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  • in reply to: Eastern versus Western imperialism #242546

    Quite an interesting breakdown of the global geopolitical scene (and terminology) though the author seems to be more biased in favour of the BRICS imperialist bloc than the G7 imperialist bloc….

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242545

    Thanks to this obscene inter-capitalist war, military spending has reached an all-time high. More waste to add to the waste of destroyed lives and destroyed infrastructure…

    “After Russia invaded Ukraine, several European countries announced increases to coming military budgets. The war is likely to accelerate an ongoing upward trend in global military spending; in April, SIPRI estimated global military spending to reach $2.1 trillion in 2021, an all-time high.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242541

    Why is this individual still posting here? I thought his account had been suspended because of his repeated trolling

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242526

    Because I contend that the so-called absolutely reprehensible behaviour of TS is essentially no different to the abuse levelled against her by others on this forum.


    Yes, but the difference is that while you have no difficulty in pompously condemning the behaviour of socialists on this forum you feel quite at ease condoning the behaviour and taking the side, of this troll. Then you have the nerve to call us “hypocrites”! For what? For wanting to ensure that discussion on this forum is carried on in the manner and for the purpose intended – political debate not exchanging personal insults. Are you telling me you have some problem with this?

    At any rate since the forum seems to temporarily lack a moderator, something needs to be done to stop this rot. It is not going to just disappear of its own accord

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242520

    And your response is to censor someone whose views you don’t like which in itself is a complete abuse of the democratic principle.

    Fucking hypocrites!


    What absolute balderdash!

    You are obviously clueless about what the purpose of a democratic forum is. It does not exist for the purpose of freely exchanging degrading personal insults. It exists for the purpose of debating political ideas. The rules clearly state no trolling is allowed. That is a very reasonable stipulation. It was put there for a purpose and in joining this forum you agreed to abide by it. If you do not like it you are welcome to sod off.

    From the start, this individual – TS – has shown himself to be an inveterate troll. His presence here has been malevolent and disruptive in the extreme. I would have no objection to him promoting his pro-Russian capitalist viewpoint in a way that did not constantly insult other users of this forum. But sadly that has not been the case.

    You have the nerve to call others here hypocrites but I cannot help but notice your complete silence when it comes to rebuking TS for his absolutely reprehensible behaviour. Why is that Lissie45?

    Enough is enough. The whole atmosphere of this forum has been spoilt by the actions of this individual – TS. It is precisely for sake of democratic principles that something now needs to be done about this….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by robbo203.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by robbo203.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242512

    “Poland’s government said Saturday that it has decided to temporarily prohibit grain and other food imports from Ukraine as it seeks to soothe the rising anger of Polish farmers, who say they are losing huge amounts of money to a glut of Ukrainian grain on the market.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242511

    “Please don’t feed the troll”

    We have a problem though in that at the moment – correct me if I am wrong – the forum seems to be temporarily, without a moderator. This particular individual who is at the centre of the problem, TS, is very clearly a troll with no interest in serious debate only in insulting people whose views he doesn’t like which is a complete abuse of this democratic facility.

    Such troll-like behavior is not permitted in terms of the rules of this forum. Strictly speaking, he should have been suspended from this forum ages ago but this hasn´t been done. So what are we to do? The situation as it currently stands is intolerable.

    in reply to: Eastern versus Western imperialism #242508

    More on the geopolitical re-alignment taking place between rival imperialisms within our global capitalist system

    “Saudi Arabia and Iran’s surprise agreement to put aside their explosive rivalry has raised hopes of resolving conflicts from Yemen and Syria, to Iraq and Lebanon.”

    in reply to: Eastern versus Western imperialism #242347
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242346

    “8% of Russians are not patriots That’s a pleasing, and surprisingly high number.”

    Absolutely. Nationalism or patriotism (its the same thing really) is a mental disease. It is THE ideology of capitalism par excellance. It is the means by which the capitalist owning class divides and rules over the global working class. The less nationalistic people are the better the prospects for workers – and humanity in general

    As the Communist Manifesto says “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got.”

    in reply to: ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles #242329

    “You have to hand it to capitalism, it’s managed to negotiate (in a less than smooth way) technological innovation from the first primitive steam engines right up to these AI gizmos (and beyond?).”

    That´s an anthropomorphism, though. “Capitalism” doesn’t do anything. It’s basically just a set of rules. It’s flesh-and-blood people that innovate and produce things. The question is whether they would be better off with this particular set of rules or without it.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by robbo203.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242328

    7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    Is this some kind of joke? If you want to get rid of the trolling get rid of the source of the problem and we all know who that is don’t we? But at least you’ve shown your true colours as a hypocrite by selectively excluding that person´s constant trolling from your feeble attempt at a joke…

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #242317
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242316

    Still think NATO isn’t being demilitarised? Don’t answer that, you’re all too stupid to think for yourselves. If the Guardian ain’t saying it it ain’t happening, am I right? Lol

    Nobody here gives a stuff what you think, TS, or perhaps you are too stupid not to have twigged that yet. We don’t give stuff which side is “winning” or which is being “demilitarized”. Apart from the arms manufacturers and the coffin makers, perhaps, nobody wins in a war – least of all the working class who have been dragooned into fighting on one or other side of this capitalist conflict between two rival imperialist blocs on the made-up pretexts that are fighting “Ukrainian fascism” or, alternatively, “Russian fascism” (as many Ukrainians see it).

    So you can stick your sick sociopathic pro-nationalist pro-capitalist views somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine as far as I am concerned and crawl back under whatever rock you came from….

    in reply to: ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles #242310

    Interesting comparison….

    “We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4,” the scientists wrote. “If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.”

    Musk and others fear the destructive potential of AI, that an all-powerful “artificial general intelligence” could have profound dangers for humanity.

    But their demand for a six-month ban on developing more advanced AI models has been met with scepticism. Yann LeCun, the top AI expert at Facebook-parent company Meta, compared the attempt to the Catholic church trying to ban the printing press.

    “Imagine what could happen if the commoners get access to books,” he said on Twitter.”

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