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  • in reply to: Critisticuffs on Inflation #235417

    “..limited successes e.g. abolition of the Poll Tax…”

    I am jumping with joy for that the next time I see my Council Tax bill!

    in reply to: Question for the Economics Gurus #230516

    I make no claim to being an economic guru but I assumed most Central Banks the since 2008 financial crisis have been attempting to stimulate the economy with low interest rates and QE in the hope capitalists would invest in production. Is that not the case? Hasn’t the Central banks actions instead led to an asset price bubble in stocks, shares, property etc?

    There are plenty of economic gurus on youtube blaming a rise in prices, especially in America, on QE with charts like this one to prove their point:


    in reply to: Coronavirus #196480

    I think that is a bit harsh in expecting this crisis to ‘switch on the light’ in the world’s working class in bringing about world socialism. It took me several years to come across a ‘true’ socialist alternative to capitalism after flirting with reformism of various kinds. Hopefully, workers who have heard of our case may be more likely now to put forward our ideas to fellow workers.

    I have been heartened by some things I’ve heard. A friend who for decades I’d put forward our case to rang to tell me he’d said to his girlfriend that I may have been right all along. I’ve also heard criticism of those who’ve put ‘money’ before people. I was walking locally when I overheard a builder, working on a local house, say on the phone..’what do you think of Cheltenham horse races going ahead..’ and other person replied..’ it’s all about the money.. ‘ to which he replied..’ yeah! it’s always about the money..’. A small thing yet it shows worker’s are aware of capitalism’s priorities.

    in reply to: The BBC and the SPGB #112401

    It is on red button.  Shows the pic of Head Office from BBC website article.  An irony the property boom/inflation gets SPGB on to BBC news,

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97230

    Brand's view on revolution in news again responding to Robert Webb's criticism:http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/04/russell-brand-revolution-_n_4213849.html"I'm not saying lets go smash people up and certainly not kill people. Just for the record, I'm not in on the old death camps… I'm double, double against genocide. I am talking about a revolution of consciousness."

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97211

    Just to note I saw the Channel 4 programme Gogglebox was having their 'selective' viewers watch and comment on Brand's interview so I decided to watch it to find out what 'oridinary' people would have to say.  I was expecting his views to be scorned at and ridiculed but they were, to my surprise, some sympathetic voices. Couple of them never voted as waste of time as nothing changes and one woman 'got it' that revolution was about a change in our thinking about the world and  not about guns on the street. Comment was made he didn't put forward a solution and that some of the language was over their head.  Admittedly, it is an entertainment show chasing viewers and advertisers but encouraging to see people discussing his views in interview.

    in reply to: Studying Economics #97838

    I did with the following link for them to look at:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/education/depth-articles/economics/economists-not-planetHere's their reply if anyone would like to follow up:Thanks so much for your email. We will certainly look at the article you have sent, it is much appreciated. Please feel free to contact us in future with any suggestions. If you are interested in writing for our blog or coming to any events please don't hesitate to get in touch.  Many thanks Post-Crash Economics.

    in reply to: Is Iain Duncan Smith a Twat? #92780

    I saw and circulated the petition amongst friends and family to sign.  Whilst aware ultimately make no fundamental change at least the more who sign it at least shows that not all members of the working class are falling for the demonising of certain sections of our class.

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