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  • in reply to: SPGB T-Shirts #122409

    Internet services available to the Party from our internal FAQ:What services does the Internet Committee provide to committees and departments within the Party?

    in reply to: Missing Posts #110396

    Excellent!  Very please to hear this.  Cheers for the assist!- Mark

    in reply to: website slow? #101352
    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I am having probleme when saving a message. Very slow, resulting in duplicate posts,

     Hi Vin,Just looked at the load on the server and it's very low indeed:  about 5.8% CPU and roughly 25% RAM memory.The SPGB site has heavy database use (MySQL) which I've also looked at.  The last 24 hours shows no slow database access.Internet Educational Section:Few Internet users are aware of how many potential areas a problem may occur in.  Am including this as general knowledge which, hopefully, will assist in deciding if I'm simply putting you off by saying 'all is good on our end' or if there could be a problem not under our control.The Internet is a vast array of independent individuals, hardware and software.  The intent is they work together.  Generally they do, but if one bit fails or is slow, it can cause a slowdown or complete failure.For example when using the SPGB website here's an overview of what needs to function in order for you to read the site and post messages:Under our control:Internet Server (the actual computer/s with associated hardware .. just like your computer at home.)Not under our control:- The connection from your computer via your ISP to the exchange where your ISP connects you to the Internet (including associated hardware and software)- All the 'hops' from request once your ISP sends it out over the Internet.  (Your ISP, generally, looses control after this point as well. (Again, of course, this includes all associated hardware and software with each hop from node to node.)Anyone can see the route their request to a website takes before it actually reaches the web server (web site).  The process is called a 'TraceRoute'.  Here's a traceroute from my computer at home to our server at    Hostname1    mark-desktop.local2    ldn-bb1-link.telia.net14    adm-bb3-link.telia.net15    adm-b3-link.telia.net16    hlm1-bfr1-as1299.tilaa.net17    ams1-bfr2-v1038.tilaa.net18    ams1-cr2-v1036.tilaa.net19    ams1-pod6-vc6-v1050.tilaa.netThe last hop is the WSM webserver.So anywhere along these 19 hops, there can be an error or downtime.  The Internet protocol will attempt to route around failures, but this can cause time-outs.So in answer to your question, after reviewing the last 24 hours data from our server I am unable to see anything that indicates a problem on our end.If you would like to run a traceroute from your computer (perhaps to verify this one part of the Internet), just do a search for 'traceroute'.Hope this was more helpful than confusing.  :)– Mark

    in reply to: website slow? #101348
    gnome wrote:
    With respect none of this information explains why it has taken over two years (April 2012) […]

    Nor was it intended to. 

    in reply to: website slow? #101350
    gnome wrote:
    This issue will be discussed again by the EC this coming Saturday and hopefully some decisive action will finally be taken.  Among the various submissions made to the EC is a personal email from myself.

    I'd sent the following emails after Gnome's inquiry.  The information remains the same with the only difference being that a couple of us have been using most of our free time to move to a more powerful and flexible server.Do keep in mind that transferring of our Internet server is far more than our website.Website – Socialist Party CanadaWebsite – World Socialist Party of CanadaEmail server configurationHarden email server securityEmail accounts (including transferring of mail boxes on old server to the new one)DNS configurationSecondary DNS configurationAutomate server backupsCreate/test ftp accountsVerify our URL tracking works properly on the new server.Install a web based URL shortener w/tracking so committees can manage it themselves in future.Verify security of the SPGB website (includes this forum, of course)Create a number of databases used the server (one of which is this forum) …Create, log and track users & passwords (securely).  Securely distributing this information to those needing database access.This is what immediately comes to mind; no doubt there is more.Then everything has to be tested.  Configuration edits need to be re-tested.Here's the email correspondence for everyone's reference.  Note we have new SSD (solid state hard drives) on the new server and can increase CPU cores as needed.  This is done on the fly.

