meeting Short address by and questioning of prospective candidates(If there are volunteer “new” speakers available)Plan B: Guidance for New SpeakersTaking the Test – how to prepareSpeaking to the public – Practical tips & handoutPlan B could take up less time so lead to an earlier finish 1520hrs Roundup & Thoughts on Next Steps                             1530hrs Finish

    in reply to: North East Regional Branch #100559

    Well done Comrades.Now we are close to contesting at least ten seatsThere are a few more Branches yet to declare. Be good if we could get that nearer to 20 

    in reply to: Election Campaign Workshop #104941

    Media Training and the Workshop in generalHi ComradesThank you for all the contributions so far – please keep them coming.All ideas and suggestions will of course be taken into consideration (by myself at least!).About the 'media training' part of the agenda, may I just emphasise there are no plans to deliver media training at the workshop. Its more of a brainstorm to establish what training members feel they need and how it may be delivered. I am collecting information on what training is available. If comrades have any suggestions – including about their local areas – please let me know.Thanks

    in reply to: Election Campaign Workshop #104934

    Speakers Test: The proposed "Modern Speakers Test"The draft of the proposed new test was discussed by the EC on 6th September and, as has been announced, has been circulated for consultation as part of the EC report to ADM next month.To answer a question, I think we can assume the consultation will be on the questions rather than answers. I think we will have to leave the latter to the judgement of the examiners.The EC has yet (pending consultation) to adopt the text, but as I recollect did agree to request addition of a quesion on immigration/population (which appears in the existing test as question #22).I am sure that every Branch will be looking foward to discussing the suggested new text, and will be assisted by this if as many members as possible are able to see the text in advance.Here is the text as it appeared on the EC agenda last week (the layout may not be the same as I have had to copy it from another file format):"This Modern Speakers’ Test is designed to replace what became known as the ‘New Speakers’ Test’ in the previous century. In many ways it representsa break from the past. This is because the previous test was really a knowledge test, and was sometimes explicitly referred to as such by Partymembers. In particular, it was a test of knowledge of Marxian theory, especially Marxian economics, and some of its key definitions.Knowledge of Marxism is still important, though the previous test had become outdated in many ways. Rarely if ever will a Party representative now be asked whether peasants produce surplus value. In the modern media age, lines of questioning are more likely to require Party representatives to applytheir socialist understanding, rather repeat stock definitions. This test is designed to prepare interested candidates for such situations. A number of the questions appear to be ‘closed’ ie requiring ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers for this reason, a common technique of interviewers trying to expose contradictions or entice an interviewee into an overly stark response they are then unable to defend.When you read the questions below it might help to imagine them being asked by Andrew Neil, Jeremy Paxman or Evan Davis. . . there is also a natural ‘flow’ in that the likely answer to one question generally prompts the next one.Finally, it should be noted that this test should be applied in the context of wider media training for aspirant Party speakers and candidates.* More people are thriving today under capitalism than ever before, and with higher standards of living – is it really so bad?* Why not unite with some of the other socialist parties? Surely more can be achieved in unison than in isolation?* Without doubt previous attempts to construct socialism were disastrous weren’t they?* Why are you so hostile to the state? Don’t most people feel it is there to help and protect them?* If democracy in capitalism is a sham, why does the Socialist Party stand in elections?* Would a Socialist Party representative elected to parliament take the oath of allegiance?* Why bother standing in local elections? What do you hope to achieve?* In practice, what reforms would the Socialist Party be prepared to support?* When the Socialist Party takes state control, won’t you create a dictatorship of the proletariat?* Does the Socialist Party always support the actions of trade unions?* Why do you always seem to support wage increases? Don’t they cause inflation and often damage the economy?* Don’t Marxists believe that capitalism will collapse?* If you believe in democracy why don’t you believe in wars for democracy? Didn’t you even oppose the Second World War?* Isn’t it the case that you’re really a bunch of pacifists?* Don’t you support the rights of ‘oppressed peoples’ like the Palestinians?* Wouldn’t people like the Scottish and Welsh be better off if they could control their own destinies?* Isn’t it true that all of us living in the developed ‘First World’ exploit those in the so-called ‘Third World’?* Do you support or oppose the European Union?* Isn’t the class struggle now just antiquated nonsense?* Why do you support industrialism? Doesn’t it lead to pollution and unemployment?* Does the Socialist Party believe in ‘zero growth’?* Wouldn’t socialism involve those who refuse to work exploiting those who do?* The SPGB presumably believes in British socialism. How would this work?* In a socialist society, who would do the ‘dirty work’?* How efficient would socialism be? Would surgeons perform operationswhen needed? Would the trains run on time – if at all?* Hasn’t history proved people are just innately aggressive?* You sound like anarchists. Are you. . . ?* Why is the Socialist Party so hostile to religion? Can’t religious people have socialist beliefs too?* Capitalism is the basis of innovation and entrepreneurship. Why do you seem so opposed to this?* Do you believe in taxing the rich out of existence?* Don’t people have the right to take home the fruits of their labour withoutit being taken in tax?* You imply that poverty causes crime, but shouldn’t people always take responsibility for their own actions?* If competition is so bad, do you think competitive sport should be abolished?* How can society possibly function without leaders?* If the Socialist Party has no leaders, who are you to represent them?* If the working class runs society from top to bottom and is as clever as you say, why have they been rejecting socialism for over a century?"NB  Sorry about the line spacing – its been copied from another location and not too well.

    in reply to: Euroelections 2014: South East Region #99626

    Alan is right we must follow up these local successes and not lose momentum.  If we want to start organising activties/meetings in Oxford, Brighton or elsewhere that may mean coordinating groups of members to visit and taking advantage of the Summer weather conditions.I hope the Outreach Department could be meeting to discuss these results before the next EC and making some recommenations for activties that could kick off petty quickly.

    in reply to: Miners Strike: New Book #100154
    Brian wrote:
    I think 10 would be plenty.  Please send them to Geoff Williams the Swansea contact with the invoice.

    Hi BrianYour order has been despatched:The Strike Weapon Pamphlet 2013 Reprint10 copies @ £1 plus P&PInvoice sent with orderMany thanksYFSRobThe Socialist Party Kent & Sussex BranchBranch Treasurer – Robert Cox, Flat 4a Stanhope Road, Deal, CT14 6ABTelephone 07971

    in reply to: An SPGB (national one-way announcements) mailing list #96560

    Hi ComradesI want to say I have also been concerned about posts about other organisations events appearing on the events section of the forum, enough to have complained to the Internet Committee recently about one.I don't have a problem with letting comrades know about events where we have an opportunity to use such events as a forum to get our ideas or objections to leftists etc across.  The more opportunities the better.The problem is that if there is just a post that announces an event (say a SWP conference) with no qualification as why its on our events page, how can any casual visitor to our forum tell whether we are endorsing such an event or not?It has been pointed out that there is a disclaimer on Events that says we don't necessarily endorse all the content, but I don't think this is sufficient. "We" members may know what we mean but that's easy for us to work out, we can't expect all visitors to the site to be so discerning.Please if you have an event you think may be of interest to other Comrades just introduce it (for example: "Here is a opportunity for Socialists to sell/distribute literature to an audience who may be interested in our ideas and how they differ from the reformist and/or democratic centralists who are attempting to be their leaders").Regards

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