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  • jondwhite

    Yep, we are not attending to support the TUC object, we are there because workers (especially sympathetic ones) are there. We walk in the vicinity of the workers on the march, flags makes no difference in not conferring support. The idea is that we are present and make ourselves known (other than just through leafleting and Standard selling). We identify ourselves clearly and make one or two of ideas visible on a banner in a concise clear visually attractive and big striking and bold way that hopefully looks impressive at distance.
    Flags/banners are appealing in a way that leaflets are not. There is a theoretical basis for this based on semiology but also an analagous basis. Many groups with larger support including trade unions will exclusively use flags/banners and completely abstain from leaflets. I can accept that hundreds of placards might not be the best use of resources at this stage which might impede leafleting, but flags/banners do not preclude leafleting/Standard-selling. If flags/banners have advantages over leaflets, and some members wish to carry flags (or leaflet too) then why not both. I think perhaps choosing between flags and leaflets is somewhat a false dichotomy. I’m reminded of the “why not both” internet meme.
    I’m not sure its necessary for flag-wavers to contrive to group together (beyond naturally occuring groups of two or three members) or try to isolate ourselves from those we disagree with.
    Its probably known but to copy from Wikipedia “Socialists adopted the red flag symbol during the Revolutions of 1848 and it became a symbol of communism as a result of its use by the Paris Commune of 1871. “
    “Abolish the wages system” is a good slogan for a banner as there is little room for ambiguity, but “from each according to his ability” I think is long and still requires further explanation. More importantly it is not a slogan that could be uniquely used by us. Shorter messages are more effective.

    freetimes3x wrote:
    Where on this forum do we find details of what the Socialist Party is doing on this day of action,

    In the World Socialist Movement forum there is a topic about the planned workshop

    gnome wrote:
    the workshop has now been confined to a few hours on the Saturday evening.  And for what?  So a handful of members can leaflet the TUC rally on the Saturday
    freetimes3x wrote:
    register our intention of attending, discuss and make suggestions about how we should organise ourselves and download posters for plackards etc etc etc?I’ll be there and intend to march for a future that would REALLY work! Flags flying, banners unfurled, whistles blowing, leaflets scattered, tearing at my chains and demanding the abolition of the wages system!Oh, and will we be having a snappy, eye catching front cover of the Socialist Standard that will pull in the crowds and deliver a mortal blow to the very foundations of capitalist society?Jim.

    I intend to attend the TUC event. The practical suggestions here of flags/banners, poster/placards are great and well worth us doing.Agree with October Standard really standing out and reaching out to those on the TUC event.


    Heard about this in Michael Moore’s Roger & Me, never thought I would see it in Britain. I guess that will now be the example to follow.


    Cities will need reurban planning. Also don’t you get billed if you don’t return a Boris bike?


    Quadruple posting. But doesn’t really address the question. If bicycles cannot be shared as common property, is this specific to bicycles (and maybe cars) which should remain personal property? Whereas buses, trains can work in common?

    in reply to: Fully featured forum? #88706

    A widescreen version and a mobile version? E-mail updates with the reply in the message? Forum RSS? Embedding of youtube videos?

    in reply to: Brushing up on your Zeitgeist #88730

    Like the SPGB, AIDA originates in the Edwardian Era, we need at least to look at techniques since Elizabeth II began her reign. AIDA does make a good point though about attracting people, which the SPGB sometimes excuses sloppy presentation as the ideas will attract an audience, a laughable attitude in the modern media age. Ironically, probably one of the best communication of the SPGB ideas is a non-SPGB platform Wikipedia.

    in reply to: Brushing up on your Zeitgeist #88728


    in reply to: Brushing up on your Zeitgeist #88726

    The reason the party does not attract more people and younger people than it does is a distinct cultural tradition reflected in attitudes among members broadly along the lines of rejecting scientific research in marketing and communication techniques over the last half century. NOT just using new media which I actually think the party has been pretty good at, but the way in which these are used. This is part of a broader problem that the party has with culture and “distractions from the case”. Also a low level of party education among members seems to compound this and be a result of it.But also stuff like holding the workshop for exploiting dissatisfaction within capitalism on the same day as the TUC march.

    in reply to: Archives: more added #88783

    Good work, personally I love the archives. I thought George Walford International Essay Prize (GWEIP) was down but its still here

    in reply to: Street crime and State crime #88264

    BBC 2 tonight at 9pm is broadcasting The Riots In Their Own Words.

    in reply to: 100% reserve banking #86764

    Am I correct in thinking the limit of central banks creating money after which the currency devalues is the national growth rate of the economy? As long as the economy is growing, central banks can issue more currency?

    in reply to: Possible media outlets #88303

    Google+ are hosting Versus debates (with help from intelligence squared) at order to promote its social network (facebook rival) Google+ hangouts and inviting suggestions for future debates at

    in reply to: WSM – Time For Change? #88661

    That’s a nice sentiment but decentralising power is better than centralising power, someone could just as plausibly call for all power to individual branches. Overhauling the literature is a good idea, but a globally enforced style is as fallible as a non-global style but at least a non-global style minimises the impact of any unattractive literature.By the way, the World Socialist Movement did produce a international English journal from 1984 called World Socialist with input from companion parties.  It wasn’t necessary to stop printing the Standard, which continued in parallel. If you want the World Socialist Movement to do something, which could be a good idea, propose it to them but I see no reason to stop publishing the Standard when many public issues seem to the general public to be particular to nation-states.Some of the cultural problems of the SPGB, would just be amplified on a global scale in a global organisation. Let’s address those first, and ADM is as good a place as any.

    in reply to: 50 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Works Every Socialist Should Read #88241

    I don’t know if I’ve posted this before, but this is a good listenCU 2011: Marxism and other worlds

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