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  • in reply to: "socialism" popular in the US #204637

    Marcos says,

    “First, socialism is not going to be an economic system,”

    It may be a pedantic point, but if socialism will not be an economic system: what will it be and how would you define it?

    The production and distribution of goods and services to satisfy Social Need. An economic system: wouldn’t you think?

    in reply to: Coronavirus #198028

    Not entirely accurate.  My brother-in-law was a socialist and conscientious objector and worked on a farm during his allotted period of ‘national service’.


    It was the enlistment form that stated where I had to report. Failure to do this I, would be arrested. It was later that, I learned about conscientious objectors. At the time, I was just 18 and had no experience of conscientious objectors. Apologies.


    in reply to: Coronavirus #197995

    As I stated earlier, I did two years – 1956- 58 – Nation Service – not a voluntary service. You either did it or did not, the latter earned you a spell in jail so, for what it’s worth I chose the former.

    During the period we Squaddies were taught the various ways to kill our fellow human beings.

    There now I’ve said my piece so, I’ll leave it to the worriers about the may be recalcitrant Bourgeois.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #197951

    Marcos, I’m not as well-travelled as you, my life’s experience has been labouring in the UK; although I did do National Service 1956 – 58 so I’m not altogether ignorant of world affairs

    in reply to: Coronavirus #197921

    Does that mean that some Capitalists are going to take up arms against the Worker’s peaceful democratic revolution?

    Them and what army? Surely not a worker’s army.

    I criticised your statement because I don’t think that it was an appropriate opening gambit for a discussion on the benefits of a Socialist commonwealth.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #197918

    Marcos, the Ballot or the Bullet? The ballot yes, but surely not the bullet, a strange conclusion for a socialist?

    in reply to: Coronavirus #197889

    The NHS is crumbling, whose fault is that?  The Tories, Labour and lastly the current Tory gangsters. I don’t hear that TV news programmes? I remember being in the E.R.I., – my appendix was causing me bother – the point being, that the wards were open and airy, big windows, the beds were spaced out along the walls space around the beds and underneath leaving plenty of room for the cleaners to do their work; N.H.S. employees, by the way

    A few years ago one of my neighbours had to go into hospital – the E.R.I. – and when I went in to visit I was really taken aback when I saw the condition of the ward; not the wide-open light and airy, frankly it looked more like a refugee camp than the ward I experienced in 1964.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by James_Moir.
    in reply to: Quantum physics – is reality all in the mind? #191961

    Philosophy, like all social production, must become under our democratic control.

    Well, from the foregoing it would seem that I have been participating, albeit slightly, in your Philosophic argument.

    I wonder if there is a Philosophic explanation of why I joined the S.P.G.B. fifty years ago?


    in reply to: Quantum physics – is reality all in the mind? #191949

    But in regard to philosophy, the ‘subject’ is the conscious part of the ‘subject-object’ relationship.But in regard to philosophy, the ‘subject’ is the conscious part of the ‘subject-object’ relationship.But in regard to philosophy, the ‘subject’ is the conscious part of the ‘subject-object’ relationship.

    All very interesting, but in my experience it hardly comes up in Saturday night Pub conversations.

    Although, the price of bread or petrol stands a better chance.

    Anyway, it’s way beyond my elementary education so I’ll leave it for others to figure out. Good luck…

    in reply to: Quantum physics – is reality all in the mind? #191939

    Subjective, in my dictionary, is defined as adj based on personal feelings. So, I wonder, where do personal feelings fit in with the Labour Theory of Value?

    in reply to: Quantum physics – is reality all in the mind? #191933

    Interesting, I suppose but what does it have to say about the price of a loaf of bread?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by James_Moir.
    in reply to: US Federal Reserve starts “quantitative easing forever” #191138

    Hi Marcos, you’ve got it in a oner, nae argument there…

    in reply to: US Federal Reserve starts “quantitative easing forever” #191126

    I think I will stick to my original comments, after all, it’s a mega amount of money where ever it is, and whatever it’s used for?

    Again there is no benefit: for the Workers…

    in reply to: US Federal Reserve starts “quantitative easing forever” #191120

    “quantitative easing forever”

    What ever else it means, it’s Hyper-inflation on a grand scale, and since they abandoned the universal equivalent – Gold – the sky’s the limit for  “quantitative easing” , hence the world is drowning in – “quantitative eased – currencies. Not millions, or billions – but Trillions: so far. What’s next, quadrillions, or whatever  description they can come up with? But you can bet one thing for sure: it cannot be good for the Workers…



    in reply to: US Federal Reserve starts “quantitative easing forever” #191103

    “quantitative easing” is just another name for hyper/inflation. There’s already trillions of the stuff somewhere? However, I know where there is none: in my back pocket.

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