    Original Message

    Subject:     FIXED: 404 Error for homepage & Euroelection URLDate:     Tue, 13 May 2014 12:59:28 +0100From:     Mark Lansbury <xxx@zzz>To:     Gnome <xxx@zzz>Hello,    OK, I investigated this further and corrected the problem.  Seeattached graphic.    Someone (Dreamhost 'support'?) renamed a critical directory: directory.    It's explained in the screen capture, attached.    If anyone has questions, let me know.  Be advised I shall be outsideworking and likely not see email until later tonight.- Mark=====    Gnome replied to the above message.  Here is my reply to Gnome which includes his comment to the above email:On 14/05/14 18:46, Gnome  wrote:> What's the latest on the website?  It doesn't appear to be any better despite you best endeavours..    Not sure which aspects are not any 'better'.  What I did had nothing to do with web server performance.  All I did was ensure the web server was configured properly.    Sometime yesterday afternoon (GMT) Dreamhost changed back my correction which resulted in much of the website returning a 404.  Yesterday afternoon I, again, corrected the problem with a little low tech twist which I hope will keep them from effectively disabling    The overall problem is with Dreamhost.  I've made a suggestion of a hosting suggestion based on my experience of what I moved my Internet server.  It's less than half the expense of Dreamhost and far more powerful.  Plus the company and physical servers are located in the Netherlands.    The Internet Committee (of which I'm not currently a member of) is voting via email on the switch.  Waiting for a majority which I expect will be returned.    Once this is done I shall arrange payment to be made with xxx xxx.  My plan is to set aside a day to set-up the Party's new server from scratch (only a Debian OS is initially installed).  A plan is in place to bring our Internet services (web, email, etc) back to usable levels as quickly as possible.  For example the first service to brought up live will be the website.    Wish I had a time frame to provide but whatever I estimate will most likely be inaccurate.  I shall be doing the coordinating and admin work with DJP checking the Drupal (website) side of the website.  I've only very limited experience of Drupal and that was some years ago.    In any event the new server will be a good performance improvement with us being able to add RAM (32 GB max) and CPUs to reach a level of performance that works.  There is also the ability to link several servers together, but I seriously doubt the need for that at any point in future.    So, as best you can, hang in there.  There will be a move.  The website will be more responsive.- Mark=====

    in reply to: Diaspora #96548
    jondwhite wrote:
    So its more like wordpress?

    No.  Neither the software called 'WordPress' or the service ( which hosts WordPress sites/blogs.Can discuss Diaspora features, but so much more can be gained from glancing at the overview at or simply open an account at any pod from the list found here:

    in reply to: Diaspora #96546
    jondwhite wrote:
    I think the flaw is one central server becoming popular then modifying it to become incompatible with other accounts not held on that server.

    There is no 'one central server'. If a Diaspora node changes software so it's no longer part of the Diaspora network, it stops being a Diaspora node.See 'What is Diaspora' at:

    in reply to: Bring back the pamphlet! #90671

    Expanding the distribution of the ePamphlet is a good idea.o Minimal costo Potential for wide distributionI've seen a good deal of interst for free eBooks and, therefore, I suspect ePamphlets will also go over well.  My wife and I have a tiny used book website and we've started to add free eBooks.  So far we've added two of Marx's pamphlets as free downloads/reads ('Wage, Labour & Capital' and 'Wages, Price & Profit') both of which are the most actively viewed on the humble, little site.  Plan to add more as time permits.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87599
    Ed wrote:
    If I’m still around I’d like to get involved with this in whatever way I can.

    Very good.  I shall contact you with details once there is a date decided upon.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87596
    robbo203 wrote:
    On subject matter why dont you guys get together with Paddy who started up SP projects – – but which has kind of died a death by the look of things.  A great pity methinks.The first supplement for the SS was supposed to be a 2 page supplement  for the SS on primitive communism.  Maybe it could be transferred over to an AV format.  Just thinking aloud

    Good idea.  Just followed the link and discovered the group is private (of course) but there seems to be no way to contact the admin to become a member.Could be that I find the Yahoo forum format rather odd and I’m just missing it.  I am able to assess the spannounce easily, however.  Any ideas on gaining access.   Will PM you with email address if you would be willing to pass it along to Paddy.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87593
    gnome wrote:
    Your offer to provide helpful, technical tuition is gratefully appreciated.  However, as has been said before there have to be folk ready and prepared to learn these skills.

    Agreed.  I’ve no expectations around participation levels as each individual usually has their own area(s) of interest and ability.  I believe there are a few who are willing to spend some time receiving some tips, perhaps even followed by some practice.  If there were only 2 or maybe 3 who picked up some skills that will make the Party’s productions more widely accessible, it’s a good start.

    gnome wrote:
    On separate but related issues we have to acknowledge there is a serious paucity of members with the necessary technical know-how that’s absolutely indispensable to the running of an organisation such as ours in the 21st century.  We really cannot expect the same few handful of individuals to constantly come up with the goodies.  Whether it’s the production of the Socialist Standard, the running and maintenance of the website, using the film and sound facilities at HO, updating the slide presentation on the shop front TV monitor or simply making full use of the internet with all its potential diversity we find ourselves seriously lacking when it comes to finding new people to take over the reins.

