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  • in reply to: “Revolutionary Communist Party” name to be revived #248639

    So what will your little band of bruvvers (and two sistahs) do to retain your recruits, assuming you make any in the first place?
    Offer them a share of the £2.6 million which they can hopefully spend before it’s too late?

    Moderator, do we have to put up with endless crap? I don’t know what this troll is doing on the forum, anyway, given her views on where she imagines the SPGB is heading…

    in reply to: Spain – is its “democratic” constitution under threat? #248551

    The lurch to, not just the right, but the far right (if these terms have any meaning anymore) continues – not just in Spain but elsewhere in Europe. Geert Wilders has won the election in the Netherlands. The disease of nationalism has well and truly taken hold of the body politic. We are living in grim times.

    “Hungary’s nationalist prime minister on Wednesday congratulated Mr Wilders, saying the “winds of change are here”.

    “Congratulations to Geerts Wilders and the PVV for their spectacular performance in the legislative elections which confirms the growing attachment to the defence of national identities,” said French far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

    “It is because there are people who refuse to see the national torch extinguished that the hope for change remains alive in Europe,” she added.

    Spain’s far-right politician, Santiago Abascal, added: “More and more Europeans demand in the streets and at the polls that their nations, their borders and their rights be defended.”

    Matteo Salvini, the deputy prime minister of Italy, said, “a new Europe is possible”.

    in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #248506
    in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #248505

    Much much more interesting, an interview with Milei in the Economist (no firewall):

    An interesting interview indeed. You sense he is already preparing his excuses for any future developments that will not have turned out the way he might have wished for. Easy to dream up a wishlist of (supposedly) desirable reforms, much harder to put them into practice.

    I find the whole thing bizarre – an anarchocapitalist who defines the state as a criminal organisation and yet has just been elected to head this criminal organisation. Assuming he is sincere this has to be a first surely?

    in reply to: Labour Party facing bankruptcy #248475

    Does anybody know anything about this? I realise the so-called Labour Party will stoop to anything but even this seems a step too far ….

    It’s a bit dated mind you – Dec 2022 – but I came across it on Twitter

    “BREAKING: Free school meal eligibility should be performance-based according to a leaked Labour policy document. “We need to incentivise children from disadvantaged backgrounds to perform in school rather than reward poor results.””

    in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #248469

    I see the utter nutter won. Now let’s see how successful he is in introducing anarcho-capitalism in Argentina

    The anarcho-capitalists are gonna be sorely disappointed. This could well be the death knell of anarcho-capitalism as a cult. Ancaps used to gleefully point to Somalia as a practical example of Ancapistan working – a land of warlords, internecine conflict, al-Qaeda-linked or Isis-linked groups, and a thriving piracy sector. You dont hear much reference to Somalia from them these days

    In the case of Argentina, it will just be business as usual. Still, there is something deliciously surreal and ironic about an anarcho-capitalist (so-called) being in charge of the state machine when anarcho-capitalism is supposed to renounce statism altogether. I wouldn’t mind betting this guy will end up using the repressive powers of the state as forcefully as any of his predecessors and maybe even more so

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248443
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248438

    Once again we see yet more examples of the inexorable creep towards an authoritarian Big Brother state in the case of Britain. A deluded supporter of Hamas makes a speech a day after that organisation breaks through the Israel security fence on a murderous mission to kill Israelis and she describes this as an act of resistance. All this woman did was voice an opinion and however much you might disagree with the opinion, she did not murder anyone.

    Should she have the right to voice her opinion? Of course, she should. Just as one should equally have the right to oppose her. Any kind of censorship whether from the left or the right demonstrates an underlying contempt for the ability of working people to come to a conclusion themselves about what is being stated, the inference being that they need to be condescendingly protected from hearing such opinions by others, superior to them

    I would still like to know if, since the British state is going to arrest people who support a murderous organisation like Hamas, it is also going to arrest people who support the actions of the murderous Israeli state that has led to the mass murder of at least 4500 completely innocent children in Gaza so far. Perhaps the British state can start by rounding up culpable individuals like Messrs Sunak and Starmer and arraigning them before a judge in Westminster?

    The murder of children is happening not just in Gaza but in the West Bank too. It is absolutely sickening

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248423
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248422

    Alistair Crooke´s assessment of the situation:

    “Israeli popular sentiment — even amongst former liberals — is moving toward a Greater Nakba. Gaza is under Nakba pressures. So is the West Bank, as settler violence against Palestinians surges. Even a ‘liberal’ such as former opposition leader Lapid now agrees that ‘settlers’ in the occupied West Bank are not ‘settlers’ at all, since the land is but the ‘Biblical land of Israel’.
    Nakba ‘ambitions’ are widening to South Lebanon (up to the Litani River) too. The radical members of Netanyahu’s government say Israelis will never return to the kibbutz adjacent to Lebanon, without Hezbollah’s removal from the border area.

