John Pozzi

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  • in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125429
    John Pozzi

    Alan said: In my vocabulary, "exchange" does not require property or imply property necessarily.  There are exchanges that involve property, but there are also exchanges that do not.  Perhaps it would help if you considered "moving an object from one location where it is accessible to one person (but not owned by them) to a location where it is accessible to a different person.  So you might exchange the location of a tractor from one field to another without owning it.  or there's the problem with "who gets drives the tractor" since they only have one seet, you might "exchange" roles with the driver of the tractor farming carrots so that you drive the tractor while the other person eats lunch and then you might exchange roles again at the end of the day if one person has to go home  in the same direction as where the tractor is needed for the next day and can take the tractor back to their home on the potato farm(wich is not their property, and just where they sleap) with them to save a trip.  So if you object to calling that an "exchange" because it's not what you personally consider "exchange" then please provide a word that you understand as a replacement.  I'm not really concerned with what it's called and am focusing on how it works.  Hi Alan, Thank you for the correction. I dilited "exchange".The first paragraph is how it works.Warm Regards,John

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125421
    John Pozzi

    Hello Vin,Vin said: How can people collectively own the means of production and then engage in exchange with one another?  Exchange means an exchange in property titles and therefore necessarily implies private property not common property. You have been asked this question several times but have yet to provide an explanation.John: GRB shareholders collectively own the product of ecosystems, i.e., natural resources. People exchange ecos that value their commonwealth of natural resources. GRB shareholders define residency as private propertySmith and Marx defined economics based on their assumption that the product of labor was the basis of the economy. They were wrong. Today we know that natural resources are. People need only grow the product of nature to live well. Their GRB of natural resources, supplies everyone with a basic income and open communications for life.You might ask; what about the industrial age, products that are still needed during our evolution to a natural world economy? GRB shareholders can freely choose to work for GRB commercial accounts who produce these products to earn addition eco wages. However, commercial accounts are motivated to conserve by the ecosystem impact charge and the e350b/day free market eco flow that demands natural light, energy, air, water, land, food, shelter, climate, biodiversity, etc.Thank you for the feedback. Socialist can begin a new age of enlightenment now – simply network the GRB.PS: Can someone put me in contact with Bernie Sanders? CC: Monika Hoy @ Anne Hissey, Marisa Arnolf

    in reply to: Our Opinion Of Marx #125596
    John Pozzi

    Bob Andrews,Thank you for comparing me to my hero @

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125417
    John Pozzi

    Hi Vin,Thank you.Now I know my socialism is the direct democratic socio-economy where people own the means of production, distribution, and exchange and is directly regulated by the global community of GRB shareholders, and your socialism is not practical because you have no commonwealth to exchange.Regards, 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125412
    John Pozzi

    Hi Vin,Imagine, if you can, a community of over 7 billion people who contribute what they can to growing their commonwealth of natural resources to gain whatever the need.Socialism is not practical,  there is no common medium to exchange my pigs for your shoes.Cheers, John 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125409
    John Pozzi

    Capitalist banks are obsolete. The GRB is socialist bank owned, operated, and directed by the shareholders, i.e., all the people in the world. In your SOCIALISM what do "we" use as a medium of exchange?

    in reply to: Republic vs democracy vs anarchy #125142
    John Pozzi

    Capitalist Pig has commented on: "Republic vs democracy vs anarchy"—-you talk in very vague terms and it seems you don't really understand whatyou are saying. You aren't going to convert people to your ideology byrelentlessly demonizing capitalism. You are starting to remind me of areligious fanatic that preeches the end of the world if you don't conform totheir set of beliefs. sorry but I can't keep hitting my head against a brickwall anymore —-Right on CP. Best regards,JP –

    in reply to: Republic vs democracy vs anarchy #125117
    John Pozzi

    Alan,For a balanced democratic world economy network 

    in reply to: PRESIDENT Donald Trump #123017
    John Pozzi

    I have no country; Earth is my world, I am a GRB shareholder. 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125400
    John Pozzi

    Dave,,No, it is not a green taxation system."The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium."You need work on your comprehension. Does free-flowing digital eco currency render the state, taxes, debt, politics, tariffs, interest, corruption, hunger, inequality, poverty, pollution, refugees, artificial scarcity economics, currency manipulation, imposed labor, crime, ignorance, environmental destruction, racism, spying, hacking, terrorism, armament, war, and borders obsolete? Yes. – Therefore:The state doesn't exist in the direct democratic GRB society, and in socialistic fiat money terms, value, profit, buy, surplus, wage, labor, purchase, wealth, sale, etc. have no meaning. The GRB shareholder medium of exchange, eco measures the shareholder value of natural wealth – not the state's "product" of labor (i.e. pollution, armament, war, etc.). In the GRB there is no labor, but the labor of love for our source of life, i.e., Earth.SOCIALISM needs a new system

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125398
    John Pozzi

    Hi Dave B., BS. What it says is:The GRBe System "Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe."What would be an example of the resources of nature? Natural light, energy, air, water, land, food, shelter, climate, law, biodiversity, consciousness, and exchange, grows with investments in ecosystems, GRBnet, farming, conservation, transportation, science, disarmament,  health, technology, innovation, education, efficiency, music, art, love, joy, i.e., life. 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125395
    John Pozzi

    Hi Vin,In your social system in which money is obsolete what will we use as a global medium of exchange? 

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125384
    John Pozzi

    Tim Kilgallon wrote;"Socialists are interested in the abolition of the wages system!"That's perfect Tim! Then conscious socialists' will love the Global Resource Bank alternative world exchange system that abolition's capitalist imposed fiat-money wage-slavery. ;o), jp

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125382
    John Pozzi

    Tim Kilgallon said:"what Mr Pozzi is saying is that we workers (who produce, distribute and create all of the value  in society) will get a few crumbs extra from the bakery, whilst the owners of the bakery still live of the profits off our labour."Hi Tim,That's BS, What it says is:"Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. …  Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life." i.e., nobody works. 

    in reply to: Republic vs democracy vs anarchy #125106
    John Pozzi

    The basis of economics, i.e., the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth is the product of nature – not labour. If money values natural resources people are free to play. Machines can labour.

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