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  • in reply to: Robert Tressell petition #92159

    Ever since Gove's work Celsius 7/7 (2006) and Dalrymple's take-down in the Times, I've assumed Gove is pretty conservative, stupid or both. Appointing as minister someone who is an established op-ed journalist for the highest-circulation broadsheet seems to be the only explanation.Gove in his capacity as a minister, firmly ensconced in and for the ruling-class, fully deserves our belligerence. Unlike others such as relatively low-profile media figures especially those contracted for the BBC, such as Stephanie Flanders, Michael Portillo, who sincerely believe they are being impartial and we seem to reinforce this belief (that straying from impartiality is an aberration from BBC standards) – instead of attacking unashamedly partial opinionated high-profile commentators such as Richard Littlejohn, Kelvin MacKenzie, Melanie Phillips etc.Even Toynbee is higher profile than Flanders in political circles and still in the business of opinion-making compared to Portillo. No wonder leftist trainspotters look down on the complaint about Stephanie Flanders.

    in reply to: Film of Engels book #92155

    Nice one. Hopefully more SPGB branches will get involved in screening films about Marxism in the near future.

    in reply to: Maltby Town Council by-election #92151

    Filth is what Pat Stack a couple of days ago, privately called those criticising the SWP ( Are slurs like this helpful to the case? Perhaps not.

    in reply to: SWP Pre-conference Bulletins 2012 #91268

    And now the reports of the bullying have started

    Comrades across the party have been heckled, shouted down and intimidated at aggregates and branch meetings.

    This is nothing new to anyone making political criticisms at SWP meetings.

    The bullying has to be addressed. Comrades involved in bringing the dispute have been experiencing this for months. Malicious aspersions have been cast on their character and political background and they have been shouted at and intimidated. Little action seems to have been taken. Comrades across the party have been heckled, shouted down and intimidated at aggregates and branch meetings. When they have complained about this they have been heckled, shouted down and intimidated. Young comrades have received nasty messages from those much older than them. They have been threatened with violence. Why is this happening? Because the leadership is presiding over and at times taking part in the slander of oppositional comrades. There have been disturbing reports of threatening behaviour by leading members. A district organiser has threatened one of the expelled comrades with violence. If the rhetoric and slander does not stop we could be very close to an assault taking place. Raising, as Alex Callinicos has done, the spectre of 'lynch mobs' of angry members if the debate continues after the special conference – even if this is a metaphor used at a particular moment – is irresponsible. Alex has refused to acknowledge anything wrong in what he said when spoken to by comrades. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric will filter down through the organisation and is likely to encourage the culture of intimidation and bullying we’ve described. Both sides feel that the other is risking the hard work we have all put into this organisation. But this article should be taken as an appeal as well as an analysis. Take a step back comrades, it is getting out of hand. Stop the bullying.
    in reply to: SWP Pre-conference Bulletins 2012 #91267

    A special conference (showdown) has been called on 10th March.

    in reply to: SWP Pre-conference Bulletins 2012 #91265

    And Seymour Mieville have just joined the faction ( and started a platform within the faction is facing a mexican standoff; my money's on a purge. Callinicos et al will bring the SWP down with them if necessary.

    in reply to: Wine & Cheese pamphlets #92086

    Nice work

    in reply to: Freedom Press bookshop #92025

    Is it a consistent application of principles for Freedom Press to have police investigate the property damage? I can understand going to the police for something like rape.

    in reply to: Proposed SPGB statement on SWP 2013 #91817

    Another new podcast from the CPGB

    in reply to: SWP Pre-conference Bulletins 2012 #91261

    Things must be bad when even the IBT are criticising the SWP "democracy"

    in reply to: Police workers? controversy #92003

    Dunno if and aufheben can be trusted to be up front about this but I will look up the link. There seem to be recent comments on the Dialectical Deliquents article so its of contemporary relevance but don't know if Dialectical Deliquents are a trustworthy source either. At least some users are saying this on Red Marx. Some of the observations from Dialectical Deliquents though seem sound especially of deferential scene anarchists. Always thought Bakunin was more autocratic than Marx in the First International though, pretty sure I even read this on!

    in reply to: Proposed SPGB statement on SWP 2013 #91816

    some more on the allegations a reply and comment on the above with which I completely agree about making concerns public only after the allegations have been made public."I have also faced the argument that the DC has investigated 9 rapes in the past (I’m not clear on how recently these ‘investigations’ were conducted).  I believe this argument is put forward to reassure comrades of the competency of the DC.  I don’t find it reassuring in the slightest; in fact I find it terrifying.At the moment, Seymour and his mates have it in mind that they’re going to wrestle the Socialist Workers Party away from the “old guard” who have run it for years. Then, with him and his Richard Fairbrass lookalike mate, China Miéville will turn it around and get back to the serious business of overthrowing liberal democracy.Here’s the problem.Seymour and Miéville and all the supposed “dissenters” sat on their hands for years and years, as a culture of sexual harassment and rape was promoted and protected in their cultish party. They did nothing. They said nothing. They are every much part of the problem as the old guard that they hope to replace.So, congratulations lads, for finally having the guts to speak out against your “comrades”. Too little. Too late."

    in reply to: Police workers? controversy #92001

    Is this only a betrayal if you're an anarchist who think police workers are the enemy?

    in reply to: Proposed SPGB statement on SWP 2013 #91814
    Participant's another CPGB podcast half about the fallout being made worse by the structure, half about the fallout over feminism


    Hi Jonny K,the description for the Events and announcements subforum reads "Publicise non-spgb events, publications etc. SPGB events should be added to the 'upcoming events' section " so it is welcomed to publish non-SPGB events here. I am not in Birmingham but I hope SPGB members will attend. If you can, let us know how it went.

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