John Pozzi

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  • in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125379
    John Pozzi

    GRB shareholders cause complete and dramatic change – that's revolutionary.

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125378
    John Pozzi

    mcolome1 offlineCapital – wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person, i.e., everyone or organization, i.e., GRBExploit – make full use of and derive benefit from natural resources. Yes, for enternity. 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125375
    John Pozzi

    To: I've had a quick look Vin,Too quick – relax and look again, It say's everyone gets a basic income and free telecommunications for life – not workers. One works only to achieve a purpose or result of their choice. Exploiting labor is obsolete.   

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125373
    John Pozzi

    Eh?, No problem. From Mother Earth News ("We have the balance of Supply with Need. I like to state this in present tense because this is something which is accomplishable NOW. We do have it made. I mean, abundance is the condition of our world as an object, as an ascertainable, as a mathematical, as a realizable fact. And perhaps the word realization is the key. Because, in our knowledge that all men can benefit, we are presently divided. The fact of accumulation and its need is the cause of our wars and our dissatisfactions."Eugene is – Who is Eh?John

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125371
    John Pozzi

    Capitalism works if all the people own the capital, i.e., Earth.

    in reply to: Our Opinion Of Marx #125595
    John Pozzi

    Hi Bob,Galileo fits. I'm and Italian polymath.No natural resources, No economy.John

    in reply to: Our Opinion Of Marx #125591
    John Pozzi

    Eugene V. Debs is right, I have no country to fight for; my home is the earth, and I am a shareholder/director via the Global Resource Bank (i.e.,Earth) at

    in reply to: Do machines produce surplus value? #124987
    John Pozzi

    The fallacy in both Adam Smith's and Karl Marx's theories of economics is the product of labor is not the basis of our economy, the product of nature is. Machine can replace labor and Global Resource Bank shareholder income let's everyone enjoy the good life now, i.e., do what they like. –

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125367
    John Pozzi

    Hi Eugene, Thank you for Sylvia Pankhurst's and Marx's son-in-law's confirmation of natural abundance that Shaw proves.The GRBe system is not a proposal but a tested computer operating system. The GRBe Currency System below is the abstract.Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s abundant wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. The GRB invests e1.5q in ecosystems and e250 trillion (t) in the GRB network (GRBnet). The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life. Shareholders invest 5% of their GRBe income in ecosystems. The shareholder value of natural resources and GRBe percentages adjust to shareholder feedback. After 1 year of inactivity GRB accounts revert to the reserve. The majority chooses the GRBe system manager. I am working on finding a programer that can duplicate Aaron Lieberman's work in 2000 which was lost in a server transfer in 2007 so we can again demonstrate how simple the GRBe Operating System is. Basically, their are two directories of Shareholders and Commercial Accounts, plus the GRB reserve account (e1.7q), GRBnet account (e250t), GRB ecosystem account (e1.5q) and GRB income Account that are shown on the GRB balance sheet.GRB accounts are transparent except the Shareholder Accounts (only by choice)  The GRBe system can be demonstated online using off the shelf software. I'm not a computer programmer.

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125362
    John Pozzi

    Yes!From Arthur Shaw on Copionics – The Theory of Global SufficiencyPlowboy: I want to ask you about the computer system – how does this function in solving our problems? You said you feed in the data of abundance and scarcity and compute a “free-flow” or, I suppose, a nearly ideal distribution. Is this feasible? Can it be done?AS: Yes, it can be done. Primarily and particularly because we are relying on the gain factor, the multiplier theorem which has acceptance and economic recognition. The expression of resource credit (GRB eco-currency) that I previously mentioned is the method and the means for justifying the exchange for “payment.” With that credit provided, which in itself is backed by the true facts of global plenitude, It happens, it occurs: We have the balance of Supply with Need. I like to state this in present tense because this is something which is accomplishable NOW. We do have it made. I mean, abundance is the condition of our world as an object, as an ascertainable, as a mathematical, as a realizable fact. And perhaps the word realization is the key. Because, in our knowledge that all men can benefit, we are presently divided. The fact of accumulation and its need is the cause of our wars and our dissatisfactions.Plowboy: Well, how would you then distribute . . . who would distribute this abundance of food?AS: If you look at the total idea as one of enlarging trade, I think the accomplishment becomes, not formidable, but easily comprehensible and assimilable. This, in effect, is what we do. We set forth that all the world is the market and that there is availability to supply all the world. The present channels, the present means, are continued. The mechanisms for distribution continue. It’s as though we come to you and say we can enlarge the Gross National Product of each country and the global product of the world. We are enlarging the market to encompass the two-thirds of the world that is not considered a market.Plowboy: Don’t you think it would hurt the present market system . . . keep it from functioning properly?AS: No. There would be no alteration of our methodology for trade. Certainly there would be a greater assurance for those who produce because of an assured market. This is a gain over present technologies. The larger gain is the profitable enlargement of the total market.Plowboy: With this increase of distribution – where everyone, everywhere would receive food – do you think it would be possible to maintain a constant level? I mean, there would be no famine or wasted harvests? Could we actually have one constant level?AS: Yes, that is our goal: Homeostatic balance.

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125360
    John Pozzi

    To being you up to date, your URL points to 1995 GRB copy. Now, "GRB shareholders’ value (all of) the earth’s abundant wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. "  The state is obsolete! Natural light, energy, air, water, land, food, shelter, climate, law, biodiversity, exchange, and consciousness are examples of the resources (commodities) of nature. No labor needed just TLC. and

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125354
    John Pozzi

    And of course, where there are no commodities like natural light, energy, air, water, land, food, shelter, climate, law, biodiversity, exchange, and consciousness, there is no life. You are living in the world of Smith and Marx where the commodities (products) of labor were thought to be the base of the economy. The were wrong. The Physiocrats knew that it's the products of nature are the base of our economy. – Play with it.  Consciousness is in your biology.     

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125351
    John Pozzi

    The Global Resource Bank is a direct democratic economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and medium of exchange are owned and regulated by a global community that utilizes GRB ecos as their medium of exchange,  i.e., GRB socialism.What do "we" seek to use in your SOCIALISM as your medium of exchange?

    in reply to: Real socialism #125278
    John Pozzi

    Between the economic expressions of socialism and capitalism, socialism seems to be the best of two evil states.No ism would be perfect. –

    in reply to: Republic vs democracy vs anarchy #125066
    John Pozzi

    Hi Eugene, Yes!Take it to the next level via and be an Earth shareholder.  

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