J Surman

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  • in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #186332
    J Surman

    “Our movement has been fairly reticent in claiming that the climate crises risks human extinction, restricting ourselves to speculating at most that we perhaps face civilization collapse.”

    My view on this is that it is more a matter of one single issue – although a hugely important and pressing issue. When we discuss it it will be clear that we consider this to be one of the ‘problems’ that capitalism/capitalists won’t address. We come from it from a point of view that recognizes the pressure to keep individuals – all individuals if possible – to continually aim at increasing their consumption of absolutely everything, everything, whether food, clothing, household goods, cars, newest technology, more toys and other stuff that both children and adults could never get full use of, totally indiscriminate consumption – – –

    The bottom line is simply that this ‘issue’ will not be approached seriously until socialism becomes the chosen path, when quite probably the situation could be irreversible. We know the planet can evolve, change and continue, with or without us, but is humanity in general too stupid to recognize what needs to be done?

    in reply to: Zionism and anti semitism #185533
    J Surman

    You’re spot on Marcos. Unfortunately trying to get this point across to closed minds is almost impossible. However, we’ll keep on trying at each and every opportunity!

    in reply to: The Pope #185391
    J Surman


    The title of this piece is ‘A cathedral and a mosque on fire – – ‘

    Don’t know about anyone else but this is the only thing I’ve come across about it. The Al Aqsa mosque. Same day or next day to the Notre Dame fire. The article visits the ultra-religious expectations of the third temple being built on the site of the Al Aqsa, as has been mooted a number of times without fruition. The question being asked refers to the ‘coming of days’ which it seems Trump has backed quite happily. Not a wonderful summary from me, but maybe you get the picture.


    in reply to: More on Brexit #185185
    J Surman

    I’ve just been told of something on facebook where Nigel Farage has been welcoming a couple who have flown back from their home in Spain to join his new Anti-Brexit Party.

    in reply to: HELL EXPLAINED #185090
    J Surman


    in reply to: Status of World Socialist Party (US) #185065
    J Surman

    I would be interested to know how the numbers in the US compare with those of the party in India. The Indian group meet regularly as can be seen from their minutes posted on this forum but the number of attendees is always small and presumably all from the same area. India is also a huge area and if they too have members dispersed around the country then perhaps they can offer some clues as to how and if they have found any ways to be more inclusive.


    in reply to: 'Democracy and the Left' #184907
    J Surman

    Thanks Matt, that worked fine. Some interesting points on what democracy is and/or isn’t. And plenty of food for thought.

    in reply to: Labour Party Splits #184813
    J Surman
    A person who’s aware that the person they’re dating is fucking another person and does nothing/ can’t do anything about it
    urban dictionary
    in reply to: 'Democracy and the Left' #184721
    J Surman

    Thanks Dave, really good to see the questions up for the panellists. Plenty of scope for discussion. I do hope there will be an opportunity to hear it on line some time in the future?

    Power to Adam’s elbow, no doubt he’ll get the socialist case across powerfully.

    in reply to: Zionism and anti semitism #184658
    J Surman

    Yes Alan, in a similar situation to you and I agree with all you wrote there. I tend to view the US/Israel/supreme court thing as just another aspect of what ‘nationality’ is all about – something which we’re supposed to believe in along with ‘our values’. And why should religion have anything to do with it? – I know, I know – – –

    When I’m asked where I’m from I also give the name of my village here and then join in the laughing, explaining ‘this is my home’. Also I’m asked if I have taken citizenship to which I reply in the negative and explain that I want only citizenship of the world and to be free to go anywhere I choose without hindrance and believe that that should be the same for us all – adding that I didn’t choose British citizenship, I was just born there and I wouldn’t choose it as I can’t agree with much of the dogma etc, but have to keep it and renew my passport in order to go anywhere. Interesting how many individuals appreciate what I’m saying. There have been some good conversations over the years.

    in reply to: Zionism and anti semitism #184652
    J Surman

    Here’s an interesting article for those involved in this thread;

    The Supreme Court and Dual Citizenship

    Re the ‘unknown’ number of Congress members and federal employees who have dual citizenship – US and Israel and its various implications.

    Last para reads:Since the days of the <i>Afriyum </i>decision, the potential for betrayal and conflicts of interest have intensified dramatically for Members of Congress and Federal employees and those holding national security clearances given the unparalleled financial and political support that the US provides to Israel. In addition, the 2018 adoption by the Knesset of the <i>Basic Law</i> which establishes that Israel is now specifically a Jewish nation raises First Amendment issues regarding the establishment clause as it prohibits state-sponsored religion.

    in reply to: City of London "the shocking study" #184389
    J Surman

    reply to Adam’s: yes, I get it at that level. My problem starts with the almost internal denial that most (?) people maintain. They would probably be shocked and outraged at reading such figures, and see the perpetrators as crooks BUT they still can’t see the basic common sense of abolishing money in favour of an egalitarian world society, etc. etc.

    in reply to: City of London "the shocking study" #184361
    J Surman

    Thanks, Adam, Matt.

    Whether I’ll ever get my head around it well enough to converse effectively on this subject is the question! On a very basic level it feels that if the majority could really understand/grasp this then we’d be well on the way to our goal – simplistic, I know. – If only.

    in reply to: The Elizabeth Warren Thread #184291
    J Surman

    “the EC has twice turned down a proposition to sell our books via Amazon Advantage, apparently on the grounds that this means associating with them”

    My first thought on this is that as we are living in capitalism, like it or not, we should use it to our ‘advantage’ whenever we can.

    My second thought is we could at least discover if it would move more books/pamphlets than the means we have currently to do so.

    in reply to: New SPGB website?? #174754
    J Surman

    Hmmm – having just written the previous, unticked the box for the 94th time, posted the previous – the tick box has remained unticked – hooray, fingers crossed.

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