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  • in reply to: Marx and Automation #128331
    Marcos wrote:
    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
    Marcos wrote:
    Antoher good article would be: The Myth of the Transitional Society.  Socialism would be a wageless society

     @Marcos,If everybody paid at the cash register a price that was wage normalized, than would that not be a wageless society in that everyone effectively has the same buying power regardliess of their wage? P.s. thank you for your adamant insistence than SPGB does not endorse or promote anything ever.  I agree with you that the transition from capitalism to socialism must come from a revolutionary rabble rising up from within capitalism in order to be accepted by capitalism. Perhaps there is more wisdom from your words than I at first understood.  Please feel free to reply with your standard "this has nothing to do with socialism and is just trolling" response. 

    Today I have some free time and I am going to answer to your distortion. I did not say what you have said here, it is a pure lie. The word rabble means mob, or anarchy, or probably you are confusing the expression Anarchism with Anarchy. I do not support any transitional society programme. I do not make that kind of mistake, I know what I want, and I know what I am looking for, I did not grow up in DisneylandYou can take your cash register to a grocery store, but it would not be needed in a socialist society. You have been here for several years and you have not learned anything yet. Do you need a political exorcism?This article explains the myth of the transitional society   The real transitional society is capitalismI know the content of this article by heart because I have translated in three languages already, therefore what you have said is not true

     I did not mean to provoke argument or indeed walk into a shitstorm but I do believe the real transitional society IS capitalism.  We cannot sustain a world built on the idea of contunuous growth, with finite resources. Socialism will prevail, sooner or later.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128257
    Marcos wrote:
    It was Iacoca idea and the Chrysler Corp.  it is not a Marxian conception. The consequences were obvious within the Chrysler corporations, the workers got nothing, just defeat,  and the capitalist got everything. Now, it is the idea of the supporters of the so called Coop which is just a reformist idea to run capitalism within  capitalism. Taxation is an issue which does not concern to the working class, taxes are paid by the capitalist class, it is only a fallacy that has been created in order to make workers believe that they are financing the state, and that idea has created many divisions among the working class. The state is financed with surplus value. Instead of lowing the tax it should be increased. Read our article named as The myth of taxation.Read also an article written by SOYMB which shows that Putin is one of the richest man of Europe, a member of the Russian capitalist class, now he is being proclaimed by the left as the saviour of mankind, he is just the president of another empire looking for world domination like the USA and the European powers

    Thanks I will check those articles.I get what you are saying on the company / robotic shares concept. I thought socialism was viewed as a transition between capitalism and communism – that by giving workers more security, profit share and power it would be a marxist view (even though its a reform within capitalism) as it is a progressive step forward.I do understand marxist view is not correllated with capitalism but i'm intrigued by how the transition would happen. I have some reading to do it seems.Putin is undoubtedly the richest man on earth, he will have many havens and friends stashing it away. He now knows AI is the next step for world domination and like the space race, i fear it will be a competition. How anyone could hail him as a saviour is beyond reason.Cheers for the info.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128256

    Thank you for the welcome gnome, and for the link, will read up before next post with questions 

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128253

    Newbie here.I found this site after reading Putin's recent comment on AI & robotics. The concept of automation taking over human jobs and robots trained for war being in the hands of the 1% and dictators – is now a real and existential threat. I'm watching the news and despairing daily over the 'apocalyptic' state of the world, under the oppression of capitalism.Being fairly new to the ideology of marxism, socialism and communism and trying to understand the pro's and cons, but from what i've read it aligns with the majority of my own opinions of societal issues and possible solutions.Q: Is it a marxist idea for working class people to own a small share of the companies they work for, or have a share in the robots and the democracy surrounding their use? Will automation and robot companies be taxed sufficiently and is UBI inevitable?So many questions. A revolution of some description needs to happen, and soon IMO.

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