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Pathetic. Couldn't watch any more of it. Just a celebrity in awe of another celebrity.
OzymandiasParticipantSurely here he was referring to Russia etc. His remark about Christianity is dodgy as fuck though.
OzymandiasParticipantAch well. It was just a thought. I know Brand is basically a reformist and his meeting with Miliband is proof positive. Brand never goes far enough and from what I've read it looks as if Miliband swayed him. Fuckin hell! I guess the whole world and his dog will be sniffing about to get on his show. I just don't know how the party will ever get out of its quagmire of obscurity. It's a fuckin shame.
OzymandiasParticipantCouldn't the party get an interview on "The Trews"?
OzymandiasParticipantWell I might have set the ball rolling with the Kliman thing. In a similar vein wouldn't it be an idea to do a video of a party member being interview by this taxi driver guy in his cab?. Could you contact him and angle it as opportunity to give him the party case as well as an opportunity to speak about real democracy and comment about the farce of the election. I watched him interviewing Brand and both of them seem desperate for answers.
OzymandiasParticipantWho are these Cristicuffs guys? Are they like Anti Capitalists or TZM minded?
OzymandiasParticipantRecently some poor guy in Telford succeeded in throwing himself to his death because of the encouraging shouts of "Jump", "Get on with it" and "How far can you bounce?" from a crowd of "Workers" below him. Some of these fuckin cretins were filming this horror on their smartphones then uploading it onto "social media" for a laugh. This isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened. Well the smartphone phenomenon is making our glorious "working class" anything but smart. Let's face it they were a shower of stupid bastards before all of this…now made even more stupid with the emergence of this technology. They are more addicted, more myopic, more desensitised and more detached as a consequence. This is what you are dealing with now. The masters are turning them all into DRONES! You only have to look at the kids. World Socialism? That'll be right…FORGET IT!
OzymandiasParticipantUch ah wiz only kiddin ye on ya bam!
OzymandiasParticipantrodshaw wrote:Any film that acknowledges the distinction between proper socialism and what we are generally told is socialism/communism, and can present socialism clearly and convincingly as highly desirable. Not in some sci-fi film set in the distant future, but in a realistic fiction set in the present. In short, a film that makes people say, "We can have that now and we want it!"But we are never going to see a film like that are we? You can sneer all you want smart arse. As it happens I watched "Snowpiercer" the other day and I thought it was excellent. I recommend it to any party member. I can understand why the Capitalist Harvey Weinstein demanded 20 minutes of cuts then strangled any general release of this movie. It is too thought provoking and incendiary. The train as depicted in the film is obviously an allegory of Capitalism. Maybe workers would relate to a movie set in the future. Sadly the prospect of the 99% ever waking up in our lifetimes is truly the stuff of Science Fiction fantasy.
OzymandiasParticipantA couple of years ago a Sci Fi movie by the name of "Snowpiercer" was made but it failed to get any kind of general release despite it's starry cast. It concerns the class struggle on board a futuristic nuclear train. I have an illegal download copy on DVD which I haven't watched yet. I guess it might come to the same lame conclusions as "Elysium" which was released a couple of years ago.
OzymandiasParticipantI share your sense of foreboding Socialist Punk. A great many of these "squaddies" are impoverished dullards who have already been brutalised in childhood even before they start learning how to be killers. This article exposes what happens to these murderers when they come back home. Apart from the deeply entrenched ultra nationalism inherent in military culture the fact is that we as depending on these people to join the class war when a large proportion of them are fucking psycho's whether Sergeant Major, lowly private or Brigadier General. And the global arsenal they've got behind them! It's terrifying. I think a bloodless revolution would be a total miracle. It could end up being a very dangerous situation indeed…if we ever actually get there of course. Fuck I'm being a pessimist again. Canny help it. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/oct/18/collateral-damage-ex-soldiers-living-with-ptsdI just hope this link works. Can't seem to cut and paste properly for this forum from my iPhone.
OzymandiasParticipantIf this review is anything to go by then it looks as if Brand's new book is going to be mostly a lot of mixed up irrelevant shite. Apparently Brand's revolutionary ethos stems from the 12 Steps of the AA cult! I've got a ticket for his Guardian Live event for next Thursday but I'm preparing to be disappointed. That same sinking feeling when I watched Naomi Klein totally missing the point at her own Guardian Live event. I get the feeling that even if Brand read a Standard, the case would either go over his head or he would repudiate it on grounds of it being outdated or something. I guess he has opened up the debate about revolution but for all of his flowery verbiage the guy is politically inarticulate. How could he not be I guess? At least the guy is trying I suppose. Christ I sound so patronising! What the fuck do I know? Haha http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/oct/17/revolution-russell-brand-review-political-manifesto
OzymandiasParticipantI'm sorry but I just had to remove most of that last post. Cannot believe what I'd written. Talk about compulsive disclosure! What is wrong with me. Sorry folks!
OzymandiasParticipantI doubt Zizek would pass the knowledge test what with all his rambling I've just read from the GuardIan Webchat. He pisses me off as much as Naomi Klein, Michael Moore, David Harvey, Richard D Wolff, Chomsky, Peter Joseph and all the rest of them. By contrast I recently watched Richard Headicar's devastating talk on how Labour came to gift us the Atom bomb. This guy could blow any of these muddled charlatans out of the water. Philosophers my arse.
OzymandiasParticipantPasted not payed damn it!