J Surman

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  • in reply to: Users #130151
    J Surman

    Horses for courses comes to mind.I'm another one who looks every day but rarely joins in – it would take too long! It's the same when we're in a group talking – some can talk till the cows come home with others hardly getting a word in, others can write reams fluently, still others have it all in the mind (and maybe happy to keep it like that) – but that's surely to do with personality  – – —- celebrate difference in the party. We don't want to become drones.

    in reply to: Cardiff street stall #132789
    J Surman

    Yes, here's another publications com. member endorsing this proposal. Alan, a third member, also agrees.

    in reply to: Amazon Locker at HO? #132637
    J Surman

    Following on from Marcos – Yes, probably most contributors here know about the ever-increasing takeovers taking place over the globe, whether it being food, pharmeceutical, agriculture, military hardware, etc., as the big companies become giants power is in fewer hands. This is what we are fighting against constantly, this is what we are struggling to overcome by drawing as much attention to these problems as possible. Our aim is to reveal as widely as possible in whatever way we can that WE, the people of the world, need to engage together and do whatever we can to bring about the change in everyone's interest.We cannot use BDS (boycott, divest and sanction) against the capitalist system as a whole- we have to eat if nothing else! But if we can use the names of these companies to promote socialist ideas by continuing to reveal the problems they cause us and a better way of dealing with all of our global problems. 

    in reply to: Amazon Locker at HO? #132634
    J Surman

    I find this a tricky subject, Living abroad and accessing books is not a simpe matter. For years I used Abebooks which used to be an independent organisation with a huge network of individual booksellers around the world and my books would arrive from the UK, US, India. Then Amazon took over Abe although the booksellers are still independent – I don't know how that works! The only reason I would order from Amazon is if I couldn't source it on Abe or directly from a publisher.As to inviting them into Head Office, well yes, that does seem to be going against the pale, however we are having to contend with capitalist businesses day after day after day and there are times when knowing that one can't escape them we have to choose one for whatever reason we come up with. We are unable to live outside the system and that maybe our greatest challenge.The list of hateful companies seems to be endless – perhaps the only approach, apart from continuing the struggle against the system, is to use them to our advantage wherever possible.

    in reply to: A new NeoLiberal party #130955
    J Surman

    Isn't it just a mis-type? See posts 6 & 7.

    in reply to: Additions to MIA Pieter Lawrence Archive #131653
    J Surman

    Looking at post 1 again, the next to last link to 'What Socialism Means' come up as an error.

    in reply to: Syria: will the West attack? #96225
    J Surman

    Just watched an interesting interview on RT Crosstalk. Peter Lavelle talking with Alastair Crooke of Conflicts Forum.https://www.rt.com/shows/rt-interview/419633-crooke-trump-syria-politics/Discussing what Crooke describes as the three wars in Syria.

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131489
    J Surman

    No irony intended. Please re-read your post 81 where you were relating to me some exchanges with other posters. Those posts have nothing to do with me and my suggestion was simply that it's very easy to misinterpret or over react to what others may have written, sometimes it's a good idea to delay replying.Referring to your last sentence on your latest reply to me, no, I really have no wish for people to conform and can't understand what makes you believe that.I wonder, for the sake of other readers, and as we are getting off-topic now, if a personal message wouldn't be more appropriate if you have anything to add?

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131487
    J Surman

    It's a shame you conflate so many disparate parts of what's been written on this thread since i asked my question. I lost interest in the thread as it was developing and haven't been following it so was surprised to find you telling me your thoughts on other contributors' attitudes towards you as you rejected my question. However, it's your choice, plus may i suggest you don't take what others write too personally.

    J Surman

    Put it on the list Robbo.No doubt more bullet points will appear on here.

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131478
    J Surman

    re Ike's post 61:Yes, we can all avail ourselves of search engines, however I am interested to know which sites/writers/scientists/politicians/corporations/private interests etc caught your attention in order to have a better idea of what you are trying to say.I have followed the thread but choose to engage in the part of it that particularly interests me – and don't see that as off topic, I was simply asking for more information on some of what you had written as I consider the increasing effects of climate change will impact on both majorities and minorities.

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131457
    J Surman

    For some reason the quote I started with from your last post re. climate change, global warming etc, which you claim to no longer be a threat, didn't appear at the start of my question to you. It is this claim to which I am asking you to produce hard evidence please.

    in reply to: Statisation: a possible flaw in world socialism #131456
    J Surman

    [/quote] On the subject of planetary-wide threats, until recently we were assured, verily I say with brass knobs on, that the planet was threatened by anthropogenic global warming and we should cut down on our carbon emissions, etc., and look sharp about it.  It now seems that there is no such threat, or at least, there is now serious doubt about the issue. [/quote]Could you please furnish us with hard evidence on this point?

    in reply to: New pamphlets? #131086
    J Surman

    Thanks for this Adam. Well, yes, I'm seriously considering this – just need to know that I fully understand what's required and that I'm capable of the necessary internet side of it. Having discussed this with Alan who's much more computer savvy than I am, he would also be on board.

    in reply to: New pamphlets? #131082
    J Surman

    Thanks for your help. I stopped using the yahoo forum six years ago because I found it so unwieldy, slow and fussy – so today I had to re-engage – change my password, new email address – after putting in the link you've given me it tells me i have to be a member to access it. I tried the search facility for the pubs comm, no luck there.The internet can be so useful – but also SO frustrating, but if you do have any other suggestions I'll give it another go.

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