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ParticipantThose leftists who fell for the phony “lesser evil” argument are now going to find their credibility much diminished once they start whining about the very regime that they had urged us to vote for!
If you think Trump is better than Biden or even equal to Biden, then you haven’t been paying attention over the last 4 years.
Btw, change comes inch by inch, not by revolution, by plucking the capitalist bird one feather at a time. Sometimes it’s two steps forward, one step back. We just had 4 steps back with the orange menace.
ParticipantWanna-be fascist leader Trump has now told his brown shirt stooges that he has no plans to concede even if the path to victory is blocked. Those claiming that Trump represents labour are fascists trying to portray themselves as socialists.
ParticipantThe wanna-be fascist dictator and some of his fascist supporters are doing everything they can to thwart the election. In parts of the US, trump’s brown shirts are trying to stop the vote counters from counting votes where Biden is expected to win by a small margin in areas where the menace is currently in the lead. Funny how these stooges don’t do it at polls where Biden is in the lead, claiming vote rigging.
ParticipantThere was no claim that Stalin was a socialist.
We were pointing out the impossibility of socialism in Russia in 1918,
Alan, not I, was making that claim, if you followed what was said.
Btw, there is nothing arrogant about education. But there are those who pretend to be educated and are not.
ParticipantHilarious logic: Don’t sound the alarm, don’t cry wolf until it happens! It would be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that many like yourself said the same thing about the monsters of history during their time and so many had to suffer as a result. Do you recall who was Time’s man of the year in 1938?
Those who fail to learn from history …
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
ParticipantWe were pointing out the impossibility of socialism in Russia in 1918
Only a fascist would think that Russia was an example of socialism under Stalin.
In the 1930’s you were urging against Hitler and then supporting pacts with him.
You’re contradicting yourself. If Stalin was a socialist as you claim, then why would he sign the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact to split up Poland with fascist Germany?
Btw, I think you mean opposing and not “urging against”. I’ve never heard of such a phrase. How far did you get in school again?
ParticipantAnd, LT, you do recall the story of the boy who shouted fire, don’t you?
“Lock them up, all of them” is a false alarm? Mass rallies are a false alarm? Leader cult is a false alarm? Lost golden age syndrome is a false alarm? (The) “media is the enemy” is a false alarm? Outlawing speech critical of the leader is a false alarm? Deportation is a false alarm? Purging anyone suspected of insufficient devotion to the leader and surrounding themselves with sycophants is a false alarm? Theatrics is a false alarm? Lying constantly and propaganda is a false alarm? Corruption is a false alarm? Suppression of public protests is a false alarm? Sabotaging the election is a false alarm? Cozy relationships with strong men, monsters and dictators while despising democratic leaders is a false alarm? And on and on. What more do you need? Nothing, b/c you’re completely naive and ignorant.
Participant“Don’t worry. It’s not going to happen” ALB
The naive said the same thing about Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Franco, …
ParticipantAmericans will wake up on the morning of November 4 in dismay when they are told by Trump that he has won the election or that the election results are null and void as a result of the meddling of democrats. This is the beginning of the fascist coup, the over all GOP plan which was 4 years in the making. Trump will be in the WH for four more years unless people take to the streets en mass and shut down the economy completely. The coup leaders and their financiers and accomplices will need to be rounded up and charged with sedition and treason.
ParticipantFascism, and more precisely, corporatocracy, is the ugly off-spring of capitalism. Most, if not all of the attributes of corporatocracy are present in the US, if you cared to go through each one as I mentioned, even a one party state. After all, the Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally the same. Wall Street will not tolerate any challenge to their rule with a socialist or communist party running.
You define fascism as “… these corporations should be represented in a decision-making body as an alternative to a parliament elected by universal suffrage.” Huh? Do you not realize that government legislation in the US is completely controlled and written by corporate lobbyists? They have monopolistic powers. The US is well beyond what you are saying. You’re a victim of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, caught up in the shadows, images and stage craft of the show but not realizing what is happening. But if that’s how you define fascism, you could argue that Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were not fascist.
Btw, Trotsky knew, like the rest of the soon-to-be council of people’s commissars of the RSFSR, that gaining power (the coup) and more importantly holding power would be impossible without a temporary dictatorship of the proletariat. If you read any of the works of Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov and studied some Russian history, you would understand the challenges the councils faced, challenges like insurrections that lasted right up to the mid 1930’s throughout Russia.
Participant” … he is drawn to fascist symptoms …”, Chomsky. The only thing between a declared state of fascism and a hidden state of fascism is the lack of public acceptance of it. No US president would utter the word, despite the fact that the US is a fascist state. Even Hitler knew it.
Btw, I didn’t know that concentration camps were a condition of fascism? Where did you get that from? Had you actually read Chomsky or studied Latin America, you would realized that fascism comes in many forms. But since you mentioned it, does “lock her up” or most recently “lock them all up” mean anything to you?
Fyi, fascism has a number of attributes: intense nationalism; scapegoating and fearmongering; law and order rhetoric; corporate ownership of the economy, politics and the media; dismantling of labour unions; election manipulation; secret trade agreements; gross inequality and the loss of the middle class; militarized police, high levels of incarceration, etc. How far did you get in school again?
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
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Participant@ALB “Enlighten me, please, on why the USA is fascist.”
Marxists and progressive thinkers from Dr. R. Wolff to Chomsky have classified the USA as fascist, or to put it more accurately, neofascist.
Participant@ ALB … we know that Biden is no socialist, far from it. Call him what you want … Trump light, a Romney clone etc. But that is not the issue.
What do I suggest to face down this fascist coup? The only thing we can do, as others have said, and that is to organize and withhold our labour. That means doing everything we can to shut down the economy with a nationwide strike. And a million man march, if not more, on the WH.
Btw, if you don’t think that the USA is fascist, you haven’t a clue what fascism means.
Participant@ ALB … future wealth, not present wealth, has been transferred to the present corporate class. That debt will have to be repaid by labour, not the corporate class, in the future.
The nature of government loans and debt has changed drastically since the bailout of 2008, circa 1930’s bailout. Regardless of the mechanisms employed, we are still borrowing on ourselves with the profit accruing to the corporate class. But today, the corporate class no longer ponies up their own capital to buy government bonds. Instead, the US government prints money – quantitative easing – and gives this to the capitalist who then uses this future capital to profit, whether it’s in the form of purchasing those government bonds or investing in private corporations. It’s economic cannibalism: it eats itself.
Inflation is not a problem as long as there is no demand, which is the case today and the result of what Marx was referring to when he wrote on declining profit. You will not have inflation when there is no demand, and you will not have demand when there is no money in the pockets of labour. We have been governed by what is called supply side economics. So when a government declares bankruptcy, the capitalist loses nothing b/c he has nothing invested of his own.
Btw, the US can become bankrupt as easily as the next country. Countless powers of the past, large and small, thought the same thing, that they would never face bankruptcy until it happened. And when it happens, the labour class is saddled with the fallout.
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ParticipantSome of you can’t see the forest for the trees. Analyzing the early votes is largely a waste of time. In the end, Trump will declare the election null and void on some spurious grounds and send the decision to the Republican held SCOTUS who will uphold Trump’s allegations, whatever they may be. Instead of wasting your time with early voting discussions, use your time wisely and productively by planning for what actions you will take to face down the fascist coup.
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by