J Surman

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  • in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #203556
    J Surman

    “Lesson: it’s no good telling people not to buy cheap food, or cut down forests or poach. People should not be working to try to make capitalism change its spots, but to get rid of capitalism and replace it with a world of common ownership, democratic control, production directly for use and distribution according to needs”

    Above quote from ALB – for which, thank you.

    That lesson, as we know, is not simply about poverty but about our whole lives and a shift to democracy as most people understand it – inclusion, basic equality, not being ignored etc. All the world over the majority are being screwed and ignored on a huge range of topics. Here’s one I just read about the UK and HS2, another example of the capitalist system’s lack of interest in ordinary people’s wishes and interests:



    in reply to: 5G around the globe and in space #199069
    J Surman

    5G – What’s true, what’s not and what you really need to know

    Was it the 5G effect or just an aging brain that was responsible for me forgetting to give the link?

    in reply to: 5G around the globe and in space #199068
    J Surman

    First let me say that when I started this thread I hadn’t heard of the conspiracy theories which now seem to abound. However this link from today’s TruePublica gives more evidence to my wariness of  5G. I’m concerned with the capitalist way of pushing things on before taking the necessary time to check all avenues, not with conspiracy theories . The Precautionary Principle – please.


    in reply to: Iran tensions #192632
    J Surman

    Here’s an interesting ‘explanation’ of the word imminent from Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, referring back to the Bethlehem Doctrine (Daniel Bethlehem -anyone remember him?)

    Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani


    in reply to: Summer School 2020 #191789
    J Surman

    Thanks Mike, thanks Matt, I’ve now signed up.

    in reply to: Summer School 2020 #191767
    J Surman

    Help! I can log in to spintcom no problem, but that’s about as far as I get.

    I need more instructions to find what folk are suggesting. In really simple language please.

    in reply to: Coup In Bolivia backed by the USA #191605
    J Surman

    Thanks Marcos – no surprise then.

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #190631
    J Surman

    ‘follow the money’

    I’m posting this in response to various previous issues raised here. The link I’m att’ing is from William Enghal who I have found pretty reliable over the years, and it covers various aspects of this topic. The overwhelming message is condensed in the final para:

    “Back in 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.” Since then the economic policy strategy has become far more developed.”

    The article also mentions Greta Thunberg and A. Ocasia Cortez with regard to their ‘backers/persuaders/supporters – some of whom may also have been duped into what they hadn’t anticipated at the time. Look out for the big names.

    The capitalist world  is a nasty world with filthy habits and the overriding aim of controlling everything, that much we know.


    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #189782
    J Surman

    From part 2 of Finketstein’s interview:

    Finkelstein concluded by affirming that he doesn’t support the system of nation-states at all, but that this is not on the cards at this point in history:

    “So I don’t support two states. Actually, I don’t support one state. I support no states. That’s the future to which I aspire. I think it’s the only rational future. You can’t solve any of the problems confronting humanity today, beginning with climate change, within the framework of… nation states… But I also recognize that, within the current moment, we can’t extract anything that doesn’t function within the world of nation states. And we have to accept that, even though we recognize, as an ultimate solution, that nation states have to go.”

    Link here:https://www.thecanary.co/exclusive/2019/08/22/jewish-scholar-norman-finkelstein-says-israel-is-a-nation-of-murderers-loved-by-the-far-right/



    in reply to: Iran tensions #189587
    J Surman

    Prof. Mirandi from one of Iran’s universities said the other day words to the effect that they’ll know if the US is planning a war on Iran if/when the US pull out their troops from surrounding areas because they know they would be targets of Iran if they were to stay. Makes sense.

    in reply to: WSP (India) article #188567
    J Surman

    I’ve just come from Countercurrents – it’s a good article Alan. Power to your elbow. A positive boost for the Indian companion party.

    in reply to: Feminism Motion #187561
    J Surman

    Well put John Oswald.

    I’m one of the minority here on the forum – a woman. In all the decades before I declared myself a socialist I never felt any kinship, nor was I ever involved with feminist movements.

    However, I certainly wish more females would feel the need to involve themselves in socialism – and no, I have no idea why they don’t.

    in reply to: 5G Roll-out #186907
    J Surman

    I agree with your concerns. Amazingly, in conversation instigated by me with a number of people, so few have heard little about the possible/probable negative effects. Last week Global Research had a number of articles on this topic, well worth reading. This link will be useful for anyone wanting more information:

    Search Global Research


    in reply to: Marxism sans education/knowledge #186537
    J Surman

    A thought: are all those millions/billions who go along with the capitalist system fluent in economics and philosophy? Then again, do they really go along with it? No, around the world it’s obvious that many protest, demonstrate, etc etc against laws and decisions they don’t agree with. For some of us it took a single extra something to enlighten us – I was one of the ones always protesting about something, demonstrating, boycotting, and it was my luck to stumble upon the SPGB where I, very early on, discovered the ‘moneyless’ aspect of it. That was all I needed after all the years of dissatisfaction with govt after govt – it gave me the perspective I needed to learn more.

    I really don’t believe that all socialists have to understand 100% the theory behind the great idea, they just need to be stimulated by what they can see within the principles of the movement to be able to move on to passing on the principles themselves because they believe in them.

    in reply to: Iran tensions #186444
    J Surman


    An interesting one on sanctions – US sanctions of course – with which all are supposed to comply. I agree with Putin’s statement in the final paragraph which states (words to the effect) that whatever the outcome Iran will be the culprit.

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