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  • jondwhite

    Bono and Tatchell are in different leagues politically.

    in reply to: Anarchist Bookfair London Saturday 19th October 2013 #95353

    Quite! The Anarchist Bookfair policy for 2013 still seems to have a downer on political parties. The CWO don't seem to call themselves a party (nor do the Commune) which seems to be the loophole. There may be a way round this.

    in reply to: Open University survey on class #95351

    According to Urban75 – Paul O'Grady's conclusions in the programme have been toned down and edited out by the BBC.

    in reply to: The Occupied Times of London #92046

    Occupied Times of London Issue 22 – August 2013 is now out

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94911

    More proof modern 'conservatism' is class-denialism guess 'our rulers are our betters or know better' doesn't wash anymore, especially in the US


    I very nearly posted this in general discussion, I will leave that up to individual judgment. However, I've yet to meet anyone who holds Bono in high esteem, maybe members of the establishment do, maybe they're out of touch or want "rock music" credibility (put some orange glasses on), but I think most workers think Bono is a complete joke.The CWI Ireland review a book critical of Bono here;

    in reply to: Party banner #95321

    I like it. I hope individual local branches will commission banners.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94910

    Does Tory ideology (or at least Post-Thatcher Friedman conservatives) believe society is/ought to be divided by class? Doesn't it claim other divisions such as race, nationality, productive capabilities, culture, law-abiding etc. are more important? Wasn't this why John Major declared we live in a classless society – this was not a lament?Labour, paying lip-service to class division, has no such excuse on its own terms.

    in reply to: Government launches “Immigrants, go home” campaign #94908

    When the working-class need dividing, such as in a recession, the Labour party will resort to it.

    in reply to: Communist University 2013 (Weekly Worker) #93921

    Their latest Summer Offensive states

    We received a very encouraging email this week about Communist University, our annual school which begins this coming Monday, August 12. A comrade from a Trotskyist group whose members have been pretty regular attendees at CU over recent years writes that they will be coming this time too and “look forward to seeing you all again, so we can engage in some useful discussion and argument”.And the argument is the thing, comrades. In CU, the comrades chairing are given briefing notes making it absolutely clear that we want to forefront the important disagreements that divide the revolutionary left and – it is underlined – they must prioritise those who have serious political disagreements in the debate, no matter the order in which comrades have indicated to speak. Mike Macnair’s piece in last week’s paper is worthwhile recalling in this context: “At the level at which education in Marxism has to work, which is education for adults, that means confronting them with unresolved and debated problems: learning through dialectic. By contrast, training drills into the recipients by endless repetition a single practice.” Put in more prosaic terms, there’s nothing more educative than a bloody good argument.Communist University is the week-long event when the Weekly Worker ‘goes live’, as it were. In contrast to other organisations, we are looking to educate our comrades rather than train them in the party line. It is an event that participants – whatever their political backgrounds – generally find educative and inspiring.
    in reply to: Chris Hedges #95272

    Chris Hedges first came to my attention when he deservedly attacked an infantile Fox News interviewer. But mainly when he described Black Bloc anarchists in Occupy Wall Street as a cancer in the movement, a statement which B Traven caught him red-handed and red-faced with when Hedges debated Occupy with Traven. See the video here's legitimate debate to be had over respecting diversity of tactics and choosing one over another does not automatically make you a "liberal" but calling black bloc a cancer seems too much to me. Something a commenter on Brixton Blog should have remembered before the hastily written comment they posted. We are not the party of Chris Hedges. We are not here to police the Black Bloc.

    in reply to: Sussex University protests, March 2013 #92545

    A late report from Occupy Sussex

    in reply to: Kent & Sussex Branch Street Stalls #88568

    Good to hear of the best stall experience yet.

    in reply to: “Socialist” Party of Great Britain #95178
    rodmanlewis wrote:
    Why should a non-member be concerned about who we do and do not expel?

    Because the SPGB have a unique responsibility to the working-class as evidenced by policies including our completely open meetings policy. Why else should the working-class support the Socialist Party?

    in reply to: Kittens republished #95190

    I remember a discussion on here where Kittens came up liked this group ever since I met a guy introducing himself at a meeting of The Commune in 2009 as "I'm from the Wine and Cheese Appreciation Society" and everyone laughed.

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