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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #241765

    And the Waffen SS were just “fellow workers”? Clown.


    “Clown” yourself. They are sadly deluded fellow workers just like you. And you share the same ideology as them. You’re a warmongering fascist. Using fascist methods of dealing with opponents like “turning them into fertilizer”, for example, only reproduces and reinforces a fascist outlook. Pretty obvious in your case….

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241759

    TS – “Did you not say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” when referring to the CIA? We both know you did say that”


    I don’t recall Alan ever suggesting that the CIA was “our friend”. The idea is preposterous. [ABUSE DELETED BY MODERATOR]

    It is hilarious that this individual should now be striving to take the moral high ground in suggesting that he does not wish for Ukraine to be turned into a “radioactive hell-hole”. Yet he has no moral scruples whatsoever about wanting to turn fellow workers into “fertilizer” in the cause of promoting Russian capitalism´s interests as opposed to the interests of Ukrainian capitalism.

    BD is spot on. These truly are the sentiments of a true nazi. What does it matter that the instrument of mass murder is conventional warfare or nuclear warfare? Mass murder is mass murder and this is what TS clearly endorses with his sick warmongering and putrid nationalism.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241750

    “Britain to turn Ukraine into radioactive hell-hole.”


    Unlike the antisocialist warmonger, TS, who endorses the idea of turning fellow workers into “fertiliser”, I obviously oppose the deployment of weapons of any kind on both sides of this conflict. But the above claim does seem to be a hyperbole. Yes, a nuclear bomb would turn Ukraine into a radioactive hell-hole but DU tank-piercing shells??? Sure they are radioactive but how radioactive are they? You can’t really compare them with the impact of a nuclear missile

    Here´s a quote:

    “The UK confirmed it would provide Kyiv the armour-piercing rounds alongside Challenger 2 tanks – but insisted they have a low risk of radiation.

    Depleted uranium “is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons”, the MoD said.

    “The British Army has used depleted uranium in its armour piercing shells for decades,” the statement added.

    “Russia knows this, but is deliberately trying to disinform. Independent research by scientists from groups such as the Royal Society has assessed that any impact to personal health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions is likely to be low.”

    Former British Army tank commander – and chemical weapons expert – Col Hamish de Breton-Gordon, said Mr Putin’s comments were “classic disinformation”.

    He said depleted uranium rounds used by Challenger 2 tanks contained only trace elements of depleted uranium.

    He added it was “laughable” to suggest depleted uranium rounds were in any way linked to nuclear weapons, which uses enriched uranium.

    Depleted uranium is what is left over after natural uranium has been enriched, either for weapons-making or for reactor fuel.

    It is mildly radioactive in its solid form. But it is a very heavy substance, 1.7 times denser than lead, and it is used to harden rounds so that they can penetrate armour and steel.

    When a weapon made with a depleted uranium tip or core strikes a solid object, like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it and then erupts in a burning cloud of vapour.

    The vapour settles as dust, which is poisonous and also weakly radioactive.”

    The article also goes on to say:

    “A 2022 UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report said depleted uranium was an environmental concern in Ukraine.

    “Depleted uranium and toxic substances in common explosives can cause skin irritation, kidney failure and increase the risks of cancer,” it said.

    “The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is considered a more significant issue than the possible impacts of its radioactivity,” it added.”

    Perhaps TS is confusing Toxicity with radioactivity?

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #241725

    More good news on the cost of living front. My energy bill for the month ending 22 March 2023 would have come to a staggering £307.72 had it not been for government handouts which some of you would rather hand back.


    From where did you get this daft idea, Lizzie, that we socialists would rather “hand back” government handouts on principle than accept them? For all your acid comments about the SPGB you don’t seem to know much about us, do you?

    Honestly, you sound more like a Tory praising the actions of the Tory government. Do you really think these are going to make much difference to your way of life and standard of living as an exploited proletarian?

    in reply to: Glenn Beck and the SPGB #241719

    Is there any possibility of a video debate with this guy?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241705

    Deleted for repeating the original abuse

    You support the war and the alleged war aims of the Russian capitalist state. It seems hypocritical in the extreme for you to now protest that you don’t like the consequences that this war will bring. Even more so since you have gleefully and triumphantly used such disgusting dehumanizing expressions as turning people into “fertilizer”.

    If you don’t like the consequences of war then don’t support war. It’s as simple as that. Socialists vigorously oppose both sides in this obscene conflict between rival capitalist blocs. At least we cannot be accused of hypocrisy and humbug, ridicule us as you might.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241701

    This post from True Scotsman was deleted due to contravening Rule 7 of the forum guidelines

    Good. About time too. This individual seems to have no conception of how to debate without viciously insulting his opponent. We all use colorful language but TS crosses the line

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241677

    “Britain to turn Ukraine into radioactive hell-hole.”

    The UK regime is just as bad as the Russian regime or the Ukrainian regime in its callous disregard for working-class lives

    in reply to: Biden is President #241676

    “The election of Joe Biden has proven that the problem was not Donald Trump, the problem is capitalism”

    Absolutely correct. I wonder where that Trot, who was urging people on this forum to support Biden as the so-called Lesser Evil during the US elections, has disappeared to? Too embarrassed to stick his head above the parapet, I guess. It will be the same with anyone urging us to vote for Starmer in the UK. When is the hard lesson gonna sink in? Supporting the lesser evil only paves the way for the greater evil.

    in reply to: Another Bank in Crisis? #241670
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241568

    I don’t know, because it’s a reflection of reality. You know, that thing that’s going on around you? Having only a half dozen brain cells I’m sure the significance of such a thing escapes you.

    lol. For someone who has the nerve to insult other people about having “Having only a half dozen brain cells” – Lizzie where is your self-righteous condemnation of TS and his “repetitive abuse” or is it only the SPGB you’ve got it in for?” – you sure know to miss the point, don’t you?

    What I was questioning the relevance of was academic debates about precisely how many combatants on either side of this stupid capitalist war have been killed when the real issue should be how to stop this pointless slaughter from the standpoint of the working class.

    You are never going to get an accurate picture anyway. The Ukrainian capitalist state lies. The Russian capitalist state lies. And so too do their respective supporters.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by robbo203.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241563

    When mainstream American media is finally admitting 100,000 dead Ukrainian troops, you know the real number is double that. So come on you bunch of dumb fucks, tell me how wrong I am about casualty figures!

    How is that relevant to what socialists are talking about, eh? You obviously support the death cult that is capitalism but socialists look upon the obscenity of modern warfare and the mass murder of thousands of workers from a completely different standpoint. Not a single drop of working-class blood is worth shedding for the cause of capitalism, let alone the blood of 100,000 workers or whatever the actual figure is that you armchair military strategists like to debate about…

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241559

    “TS has certainly been the butt of repetitive abuse”

    “Pot” and “kettle” are the words that spring to mind there in his – and your- case. And why, anyway, are you jumping to the defense of an authoritarian nationalist supporter of a capitalist warlord and one who gleefully talks of turning fellow workers into “fertilizer”? Are you of like mind perhaps?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241551

    “Yeah, that hadn’t escaped my attention TS ”

    lol. You’re not very attentive then. A certain supporter of Russian capitalism here has been the butt of some excellent humour – and rightly so – in case you hadn’t noticed

    in reply to: Another Bank in Crisis? #241539

    An article by Michael Hudson I came across. He reckons “The crashes of Silvergate, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and the related bank insolvencies are much more serious than the 2008-09 crash”. We shall see how things turn out…

    Why the Bank Crisis isn’t Over

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