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  • in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186499

    All done. Looked like UKIP had targeted the area, where any were stuck in the letter box I made sure ours hit the mat first. Also saw a few Green leaflets seemingly pushed back out the letter box.

    Swapped leaflets with a couple of Samaritans fundraisers at the station.

    Mike F is going to Banbury to distribute more another night this week. I’ve made sure to notify him of the areas covered.

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186492

    Off to Banbury on my day off to get all my remaining leaflets posted. Shall have to read up on the local area en route. Any advice as to where to head let me know

    in reply to: More on Brexit #186455
    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186366

    Also, the English Democrats leaflet a friend in Luton send me had the slogan “Not left! Not right! Just English!”

    Perhaps this may amuse some of you after a long week. Utterly ludicrous.

    ALB, yeah, it’s as if the Greens would have done any different in coalition (see Germany) or as if they’d turn down the chance of to be in one similar!

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186365

    Just walked past the Socialist newspaper sellers at Moor St, one was allowing somebody (looked homeless)- seemingly struggling to read the paper-to read it while keeping it in their hands. No donation,no paper it seems.

    Pleading ignorance I asked him if they would be standing candidates in the EU election, they said no primarily due to time constraints, and that they would not stand against Corbyn in an election. To this I said to him good day.

    Makes me wonder what exactly are they giving their Friday afternoons up for?

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186349

    Of course. I’m more wondering how exactly they’re trying to differentiate to the attendees

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186344

    What exactly would a Green and Lib Dem candidate squabble over?

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186336

    Goodness me. An English Democrats leaflet has come through at an address near where I am from (East). It’s a true monstrosity

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186309

    Just walked past TUSC/SPEW man Dave Nellist with a stereotypical “NHS Not For Sale” stall in Coventry.

    Nothing about his respective parties/coalitions mentioned on the display. No mention of the upcoming election either, wouldn’t want to nick a vote off Labour!!

    Didn’t bother to stop and debate, much like I don’t with the SWP paper sellers outside Moor St. Perhaps I should start…


    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186301

    I haven’t received a Green Party leaflet yet. Not surprised to hear that though, she has got through the net and is now a “respectable” public figure. No surprise they milk her image.

    A friend mine is an ex member, who said they would hear nothing of any reference to her life experience (not emanating from a “middle class” urban area), especially if they ran counter the party line, or the parties interpretation of “leftism”. No doubt a party for the guardian readers.

    I have some leaflets left to distribute, and should have some time spare Sunday or Monday. Perhaps Banbury is the place to go, to strike while the irons hot. It’s on the Trainline from Solihull.

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186293

    Labour election correspondence through the door. Slogan “labour will bring our country together” or something along those lines. Half the front page is occupied by a slick photographed portrait of Corbyn. So much for being the anti spin/pr candidate…

    Our what Jeremy?

    Corbyn’s Labour appears as little more than a personality cult


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by JClark96.
    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186292

    If I am at home that weekend (Bedfordshire) I’ll certainly watch it. If only it came under South East rather than East, I’d have been able to cast a vote from there!

    in reply to: Our Euroelection campaign #186279
    in reply to: Dissident Voice Articles #186275


    I will have a think of places who might post similar material.

    I have written for a fairly large online publication but its editors operated as such. Nice enough people, but were only interested in the amount of reads it might get. An article on Thatcher, Keynes and the Paris Attacks was all I got through. Even then I was hacking away what I really wanted to espouse, reducing it to just presenting arguments to the reader, rather than my own (albeit without explicitly endorsing them). A pointless escapade but was a bit of journalistic experience I suppose.

    Another option is a blog I used to edit , generic broad left blog but you could post just about anything. Sadly the Brexit and Corbyn articles sent in got the reads. I’m not sure if it’s still active. I’ll ask the founder, who was quite ill back then if I remember rightly

    Will give your piece a read and some form of share.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by JClark96.
    in reply to: Ballot Spoils #186272

    Speaking of Jess Phillips. Have you seen that UKIP candidate who debated whether or not to rape her? Agree with her sentiments or not (I’m sure we all can agree that we don’t) this is undoubtedly vile. Apparently rape jokes constitute free speech?

    With fights kicking off at their campaign rallies they’re quickly becoming the BNP. Perhaps this is the life cycle of a far right anti migration party?

    Despite all this , the amount of media coverage he is getting (albeit negative) is quite astounding.

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