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  • in reply to: July 2018 Socialist Standard #133107

    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    in reply to: What really is SNLT? #130762

    Reminder: 6. Do not make repeated postings of the same or similar messages to the same thread, or to multiple threads or forums (‘cross-posting’). Do not make multiple postings within a thread that could be consolidated into a single post (‘serial posting’). Do not post an excessive number of threads, posts, or private messages within a limited period of time (‘flooding’).

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128730

    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    in reply to: Pathfinders: The Opposite of Binary Oppositions #133031

    Reminder: 14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules. 15. Queries or appeals relating to particular moderation decisions should be sent directly to the moderators by private message. Do not post such messages to the forum. You must continue to abide by the moderators’ decisions pending the outcome of your appeal.

    in reply to: Pathfinders: The Opposite of Binary Oppositions #133029

    1st warning: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    LBird wrote:
    Wez wrote:
    I realize that this is a waste of time (and off subject) but this 'might' be of interest to L Bird as it tells the story of the divergence between science and the bourgeoisie. More often than not these days science confronts bourgeois ideology rather than supports it:

    Wez, there are many, many philosophers and physicists who have criticised 'science'. The problem for 'materialists', is that these criticisms are aimed squarely at this bourgeois materialism. That is, the form of 'science' that these criticisms embody is derided as 'idealism' by the materialists.We never get to discussing these conflicting ideologies of 'science', simply because 'materialists' claim not to have an 'ideology', but that they are simply reflecting 'Reality', a reflection that does not require pre-existing ideas.This 'materialism' is opposed to Marx, who quite clearly argued for the method of 'theory and practice'. Thus, discussions about 'theory' and its implementation within 'practice' are central to any 'science' which is useful to the whole of humanity.The 'materialists' oppose Marx, by arguing for the bourgeois conservative method of 'practice and theory', within which 'blindly doing stuff' supposedly produces 'ideas'.If you want to discuss 'science', Wez, all well and good. But tell me your ideology of science, if it's not Marx's 'theory and practice', and a 'democratic  socialist' method.As I've said, if you're a 'materialist', you're espousing an ideology that pre-dates Marx, and which Marx replaced with 'theory and practice'.'Science' is a socio-historical human activity, which changes over time and with mode of production. It's not a 'universal, asocial, ahistorical method'. And it embodies 'power' relationships. Unless we democratically control our 'science', it will be controlled by an elite.If you're happy with elite control of 'science', how do you reconcile this with democratic socialism? 'Materialism' cannot reconcile its 'elite science' done by 'Specialists', with the necessity within democratic socialism for the 'Generalists' to be in political control.

    in reply to: Pathfinders: The Opposite of Binary Oppositions #133022

    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128716

    This user is placed on an indefinite suspension:  7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages. 

    MBellemare wrote:
    No..this is a hate-group…you truly are haters. At least, most of you, minus alan and Steve San fran., the rest of you are closer to fascism and stalinism, you are a hate-group and hate differences. You see no value in different points of views. Everyone must conform to your myopic ideology. This is the literal definition of a hate-group, hence, why there are no women on here. I want no part of this any longer, this all male hate-group
    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128715
    MBellemare wrote:
    Dear Moderator1…please delete my SPGB account and anything tied to this account…ASAP! Consider this a formal request for account deletion.  

    In order to have your account deleted you need to formally approach the Admin who will deal with your request.  However, I need to inform and warn you that by taking this drastic action all your past posts then appear has 'Anonymous' on the forum.  Which effectively deprives you of ownership of those posts should you wish to mention them or refer to them in any publication or on any other social medium/platform as the author.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128698
    MBellemare wrote:
    Most of you on this thread are FASCISTS, and truly ignorant, bitter morons, bemoaning the fact that you have amounted to absolutely nothing, or published anything of any value! I am please that like the chicken shits that you all are, I do not know your real names, arm-chair marxists. And I have answered all your queries…but you refuse to accept the answers. So from now on, every time you hear someone laughing, note that it is me laughing, laughing at a bunch of anonymous losers and spineless cowards, lost in the confines of 19th century failures.SPGB is the honorable term for fascism, a collection pool for idiots.Fuck YOu ALL!!!Anarchism, Now! Anarchism Forever! 

    3rd and final warning: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.Any further breach of the rules within the next 30 days entails an indefinite suspension for this user.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128690
    Bijou Drains wrote:
    MBellemare wrote:
        Bijiou, you are a narrow-minded, conservative, out-of-date, block-head. The article you have read….is a slanderous one and is full of lies. It was orchestrated by those, who hate those that can make a living with their art and their writing. Nothing more can be said. The paper did print a retraction, months later.     Bijiou, hiding behind a moniker, like a frightened little boy.   

    I am so glad the paper printed a retraction, I couldn't believe that what the article implies would actually apply to you, i.e. that you are a attention seeking self publicist of very little talent. You would never have got that impression from the well thought out contributions you have made to this site. Funnily enough I have looked through the archive and cannot find the retraction you mentioned, be a sweetheart and post a link for me, I'm also surprised that they left the original article on line, you should have a word with them and get them to take the "slanderous(sic) article" off their site. If it is still up there people might get the impression that it is true, heaven forbid.p.s I'm still hoping you are going to explain how tariffs fit into your concept that prices can be set without reference to value.Anyway must sign off, pass on my regards to Alan, Wayne, Merill, Jay, Marie and of course not forgetting Little Jimmy, and keeping those "Crazy Horses" smoking up the sky.

    1st warning: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128689
    MBellemare wrote:
        Bijiou, you are a narrow-minded, conservative, out-of-date, block-head. The article you have read….is a slanderous one and is full of lies. It was orchestrated by those, who hate those that can make a living with their art and their writing. Nothing more can be said. The paper did print a retraction, months later.     Bijiou, hiding behind a moniker, like a frightened little boy.   

    2nd warning: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128673

    1st warning: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts. 

    MBellemare wrote:
    It all depends on whose standards and criteria one is judging by, Robbo203.  You and SPGB certainly do not have a monopoly on what actually constitutes twaddle and what actually constitutes verity. No matter what you think ROBBO203, the post-modernists were right on at least one count. There is no longer a universal criteria by which to judge once and for all. And if you believe otherwise, and I think you do, Robbo203,  then, most certainly by my limited criteria called: structural-anarchism, you are a throw-back to a bye-gone Enlightenment era.  An ancient time, when people still believed in God and the sanctity of sacred texts.  Hey…I am just speaking from the future, for better or for worst, ole'timer. Anarchism Now! Anarchism Forever!
    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128671

    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    in reply to: Marx and Automation #128658

    Reminder: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    in reply to: A New Slave Trade #132995
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Oh, i remembered a related blog-post on the disregard for footballers health and safety

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