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  • in reply to: American election #209167

    They want to see the working class suffer more than they already are.  In other words, take what little they have and let them starve and die.”  – Trotsky

    A starving working class would not be able to produce the same amount of profits as a better fed one. Nor would it provide fit enough recruits to serve in the armed forces. -ALB.

    Whoosh … right over your head.  You missed the point.  Your ideas hurt the working class, my ideas help the working class.  Continue living in your bubble, rejecting the reality working class families have to face every day.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LeonTrotsky.
    in reply to: American election #209164

    mass spoiled ballots and abstention helped bring down the government.  – young master

    This is the kind of bile and lies we get from these fascists on here.  The government of Argentina resigned in 2001 after thousands took to the streets of the capital to protest at the government’s handling of the country’s worsening economic crisis, protests that lasted for over a year.  The collapse of the Argentinian government in 2001 had nothing to do with voting.


    in reply to: American election #209152

    Only the fascists want the ACA struck down.  And there are many on this site.  They want to see the working class suffer more than they already are.  In other words, take what little they have and let them starve and die.  We need to prove our point, say these champagne socialists, that the greater evil is better than the lesser evil.

    in reply to: American election #209150

    I did: Argentina. You ignored it. But it did happen. – young master

    How so?


    in reply to: American election #209137

    Alan – I don’t understand why you are even talking about Biden.  After all, if people listened to you and threw away their ballot, which is exactly what the fascists want, b/c a socialist isn’t on the ballot, Trump would be in power.  Do you realize that there are people in this world who have put their life on the line just for the right to vote?  And you childishly cast away your ballot?   How juvenile can you be.

    You’re living in a bubble, like QAnon, not in reality.  You couldn’t care less if people have to suffer more than they are already suffering.  How callous can you be?

    Ignoring questions is proof that you haven’t a leg to stand on.  And since you are not a participant in the election by your own choice, you haven’t a right criticize the outcome of it.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LeonTrotsky.
    in reply to: American election #209127

    I don’t think that Trump or the Republicans want to abolish subsidised health care in the US or scrap so-called Obamacare completely.

    Yes they do, but they can’t get away with it.  If you’ve been following the events in the US over the last 4 years you would have known this.  Every time the issue of scrapping ACA comes up, the Rep. face stiff public opposition and back down. Why?  Because ACA is better than nothing, which is exactly what you and the GOP want.


    But rather than campaign for bigger crumbs they would be better advised to campaign for the whole bakery (and the fields where the wheat is grown, etc). That way there can be a completely free health service and one not subject to capitalist tax-saving considerations and pressures.

    How rich of you privileged folk to tell the people to suffer without health care and wait for the big day when it suddenly arrives all at once.  Please provide an example of where this approach has worked.  I know you won’t, b/c no such example exists.


    in reply to: American election #209125

    So are you proposing that Sanders and AOC should stop demanding M4A and that they should not be exposing how Bidencare falls short.

    Red herring.  You’re off topic again.  The issue is not Sanders/AOC vs Biden.  The issue is Trump vs Biden.  Nice try though, trumper.  You and a few others always give the excuse to not vote b/c Biden is the “lesser evil”, he is a “cop-out”.  Tell that to all the Americans who lost loved ones b/c they didn’t have health care before ACA or had to declare bankruptcy as a result of medical bills.  How shameful and despicable can you be?

    Every argument you pose effectively says that we should let trump win by not voting b/c he is the greater evil, that the people should suffer b/c a socialist isn’t on the ballot.  Utter lunacy.

    Btw, you still haven’t presented any case or example of where forfeiting your vote has changed something, b/c you can’t, trumper.



    in reply to: American election #209118

    You’ve got to love the latest argument from these pseudo socialists: scrap ObamaCare b/c it had nothing to offer.  How rich, coming from privileged folks who don’t rely on it.

    The ACA is not perfect, but everyone benefits from ObamaCare in one way or another.

    Many Americans who did not have coverage before the law got access to quality affordable health insurance through either the federal marketplace, their State’s health insurance marketplace, or the expansion of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) starting in 2014.

    Then, starting in 2016, the employer mandate expanded access to work-based coverage to full-time workers who weren’t already offered health benefits. That didn’t mean there was 100% coverage, but that did mean that everyone had access in theory under the law (in practice many states rejected Medicaid expansion and so millions went without coverage).

    Meanwhile, for the Americans who already had health insurance, the benefits, rights, and protections offered under their current plan generally increased (and in some cases they got access to cost assistance too).

    Today, 9 in 10 Americans have health insurance, thanks to the ACA.  39 million Obamacare and Medicare beneficiaries have access to a series of preventive medical services for free.  After the ACA was passed, health care prices rose at the slowest rate in 50 years.  129 million US citizens suffer from a pre-existing health condition, for which they could have been denied coverage before the ACA.  Before the ACA policy was enacted, preventive medical services like flu shots, birth control, or yearly medical check-ups were not universally provided by insurance companies. Yearly check-ups and other preventive measures are a huge coup, granted their essentially in ensuring that life-threatening conditions are caught early, thus improving survival rates.

    Before the ACA over 60% of bankruptcies in the U.S. were medical-related and almost 3/4 went bankrupt despite having insurance. By 2014 the elimination of both lifetime and annual limits protected Americans from going bankrupt by allowing them to continue treatment as long as they need it, not just until their dollar limit was reached.

    Obama’s initial proposal included universal health care, but congress rejected this proposal, preferring one based on America’s health insurance model.  So how is this Obama’s fault?  I’d also like to know how many here would still have health care if the ACA was cancelled.


    in reply to: American election #209097

    Those not celebrating any kind of victory are the same ones who deny tens of millions of Americans health care, if trump was re-elected, while enjoying health care themselves.  How selfish can they be?  How socialist is that?

    in reply to: American election #209034

    There is no contradiction in what I said at all LT


    in reply to: American election #209032

    Nobody has suggested not voting.- robbo

    If there is no socialist on the ballot, dont vote or spoil your ballot. – robbo Nov. 6, 2020 @ 11:04 pm

    in reply to: American election #209029

    Being the lesser evil is still no excuse for voting for Biden if that is what he is.

    You have yet to show me how not voting changes things.  Please provide an example anywhere in the world.  I’m waiting.

    in reply to: American election #209028

    capitalism is in charge all over the world

    No it’s not.  In fact, most economies are mixed – market and public.  In fact, there are many countries in Europe that have high concentrations of public sector ownership and democratic control with socialist and sometimes communist leaders in power for decades, such as Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Greece, Spain and Portugal.  And blaming capitalism for everything you don’t like is juvenile.

    Furthermore, your idea of not voting is an act of consent and fascist, whether you realize it or not.  Just look at the results.  Nowhere in the world has non-voters changed anything.  Countries with high voter turn-out often have socialist and communist candidates on the ballot.

    in reply to: American election #209023

    The pseudo-socialists on here would have preferred another 4 years of Trump.

    in reply to: American election #209022

    You must be quite elated now. Your guy is now the 46th President of USA.

    Elated that Trump wasn’t re-elected.  You still don’t get it.  Your idealism is blinding you, trumper.


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