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  • in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #241513
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241379

    He is right, of course. The war is a war of inter-imperialist rivalries. All sides in this obscene capitalist conflict need to be firmly opposed. The sooner the better.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241348

    “I ignore Knobbo…”

    And one can well understand why TS. Your pathetic and infantile mode of arguing mimics the playground behavior of a school kid who runs around making taunting insults to anyone he takes a dislike to and never hanging around to hear the response.

    I have persistently pressed you to justify your claim that Ukraine is a “Nazi regime” with facts and figures but you have repeatedly declined to do so. It’s like you are running scared of any serious debate. There are Nazis on both sides of this conflict but that does not make either of these obnoxious authoritarian regimes, “Nazi”.

    And your blanket description of all Ukrainians as Nazis is precisely the kind of dumb generalisation you would expect a fascist in all but name like yourself to make. Dehumanize your fellow workers, all the better to turn them into “fertilizer” (your favourite word)

    You’re one sad and sorry excuse for a human being, aren’t you TS? – sitting there in the comfort of your armchair playing silly war games with other peoples` lives….

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241347

    “At the time they said it was Russia. Now they are revealing that the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline was organised by some Ukrainian oligarch. I wonder why they are revealing it now.”

    On this subject…

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241290

    “I didn’t want to be rude but how the hell would he know what the Nazi was thinking? The sick ideology of Bandera is the state religion of Ukraine. The Nazis there are real, armed and fanatical.

    Not all Germans were Nazis either. Therefore Germany wasn’t Nazi. Lol.”

    Except, of course, that Ukraine doesn’t claim to be a Nazi regime and many Ukrainians actually describe Russia as a fascist regime. That description of Russia has about as much credibility as Putin´s claim about “denazifying” Ukraine. It’s bullshit propaganda from a capitalist warlord trying to justify Russian imperialism by making unwarranted assertions that resonate with Russia´s historical experience of being invaded by Nazi Germany.

    I repeat again the point that has been made constantly here – if Ukraine is a Nazi regime then so is Russia, They are very similar in outlook and practice. Both are right-wing, authoritarian oligrachies. Both harbour actual Nazis and in Ukraine´s case the numbers are relatively small and insignificant. Insofar as Bandera is revered in Ukraine it is far more for his ultranationalism than for his fascism.

    In this article, it is argued that these small fascist-infested groups like the Azov regiment are being used by the Ukrainian state, not because it endorses the latter´s ideology but because it considers them useful to the cause of Ukrainian nationalism

    The Facts on ‘De-Nazifying’ Ukraine

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241271

    “Which will be soundly turned into fertilizer as Russia has a 10:1 artillery shell advantage.”

    Yeah and while you’re at it, why not throw old folk and children too into the pot/meat grinder/gas chamber or whatever other disgusting metaphor you want to employ? I guess they all make for good fertilizer in your eyes. This is the language of a sociopathic Nazi for whom war is just a game of strategy best viewed from the comfort of an armchair and for whom the lives of workers, deluded though they may be the mental disease of nationalism on both sides, count for nothing.

    Talking of Nazis, I can´t help but notice that “True Nazi” as BD calls this individual with good reason, has once again balked at answering my question. So once again, TS, how many actual Nazis do you reckon are on the Ukrainian side and how many are on the Russian side? Hard evidence would be appreciated….

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241263

    “It’s completely encircled. Mariuopol 2.0. How long you think the Nazis are gonna hold out?”

    Once again we see this assertion made by our resident Putin bootlicker. In what sense are the Ukrainian side all “Nazis” and the Russian side not at all? There are self-identifying Nazis on both sides but does that mean that every Ukrainian soldier holed up in Bahkmut is a “Nazi”? If so, where is the evidence? One could just as easily assert that Russian imperialism is driven by a Nazi-type ideology in all but name which is precisely what many pro-Ukrainian supporters are saying. They argue that Russia is actually a fascist state which on the face of it suggests that they themselves disassociate themselves from Nazi ideology.

    I suspect the vast majority of soldiers on both sides are not Nazis – just deluded nationalists like TS himself

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #241256
    in reply to: UN journal touts ‘The Benefits of World Hunger’ #241179

    There are historical precedents for this sort of talk…

    In the early 19th century, the Scottish merchant, Patrick Colquhoun, who
    set up the country’s first private “preventative” police force to
    deter incidents of theft among poorly paid dockworkers, declared:

    “Poverty is therefore a most necessary and indispensable
    ingredient in society…It is the source of wealth, since without
    poverty, there could be no labour; there could be no riches, no
    refinement, no comfort, and no benefit to those who may be
    possessed of wealth. (Patrick Colquhoun, 1806, A Treatise on
    Indigence, London)

    Another commentator, the Reverend Joseph Townsend, was
    even more brutally forthright on the matter

    [Direct] legal constraint [to labour] . . . is attended with too much
    trouble, violence, and noise, . . . whereas hunger is not only a
    peaceable, silent, unremitted pressure, but as the most natural
    motive to industry, it calls forth the most powerful exertions. . . . Hunger will tame the fiercest animals, it will teach decency and
    civility, obedience and subjugation to the most brutish, the most
    obstinate, and the most perverse. (Joseph Townsend, 1786, A
    Dissertation on the Poor Laws)

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240788

    “What percentage of Germans were Nazis? And what does it even matter? If you’re fighting for a Nazi state you are as guilty as the criminals ordering you to battle.”

