northern light
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northern light
ParticipantI did say that my belief was personal and private, but I have entered the “arena of debate,” so I feel obliged to answer Hollyhead’s questions.
I had the usual exposure to the Christian faith in my childhood, and accepted without question that I was a Christian.
It was not till I was in my late teens/ early twenties and I saw a photograph in a magazine, of a dehydrated African baby, face covered by flies, and too far gone to search for non-existant milk, from his mother’s empty breast, that I realised that the Christian God of Love, was a mythe.
So now I would have been an atheist, if it was not for a couple of paranormal experiences I had, which led me to question spirituality, and ultimately, the existence of a Creator
Unable to come up with any rational scientific explanation for these events, I was left with no alternative, but to accept the belief in spiirit,so probibly a Creator. So what is The Creator ?
Does IT have consious thought?……….. I don’t know
Is IT awair of us? ………… I don’t know.
Does IT interact with humans? ……… probibly not.
Has IT spoken to me?………… certainly not
I believe the Creator is the sum total of all that is the Universe, the Sun, you, me, your mother-in-law, everything came from the singularity that created the Big Bang.
That is my belief, in a nut-shell. I am probibly wrong, but at this time in my life, the jigsaw pieces fit.
These views have no influence on my political, or social beliefs, in fact, I never knew anyone who shared my vision of the sort of society I desired, till one day, while waiting to ascend from the coal-mine where I worked, I heard a man talking politics. He was taking on all-comers, and winning hands down. I had never heard anyone talk like this. He believed in what I believed in. The next day, I sought this man out, and asked what I believed were pretty tricky questions. Of course he was able to answer them This man’s name was Bobby Gleghorn. Me and Bobby became very good friends, and we spent many an hour talking shop. I still miss my friend.northern light
Participantthanks for your input robbo203, and your support. I am going back as far as 1981, things might have changed somewhat, now.