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No Milk Today – Hermann’s Hermits
As one person observed, the lead singer looks like Jack & Bobby Kennedy’s British cousin.
MooParticipantGet it Right Next Time – Gerry Rafferty
Coincidentally, this is a United Artists record and today is the 105th anniversary of the founding of that company.
MooParticipant“‘3 sons of Hamas’ billionaire Terror Leader have been killed in an Israeli airstrike.'”
It’s easy to forget that Hamas isn’t a grass-roots organisation, but is led my millionaires & billionaires.
It’s easy to see the bias in that Times of Israel report; for example: use of the words – eliminated’ & ‘taken out’ – instead of ‘killed’.
MooParticipantThe article you shared, ALB, was half-enlightening & half-bewildering.
It was enlightening because it showed that the Six-Day War was a proxy war between the major ‘power blocks’ in the world. But it was bewildering because weren’t some of the countries that have been at war with Israel also allied with the West?
This quote from the article is precedent:
‘One thing that is sure is that the Middle East’s unhappy history of tension and conflict will continue. So will the hypocrisy with which it is all supported. In the recent war, for example, all the big powers expressed their regret at the opening of hostilities, conveniently ignoring the fact that it was their arms shipments which had made the whole thing possible.’
MooParticipantIt’s Different for Girls – Joe Jackson
MooParticipantIf the WSM is right in saying that all wars are waged for economic reasons, then what were the economic reasons for the Arab-Israeli War (1948) & the Six-Day War (1967)?*
*I haven’t included the October War (1973) because Egypt wanted to re-take the Sinai Peninsula in that conflict.
MooParticipantLove the One You’re with – Stephen Stills
MooParticipantInside Biden’s Head: A Parody of Inside Out
This video is funny but worrying at the same time (because Biden clearly does have dementia).
EDIT: The link I posted doesn’t work, but the video can be found by searching ‘Inside Biden’ on
- This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Moo.
MooParticipantBook of Days (Far & Away) – Enya
MooParticipantI bought a wardrobe made by Motown Records, but sent it back because it could only fit four tops.
MooParticipantA polite reminder that this thread is for great songs that are barely ever played on the radio, and not songs that are socialistic (there’s another thread for that). Though there’s nothing wrong with posting a socialistic song if you think it fits the above criteria.
MooParticipantA great SS article, titled: ‘Israel – Another Capitalist State’ by Steve Coleman:
MooParticipantWe talk about Palestine, however, Palestine doesn’t really exist; the West Bank is a settler-colony, while the Gaza Strip is the Palestinian equivalent of a Native American Indian reservation.
MooParticipantFrom the March ’84 Socialist Standard article: Transition Period to Socialism?:-
‘The further development of capitalism did eventually create the material basis for world socialist society, as Engels recognised in 1891 when, in contrast to what he said in 1847 about the impossibility of establishing socialism then “at one stroke”, he now spoke in terms of socialism being possible “perhaps after a short transition period”. In the same introduction to the republication of Marx’s 1847 talk on Wage Labour and Capital Engels referred to the technological developments of his day and wrote of the productivity of human labour increasing “day by day to an extent previously unheard of”.
‘Engels was writing in the middle of a period which had been called the second industrial revolution which saw the invention and application to industry and production of the electric motor and the internal combustion engine. These and other technological advances showed that it had become possible to produce enough to eliminate want throughout the world and to satisfy people’s needs, as Engels put it, “in ever-increasing fullness”. At the same time the imperialist expansion of the European powers into the other continents meant that capitalism had come to embrace the whole world in its system. Then in 1914 came the aptly-named first world war which marked the clear emergence of capitalism as the unchallenged and predominating world system.
‘From this time on world socialism could have been established at any time, without society passing first through a period of state capitalist development of the means of production. The means of production had become sufficiently developed for society to pass directly from capitalism to socialism, once the political conditions for the establishment of socialism were fulfilled.’
MooParticipantThis is similar to what you’re writing about Bijou Drains: it’s from the booklet – ‘Questions of the Day’ (’78 edition), under the title – ‘Socialism and the less developed countries’:
“In view of the fact that the bulk of the world’s wealth is produced in the capitalist parts, we can say that capitalism is the predominant social system in the world today.
“The Socialist Party of Great Britain rejects the suggestion that the workers must wait for capitalist production to predominate everywhere [which it has done by now] before trying to establish Socialism. A socialist society has been possible for many years now, for as many in fact as its industrial basis has existed. As soon as the workers of the world want to, they can establish the common ownership of the means of production and distribution and bring planned production to meet human needs.
“To sum up, we can say that the less developed countries might present Socialism with a few problems, but they do not constitute a barrier to the immediate establishment of Socialism as a world system. Nationalism and colonial independence are not matters that ought to concern workers. Everywhere, in the less advanced as well as the more advanced countries, the workers should be striving for Socialism.”
- This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Moo.