    Ukraine no more claims to be a Nazi state than Russia does even though both sides have Nazis fighting for them and both claim the other side is Nazi. Given the remarkable similarity between these regimes if according to him Ukraine is a Nazi state then why is Russia also not a Nazi state in all but name?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240762

    “Ritter thinks Moscow will give Kiev one last chance to negotiate after Donbass is taken. If the offer is refused, it’ll be all the way to the Polish border.”


    …As one might expect of an imperialist capitalist regime like Russia even if its imperialism is not quite as geographically successful as NATO imperialism (which has recently expanded thanks in part to Russia´s own imperialistic annexations and militaristic interventions ….)

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240761

    Moreover, the Nazis in Kiev have fed most of their best troops into the battle there allowing Russia to proceed with its main mission of de-Nazifying and demilitarisaing Ukraine.

    Once again TS shows his idealist and distinctly non-materialist interpretation of the events unfolding in Ukraine by depicting it as some kind of epic struggle between Nazis and Anti-Nazi ideals. This notwithstanding the fact that there are very clearly self-identifying Nazis fighting on BOTH sides of this capitalist conflict and this notwithstanding the fact that the Russian and Ukrainian regimes are remarkably similar in outlook and practice – far right, authoritarian ultranationalistic and corrupt oligarchies. If Ukraine is a Nazi state then so too is Russia in all but name.

    On the question of idealism, I wonder if he endorses Putin´s quasi-mystical putrid nationalism and frankly homophobic sentiments in his recent rant against “western decadence”.

    I have still to get an answer from our resident Putin bootlicker regarding what proportion of the Ukrainian population does he consider to be Nazis 5%? 20% 70% What? It is curious that he is so reluctant to address this question. I wonder why….

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240707

    These two idiots grandstanding and calling for jets to be given to the Ukrainian regime. Expect more working-class lives to be lost in the stupid senseless capitalist war. Capitalism is truly a sociopathic disorder

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240700

    “Fighting Nazis is glorious work. Nazi “workers” are still Nazis. The lowest form of life. They’d happily put a bullet in the back of your head what with you being a professed “socialist”. Obviously, you’re not a socialist but you’re too dumb to figure that out and so are Nazis so bullet it would be. Lol”

    This is the kind of sentiment you would expect a Nazi to say. The only difference between our virulently anti-socialist troll for Russian imperialism and a Nazi lies in the label. He would happily put a bullet in the back of some Ukrainian worker at the behest of his beloved capitalist warlord, Putin, except for the fact that he evidently hasn’t got the balls to volunteer and enlist for the side fighting for Russian capitalism against the equally odious cause of Ukrainian capitalism. He is all mouth, our TS, and no trousers.

    This crass idealist thinks this war is being fought over ideals – Nazism versus anti-Nazism – but has yet to tell us what proportion of the Ukrainian population are Nazis in his opinion to justify his stance and, also, why it is that there are self-declared Nazis fighting on the side of Russian capitalism. Perhaps the thought of children and old folk buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Russian missiles must strike him as a “glorious” spectacle to behold. Personally, I think the views TS expresses are sick and disgusting. They betray a sociopathic anti-working-class view of the world.

    Yes, I know the Ukrainian side has done equally horrendous things – like the bombing of Donbas since 2014 with the loss of thousands of civilian lives – and I am no less critical of them. But two wrongs don’t make a right. At the root of all this is minds diseased by toxic nationalism and its Big Lie – that workers have a country to defend. The hell they do.

    War and warmongering turns all who advocate for it into de facto NAZIS – or Nazis in all but name – in their callous disregard for human life

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240516

    This is an interesting situation. If the Putin regime justifies its imperialist annexation of the Donbas etc on the grounds that the local inhabitants wanted it, how would it respond to an attempt by one part of Russia – in this case, Siberia – to secede from Moscow rule if a majority of the citizens of Siberia wanted it? Surely, it would be a clear case of double standards if it refused them the right to do so?

    I don’t know how serious is this drive toward “Siberian independence” and it is of little consequence or interest, anyway. All nationalism is a load of utter claptrap whether it is Ukrainian nationalism or Russian nationalism or British nationalism. But it is significant – is it not? – that in Russia´s case, these independence referendums are not binding, “and may be illegal under a law against challenging Russia’s “territorial integrity”. ” What does that tell you?

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