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  • in reply to: Peter Joseph Interview on Russia Today Oct 29th #86711

    Right. I check this channel out all the time. I don’t know what to think of it. What do youse think? Cheers R

    in reply to: Peter Joseph Interview on Russia Today Oct 29th #86708

    What channel’s that?

    in reply to: WSM Forum #87148

    I think the WSM forum should be scrapped. I find it insular and outdated as a mode of communicative technology…it’s a 12 year old system and that’s a mighty long time in terms of the age and development of the Internet. If this new forum is turned into the GLOBAL forum for the entire movement (a la TZM site) that way everyone can come on here. Why divide things? Cheers Ray

    in reply to: Password system is doing my head in. #87186

    Cheers! Have just got around to doing this! Cheers Ray

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86389

    This is one of the problems with this mode of communication…however vital it is to the dissemination and discussion of socialist propaganda. Can’t you guy’s down at Clapham High Street set up a WSM  teamspeak account? That would be interesting!  

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86374

    Does it matter if some are christians? I mean will religion be a major impediment on the road to the establishment of socialism in the future? I don’t think so.  I know that at 5pm every day there is an interfaith service at the New York site. I actually think this is a good thing. All you can do is humour these people because waiting around for the whole world to become athiest is crazy. I think in the long term it will be to the protestors advantage to include these idiots. To alienate them would be a mistake. 

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86367

    Also may I say something else? Most of the comments on here about this occupy issue are totally at odds with this month’s truly excellent article in the Standard. I mean what does that mean? Btw despite all my criticisms I still think the party is fuckin excellent and the Standard is about the finest piece of available literature in the history of the world…it’s just a shame that so many members attitudes are at variance with this… Fuck I have a real cheek saying this and i’m not even a member anymore! Forgive me but I can’t help it. I’m stuck…in between the WSM, TZM and now Occupy Wall Street. I see faults…and great things in all of them!

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86366

    Btw I keep saying “us” “ours” and “we” as if I am still a member even though I left the party in 1998! I am still a Socialist and impervious to eveything else even though I’m no longer a member…

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86365

    Look I apologise for being a pure asshole earlier. I am frustrated but somehow I am confident that the Occupy protestors are so clever and resourceful that they may possibly come to the same conclusions as us without even ever hearing of us. i mean let’s face it what is the likelihood of the party ever gaining a major foothold in the public consciousness? I wish to fuck it was happening for the party but it ain’t. (Yet?)  I mean the way things are going down on this forum with this bickering (which could be a microcosm of the position of the party at large?) then what chance have we got of influencing anyone? The party is like rumpole of the bailey whilst the protestors are blasting away like buzz lightyear. Normally I could never even entertain the idea of how workers could come towards a truly post capitalist understanding without the SPGB…but now I don’t know so much. I mean is this possible? Normally I think “how the fuck will workers ever acheive anything beyond trades unions consciousness without the SPGB” but now I am beginning to think that through a process of logical elimination they may come very close…on their own anyway? Are they working things out for themselves…despite our existence? I mean is this possible? Is it even a possibility that the WSM will be swept away in the hurly burly…and that World Socialism/RBE/Post Capitalism/Whatever It’s Called will be established anyway? Am I talking pure shite here? 

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86341

    Oh why do I even bother my fuckin arse with this kind of attitude!

    in reply to: The ‘Occupy’ movement #86339

    I think all of you must read this…http://www.nycga.net/resources/declaration/
    They are evolving. That is all. This phenomenon isn’t going to whither away because Capitalism is becoming ever more grim.  I think the party should set up a department/task force to address this issue because this is going to get bigger and bigger and they need help. The kind of assistance that only the SPGB can give. We cannot pooh pooh this. Please tell me what you think.

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