    Ah, a familiar experience!    Something that seems to be a challenge in most, if not all, organizations which require volunteers.  Can’t help but wonder if the root cause of the volunteer shortage is us (working class) spending so much of our day working to accumulate wealth solely to benefit the parasitic elite. BTW, here is another style of information/educational video.  This is also a very realistic type of production we could do.  In the words of the guy who shot the video:”I made this clip just for fun trying my hands on yet another stop-motion video technique. Put in 5 hrs of creativity. Shoot, edit and cut on my iPod.”View the video here.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87591
    gnome wrote:
    Posted on behalf of Stair                                                                                                                                                                                                                           As to what is “desired”. Perhaps there could be some face to face dialogue to do with this at Conference. There’s already a proposition within which various ideas of “this” kind can be discussed there. I would suggest that that would be a good place to hear our own (if any) ideas and other folks views not on the Department. I think it would also be productive to have a Department meeting/brainstorm at Conference too which hopefully could be announced so as to enable other interested Party members to attend. So, no for the 18th (in my opinion) but work on being prepared for a future date beyond Conference to work on constructive realisable proposals. Maybe we can incorporate various bits of training/insights into a future meeting too?”

    These sound like outstanding ideas that can have a tremendously positive impact with regards to future productions.  I’d make it a point to attend at least one day and possibly both Conference days to participate in those discussions/meetings/brainstorming.Also it would be my pleasure to come up with a brief, and hopefully helpful, technical tips/training if there is interest in doing so.  I expect something less than 30 minutes would be both helpful and somewhat interesting.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87589

        I believe there is a good amount of value in a short, regular news/commentary video (or audio) production.  By regular I’m thinking at least monthly.  As it’s difficult to get members physically together in one place, at one time the work-flow could be something like this: A group of writers/researchers connected online (email/forum/mailing list/group work software) which:Selects topicsDrafts script for each topicGraphics/mediaSubmit and/or locate graphics, photos or video for each topic.Submit text for any on screen graphics (such as for lower thirds).Finalize the sequence of topics/stories and send to show’s producer/coordinator.Technical group receives information from writers/researchers and …Creates custom graphics from text provided.Obtains photos, audio and/or video suggested by writers/researchers.Sends located media back to writers/researchers for approval or feedback.Producer take all information (scripts, media) into a single shoot script for production group.Which graphics go with which topics/stories, for example.ProductionTech(s) physically prepare the shoot location (quiet room at HO?).Determine camera shots to use. (for regular show this will be a fairly standard series of angles)Dress set (table, chairs, props, backdrop/background/blue screen)AudioLightingCameraTalent arriveTalent has reviewed and read script. (A cold reading is painful to shoot and watch.)Review how the shoot will proceed.Shoot the show. 

    in reply to: If you thought SOPA and PIPA were bad… #87658

    There is a petition against ACTA which I heard of on Diaspora.

    in reply to: Thoughts: Education & Promotion #87588
    gnome wrote:
    DJP wrote:
    So is weekend of 18th Feb good with people?

    It appears that that HO is ‘free’ that weekend.  i.e. no meetings or anything else taking place there.

    My feeling is that the 18 Feb is too early because, to the best of my knowledge, a decision hasn’t  been made as to if this will be an audio or video production.  In order to make something with a sound/look that is closer to what the average person is used to experiencing, one honestly does need to spend a fair amount of time before the actual production.  There is a rather cheeky website that provides a brief overview of what needs to be done before shooting/recording takes place as well as during production and post. Professor Monkey’s Tips It may feel like overkill, however from personal experience not preparing prior to a shoot results in frustration and an end result that disappointing.My experience is in the area of production and post (audio, visual and theatre).  Once I’m aware of what the production and goals will be, I’m able to offer ideas for how to get the project completed.The idea of FAQs was made.  Another thought could is to create ‘audio pamphlets’ from the existing pamphlets.  My question is what can we create to connect with people in a manner that is comfortable for those not informed and educated about socialism? 

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