John Pozzi

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  • in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #219354
    John Pozzi

    The People’s Global Resource Bank Ecological Economic Money System is the solution to the climate crisis

    Global Resources Bank

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190844
    John Pozzi

    Hi Dave Chesham,

    I will when you publish how we effect the world socialist movement “bingo” game.


    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190809
    John Pozzi


    Thank you for the information. I took Eisenstein down.

    John Pozzi –

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190798
    John Pozzi
    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190797
    John Pozzi

    ALB said:

    I am afraid you are going to have to make another correction to your website, this time in the FAQ section where you say:

    “Did physicist Albert Einstein say that charging interest on interest is the 8th wonder of the world? Yes.”

    There is no evidence that Einstein ever said this. See:

    ALb, Thank you for the feedback. Please see:

    I’ll wait for your reply before I make another correction. – John


    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190779
    John Pozzi


    Thank you for the correction. I deleted “aristocrat” and added Karl Marx to call attention to the failure of all political economies. As to why put an ecological, economic value (not price) on the common wealth of natural air, water, soil, plants, organisms and solar energy enable us to convert from from dollars to GRB ecos now. The people’s realization of global sufficiency can be effected, expressed and accomplished with no harm to any group or class by implementing the GRBnet Eco economic algorithm.

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190778
    John Pozzi


    Thank you for the correction. I deleted “aristocrat” and added Karl Marx to call attention to the failure of all political economies. As to why put an ecological, economic value (not price) on the common wealth of natural air, water, soil, plants, organisms and solar energy enable us to convert from from dollars to GRB ecos NOW. People’s realization of global sufficiency can be effected, expressed and accomplished with no harm to any group or class by implementing the GRBnet eco economic algorithm.

    John @

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190759
    John Pozzi


    I am proposing a different mode of production as the base of our economy, i.e. the production of Earth’s vital natural resources and not Adam Smith’s product of labor and its currency ($) that values public debt to pay interest to industrial age capitalist banks for destroying our natural environment under the guise of jobs and “economic growth.” This is capitalist BS taught at university. Earth is a free ride for copious life.



    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190751
    John Pozzi

    Dear Matthew and Marquito,

    Thank you for your feedback about the “People’s” GRB network initiative. I revised to address your concerns. Please review the new copy and I hope you will also read and comment on and the Mother Earth News article about Copionics at
    The medium of exchange is relevant to a free global social society when it  values he production of nature and not the product of labor.
    “The medium is the message.” – Marshall McLuhan
    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190750
    John Pozzi

    Dear Matthew and Marquito,

    Thank you for your feedback about the “People’s” GRB network initiative. I revised to address your concerns. Please review the new copy and I hope you will also read and comment on and the Mother Earth News article about Copionics at
    Matthew, The medium of exchange is relevant to a world society when it values the product of nature and not the product of labor. – John
    “The medium is the message.” Marshall McLuhan
    Extract from the Report of the Proceedings of the Autumn School & Membership meeting of the World Socialist Party (India) held on September 28-29: “It’s not possible to take any meaningful action in the prevalent mode of production.” Yes, I agree.
    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190726
    John Pozzi

    Dear Marquito,

    Yes! The root of the problem is capitalism. The rulers, presidents and capitalist need governments to tax the working class to pay the interest to their banks for fabricating national public debt money, i.e. $, euros, etc.

    Please consider the people’s Global Resource Bank network eco-economic solution to poverty and pollution.

    John Pozzi –


    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190672
    John Pozzi

    The Global Resource Bank Network (GRBnet) Eco-Economy Reverses Climate Change

    Is it too late to prevent us from self-destructing? No, the GRB network is an ecological, economic network of shareholders who value the basis of our economy air, water, soil, plants, organisms and solar energy with the commodity-backed cryptocurrency, Eco (e) and not the product of labor valued by the state political economist Adam Smith. The eco currency solution to poverty and pollution provides everyone a secure, sufficient and sustainable eco income for life. Everyone is cordially invited to join the GRB network direct democratic eco-economy without countries, governments, politicians, nationalism, leaders, laws, banks, labor, debt, interest, tax, inflation, segregation, scarcity – economics, hunger, starvation, borders, tariffs, wars and climate change.

    “Nationalism is an infantile disease.” – Albert Einstein

    The GRBnet Eco-Economic Algorithm
    Everyone owns one share in the GRB. We the shareholders value our abundant wealth of life-supporting natural resources at eight quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. Shareholders invests e2.5q in ecosystem restoration and e1.0q in the GRBnet. The GRBe reserve account provides the shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. The GRBe income account gains ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and exchanges ecos with the reserve account to maintain ecological economic equilibrium. The shareholders average impact sets our account charge and the impact of their goods and services sets commercial account charges. Two percent of GRBe income sustains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports everyone for life. Shareholders invest 5% of their eco income in ecosystem restoration. The GRB eco value of vital natural resources and eco percentages adjust to shareholder input. After one year of inactivity GRB eco accounts revert to the eco reserve account. The majority chooses the GRB manager.

    The GRB algorithm directs the equitable distribution of Earth’s copious production of life’s natural resources. Where nation-state central bank fiat debt-money values the product of labor, but fails to satisfy human need, the GRBnet eco-economic algorithm corrects faulty judgment with intuitive design; the GRB replaces national debt-money with GRBnet eco currency. Rather than relying on the constraints of fiat debt-money with fixed arbitrary exchange, eco currency exchange is free-flow as in the circulatory system or molecular exchange. The GRB eco algorithm set of order replaces national debt-money disorder. The shareholders eco investments in the life supporting capabilities of our planet earn everyone a quality life.

    Frequently Asked Questions @

    in reply to: Marxism as an election topic #127101
    John Pozzi

    Are the products of nature, not labor, (Adam Smith and Karl Marx were both wrong) the basis of economics, and are digital GRB ecos ( a natural commodity backed global reserve currency that transfers the universal value of life? Yes.

    in reply to: Global Resource Bank #125477
    John Pozzi

    "We"? Not me. Speak for yourself.

    in reply to: 100% reserve banking #86975
    John Pozzi

    robbo203 has commented on: "100% reserve banking"—-/John Pozzi/ wrote:.Real money values the product of nature, i.e. the natural resources that are basis of our economy.John Pozzi, your comments are becoming more and more bizarre and surreal. Do you know what money is and what it signifies? How is it a product of nature? Natural resoruces are not money, for heavens sake, though they can bebought for money and that only relatively recently in human histiryJohn Pozzi: Stat money like US$ signify taxes on the product of labor to pay the interest to capitalist banks like the Fed.Rear money, i.e., GRB ecos, signify the universal value of the product of nature, i.e., the generation of biomass in an ecosystem, usually expressed in units of mass per unit surface (or volume) per unit time, for instance, grams per square metre per day (g m−2 d−1). The mass unit may relate to dry matter or to the mass of carbon generated. Productivity of autotrophs such as plants is called primary natural productivity, while that of heterotrophs such as animals is called secondary productivity.Secondary production is the generation of biomass of heterotrophic (consumer) organisms in a system. This is driven by the transfer of organic material between trophic levels, and represents the quantity of new tissue created through the use of assimilated food that everyone consumes.Vin, Thanks for the hoot, it made me laugh, John ;o)

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