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  • in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216735

    alanjjohnstone wrote: “For the record, can you suggest any political party, contemporary or historical, that has been more democratic than ourselves? Likewise, can you provide an example of a socialist party exemplifying socialism more than we do?

    Is this the question you were referring to, alan?

    1. You’re not a ‘democratic party’. Every time I ask by who (and how) is ‘truth’ created, you don’t answer ‘humanity’ by ‘democracy’. You favour the social production of ‘truth’ by an elite of ‘specialists’. Youse write this stuff, it’s not an allegation by me.

    2. You’re not a ‘socialist party’. ‘Socialism’ can only be ‘democratic socialism’ (see 1.), and can only be produced by the self-emancipation of the proletariat, not by an ‘elite’ or by ‘biological individuals’. Socialism means all social production is democratic, including our science.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216731

    ALB wrote: “...Marx was of course wrong…”

    ALB’s now quoting bourgeois encyclopaedias to prove Marx was wrong! LOL!

    Sorry, a materialist is quoting objective sources, which were nothing to do with bourgeois social production.

    alan, this is pretty sorry stuff, to be aligning yourself with – ALB the Leninist, who favours bourgeois thinking over Marx, and robbo, who’s got his own personal connection to the ‘object’.

    Where’s the self-emancipation of the proletariat, amongst all this bourgeois ‘objective science’?

    I’ll stick to quoting the Socialist Standard! You couldn’t make this up!

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216726

    Yeah, ALB, ‘Generatio aequivoca’ means ‘self-emancipation’.

    Every quote you make from Marx, or even the Socialist Standard, undermines your anti-democratic Leninist Materialism.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216723

    ALB wrote: “He too thinks the world has been created, only he calls the creator “Social Mind” rather than “God”.”

    Don’t you feel ashamed of your Leninist-like lying about your opponent’s politics and philosophy?

    Marx argued that active, conscious, humanity was the creator.

    You can only read ‘social mind’ because you want, just like Lenin, to portray your opponent as an ‘idealist’.

    robbo – try and read some philosophy, especially Marx’s.

    alan, Wez, Matt – don’t you think that it’s odd that it’s me quoting the Socialist Standard, and you’re all arguing against it?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by LBird.
    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216693

    ALB, perhaps the best way to explain this to you is to say ‘mind’ is like ‘value’.

    They are both social products, not made up of ‘matter’, not touchable by an individual, but involve social relationships, which we can change.

    ‘Value’ in not in a physical good, just like ‘mind’ is not in a brain.

    ‘Value’ will never be ‘found’ inside a ‘good’, just like ‘mind’ will never be ‘found’ in a brain. Only the bourgeoisie insist that ‘value/mind’ are ‘inside something tangible’.

    If you can’t get to grips with this, you can’t understand Marx.

    Mind is a social product, not inside a wet organ.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216692

    alanjjohnstone wrote: “LBird. i think i have made my position clear. As i said, i don’t really find any of this debate fruitful because i don’t believe it convinces people to become socialist nor is necessarily needed to be a socialist.

    You may believe it is crucial…”

    Yes, I do think that ‘it is crucial’.

    As an example, ALB is currently arguing that ‘mind’ is ‘individual’, which undermines Marx’s theories, which concern social production.

    I think democratic socialism involves social production, so if we don’t thrash this out, there won’t be any socialism, just more bourgeois individualism. If that’s what you, ALB, robbo and the SPGB stand for, fair enough, but why claim to be socialist, democratic or following Marx?

    Why not just say that the SPGB thinks that ‘mind’ is individual? And merge with the Lib-Dems.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216690

    ALB wrote: “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t conceive of a what “a social mind”, as distinct from individual minds with ideas derived from society, would be.

    Let me help you understand, ALB.

    It’s from the Socialist Standard, 1973, quoting Marx: “Consciousness is, therefore, from the very beginning a social product, and remains so as long as men exist at all.”

    See, it doesn’t say ““a social mind”, as distinct from “individual minds with ideas derived from society”.

    What are these ‘individual minds’ which ‘derive their ideas from society’ but also, which no-one, including Marx, has mentioned, have another ‘internal mind’ which doesn’t ‘derive ideas from society’?

    What you are writing is incomprehensible, ALB.