    So, the call is heard for “Israel” to ‘take’ Lebanon up to the Litani (a key water source) — and ‘serendipitously’ the Israeli air force has begun operating up to 40 kms inside Lebanon. Cabinet members now openly speak of the IOF needing to turn its attention to Hezbollah once Hamas has been ‘obliterated’.

    Plainly, the White House is struggling to avoid the slide towards full regional war, as both the Lebanese front and the Iraqi front heats up: On Sunday, Iraqi movements again fired missiles at the American base in Shaddadi.

    “Israel” is sensing the present crisis to be both an existential risk, but an ‘opportunity’ too – an opportunity to establish “Israel” across ‘its Biblical lands’ over the long term. There is no mistaking it — this is the direction of travel of Israeli popular sentiment, from both Left and Right wings, to bloody eschatology.”—nakba-doctrine

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248416

    Yes by all means we can call Hamas a “terrorist” organisation. But is the carpet bombing of Gaza not also a tactic of terror and is not the organisation behind it – the Israeli state – no less, therefore, a “terrorist organisation”? In the Big Brother state called Britain a teenager gets arrested by the Thought Police merely for posting something on social media in support of Hamas. Deluded though he may be all he is doing is expressing an opinion. Is the British regime now going to be consistent and arrest anyone who supports Israel’s actions in Gaza that have already led to the murder of 11,000 human beings including 4500 thousand children? I suspect not.

    And what about the deluded nationalists who support either Ukraine or Russia in that other war we hear about? Britain supports the authoritarian far-right Zelensky regime. Why does it not also proscribe the authoritarian far-right Putin regime as a terrorist organisation like Hamas? It makes you wonder….

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by robbo203.
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248393

    He has a long history of on-the-record condemnations of individual atrocities against civilians which give the illusion that he is a reasonable human being, yet continues to support or implicitly endorse the ideologies, movements and organisations responsible for the mass-murder of ordinary members of the working class.

    Corbyn has I´m afraid made a complete fool of himself over this issue. You can’t say Hamas is not a terrorist organisation and then say you “condemn the targeting of all civilian life. That includes the deplorable acts of terror by Hamas against Israeli civilians.” But at the end of the day, despite the reasonableness he projects, he is a nationalist and a supporter of capitalism. That will inevitably draw you into contradictory postures on the matter

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248357

    While Jezza isn’t an antisemite, Morgan is a tosspot of the first order, and the equivalent question should clearly also be being put to politicians defending Israeli terrorism, ‘Socialist’ Corbyn demonstrates once again what a contemptible anti-working class scumbag he is.

    Yes, I think Corbyn blew the opportunity to put clear water between his own views and any suggestion that he approved of what Hamas did. He could have just said “Yes Hamas is a terrorist organisation but so is the Israeli state” but he didn’t. It would have stopped Morgan in his tracks although, to be fair, the latter is an absolutely terrible interviewer who should never be allowed anywhere near a recording studio: he is just an opinionated loudmouth who doesn’t give anyone the opportunity to explain themselves.

    Corbyn has spoken out against Hamas, as a matter of fact. In a Twitter a day or so ago he said

    “I condemn the targeting of all civilian life. That includes the deplorable acts of terror by Hamas against Israeli civilians. And that includes acts of terror by the Israeli government against Palestinian civilians. More than 11,000 people in Gaza have been killed, almost half of whom are children. ”

    I can’t see the big deal about condemning Hamas as a terrorist organisation and one that was previously supported by the Netanyahu regime as a means of drawing Palestinian support away from the PLO. Perhaps he did not want to alienate some of his supporters who like him endorse the idea of Palestinian nationalism rather than take a working-class perspective on this matter

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248336


    But I didn’t suggest “the IDF killed the Israelis on 7/10”. All I said was that there is “growing evidence that a lot of those 1400 dead Israelis were actually killed by the IDF itself.” In other words, I agree completely with your assessment that “Hamas killed some guys and Israel killed some guys”. The people who are indulging in Qanon-type conspiracy theories are the kind of people who will swallow the lies served up by MSM about 40 babies being beheaded by Hamas without blinking twice.

    Of course, it goes without saying that my position is “a pox on both your houses” as far as both the Hamas terrorists and Israeli state terrorists are concerned. Nationalism of any kind disgusts me. Hamas was a creature of the Israeli state anyway – it was initially supported and funded by Netanyahu and his band of racist thugs as a counterweight to the PLO. Hamas uses Palestinian workers in the same way that the Zionists use Israeli workers. To hell with both of them but in the meanwhile, we have the absolute obscenity of thousands of innocent internees of the Gaza concentration camp being bombed out of existence while creeps like Sunak and Starmer witter on pathetically about “Israel having a right to self-defense”

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by robbo203.
    in reply to: Google search ranking #248333

    This is one of the reasons why SPEW is beating the SPGB in the search rankings for sure.


    In that case, why not put it down as “”? That will get ´em!

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