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  • in reply to: Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair 23/11/13 #98258

    The other talks have been announced't look particularly good to be honest

    in reply to: What about the Socialist Party USA? #97086

    Ah okay, so not the question about the SPUSA. I was mistaken.

    in reply to: Class Struggle and the English Revolution #98264

    I don't think Rob Wo is on here either.

    in reply to: a good topic to debate #98268

    There's the time for a verbal bludgeon, when dealing with hecklers at Speakers Corner perhaps. Then there's the time for a bit of careful considered engagement and building a rapport.As George Walford said in May 1984 ("As you can imagine, it takes a good deal to leave me speechless. But that did, the first time I heard it. The blind, unthinking conceit of that answer! If you disagree with the Socialist Party that shows you don’t understand them. They have nothing to learn from anybody. There is no possibility of anybody knowing more than they do and no possibility of them being wrong. They hold the Truth, the whole Truth and the perfect Truth. The only thing the rest of us can do is sit at their holy feet and hope some of their pearls of wisdom will drop into our hungry little mouths."The Wikipedia entry on Antonio Labriola ( reads"Labriola's approach to Marxist theory was more open-ended than the orthodoxy of theorists such as Karl Kautsky. He saw Marxism not as a final, self-sufficient schematisation of history, but rather as a collection of pointers to the understanding of human affairs.  These pointers needed to be somewhat imprecise if Marxism was to take into account the complicated social processes and variety of forces at work in history. Marxism was to be understood as a "critical theory", in the sense that it sees no truths as everlasting, and was ready to drop its own ideas if experience should so dictate."The day Marxism becomes a closed system, is the day Marxists stop learning from workers. It's not to say workers cannot be wrong, they can, and we can put forward our position. But the scientific approach is a measured one.

    in reply to: women #98223

    Certain groups, even certain political groups, attract more women than others. Feminists obviously attract more female members than male, but also environmental groups and animal rights groups attract a more proportionate composition (reflective of current society) than other political groups. Why that might be, is a question worth asking, including of the Socialist Party. The answer could be quite simple, about where the SPGB advertise, or it could be more complex about psychological factors and the way the SPGB present the case.Does a traditionally adversarial approach appeal to some people and not others? Does more social activity and relationship building appeal to some people and not others? One approach isn't necessarily better than any others, just different and it might not be useful to simply dismiss this. Approaches don't necessarily demarcate along gender lines either. Eleanor Marx, a socialist who might be said to be in our tradition, clearly felt engaged, and did extensively engage in late 19th Century socialist politics. This was years before the movement for women's suffrage got off the ground, let alone, women's right to vote.

    in reply to: What about the Socialist Party USA? #97082

    I think you are mistaken steve.

    in reply to: A Night at the Movies – Pilger’s Utopia #98203

    Well spotted.

    in reply to: Occupy encore #98255

    Seems a bit of a joke this buying up debt from the secondary debt market.More interesting is the prediction made by Gartner in October of a larger Occupy style movement in the near future

    in reply to: After the Miners Strike – Which Way Forward for Socialists? #98216
    His political perspective was an extraordinary and highly engaging mixture of utopian socialism, libertarianism and enjoyment of the carnivalesque.
    in reply to: Anti-Fa fails again #98204

    Antifa, the tribalism even conservative-minded militant workers can use to exclude dissenting voices.

    in reply to: Prince Charles criticises capitalism #97099

    Comrade Charles. hahaha

    in reply to: Video removed #98187

    Darn, there were a couple of good party videos on blip including one exclusive I think.

    in reply to: Scores assemble at atheist ‘church’ #92081

    The phenomenon has spread to the US

    in reply to: Ian Bone to stand for Parliament #98073

    His stunts are amusing and can serve to open up the narrow limits of mainstream political discussion. Serious committed political action will be more effective though.

    in reply to: Debate with Peter Tatchell #98031

    Wow, hope this gets built really big.

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