    Either ‘mind’ is ‘social’, as Marx and the Socialist Standard argue, or ‘mind’ is ‘individual’, which is what the bourgeoisie argue.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by LBird.
    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216687

    Marx, The German Ideology, p.51, quoted in the Socialist Standard, No. 829, September 1973, ‘MEN, IDEAS AND SOCIETY’:

    Consciousness is, therefore, from the very beginning a social product, and remains so as long as men exist at all“.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216685

    ALB wrote: “The argument is not over whether or not the contents of the human mind is a product of society but over how the mind interprets the information conveyed to it by the senses and the brain.

    But ‘the mind’ of any individual is a ‘social mind’, ALB.

    That is, it’s the ‘interpretation’ (which is social in origin) rather than the ‘conveyance’ by senses and brain (which are biological), that is fundamental.

    Really, this rests on your interpretation of your own words ‘”how the mind interprets“‘ – is this an ‘individual mind’ or a ‘social mind’?

    If it’s a social mind then the argument is over.

    The ‘social mind’ is an inescapable input into any ‘reality’ that we know. Thus, nothing can ‘exist’ independent of society – that is, independent of the active consciousness, theory and practice, social production, of humanity.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by LBird.
    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216684

    alanjjohnstone wrote: “According to yourself now, the SPGB has indeed been correct in its interpretation and reflects much of your own thinking.

    In view of this admission, I consequently await your Form A, LBird.

    Thanks for your admission about the SPGB, alan! [joke]

    Indeed, I think that the 1973 article is very good, and perhaps would amend only some expressions, rather than the political content.

    However… given the response to my quoting of the article, I’m not sure if the current SPGB actually still supports that article. Do you, for example?

    Still, there would be more chance of me joining, if some other posters now start to support those arguments. Let’s see how things develop, eh?

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216670

    You’ll have to take up your argument with the SPGB, robbo, if they stand by their Socialist Standard article of 1973, that ALB quoted.

    For Marx, ‘objects’ are socially created, and the SPGB appear(ed) to agree with him.

    You appear to have a ‘correspondence theory’ of ‘truth’, which argues that the ‘idea’ reflects the ‘referent’. The article specifically mentions this, and specifically rejects it.

    SS 1973 wrote “…talk of ideas “reflecting” social processes must not be misunderstood as a theory that the brain is a kind of camera photographing the world. It is a theory of the social origin of ideas.” [my bold]

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by LBird.
    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216667

    The fundamental problem with your ideological method, robbo, is that your ‘active subject’ is you, as a biological individual, who determines what’s ‘real’ by your ‘senses’.

    If one employs this method, Marx’s analysis of ‘value’ falls, because he argues that society is the active agent that creates value.

    Your method compels a return to an ‘individualist’ determination of ‘value’, which is, in short, the Thatcherite view that ‘value’ is what one thinks it is, in one’s own opinion – it is ‘valuable for me’.

    So, one can either reject Marx, or separate ‘economics’ from ‘science’.

    But Marx argued for a unity in method (social theory and practice), so the latter option (the bourgeois separation of mind/matter, sociology/physics, individual/society, fact/opinion, arts/science, dinosaur idea/dinosaur referent, etc.) involves a rejection of Marx’s ‘unified science’.

    Thus, for Marx, both ‘value’ and ‘matter’ are social products, which have a history, and can be changed by their creator, us, humanity.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216666

    robbo203 wrote: “The “idea” of a dinosaur is different from the object to which the idea refers – the referent.

    How do you know the ‘referent’, robbo, without using your mind?

    And your mind, as the Socialist Standard article says, is socially produced.

    So, any knowledge by you of any referent requires society.

    You’re arguing against the Socialist Standard now, robbo. You might as well accuse the SPGB of idealism and Berkeleyism.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216632

    robbo, you’ll have to explain how you know what a dinosaur is, without using your mind.

    And if you’re using your mind, as the Socialist Standard says, it’s a product of society.

    So, ‘real’ anything is determined by a society, which is where all individuals in that society get their ideas from – including those of ‘dinosaurs’.

    Thus, it’s clear that “Nothing can have a ‘real existence independent of humanity because humans couldn’t know it” is a scientific statement.

    You think that a dinosaur is outside your brain – no shit, sherlock.

    in reply to: Gnostic Marxist #216629

    robbo, you’ve given up sane discussion, for a fight with your own imagination. Good luck.

    Me? I’m off to read the Socialist Standard of September 1973, where there’s a excellent article that all posters here should read.

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