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  • in reply to: 2019 Executive Committee #185902
    I sent the Gen Sec the following email — has it been misplaced perhaps?
    Gwynn Thomas <>
    To:Shannon Kennedy
    16 Apr at 00:35
    Dear Comrade Kennedy
    On Saturday 30th March South London Branch passed the following resolution 5 – 0 (5 members present):<br clear=”none” /><br clear=”none” />

    “That comrade Thomas be appointed to fill the current EC vacancy”
    I have accepted the nomination.
    The remaining notifications will be placed before the next branch meeting
    Gwynn Thomas
    (South London Branch Secretary)
    in reply to: Website and Forum Styling #155521

    Any chance of having a “Return to Main Menu” button at the end of each topic?


    Keep up the good work comrades.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #155485

    Alan says

    “The geographic term known as the Middle East is wrong too, because that area used to be known as North-East Africa.”

    I recall my ‘A’ level geography textbooks referring to this region as “South-West Asia.”

    I also recall magazines and newspapers published during the Second World War referring to a region they called the  “Near-East” (a term which I think has since fallen out of use). They meant either North Africa from the Atlantic to Egypt [later called “The Maghreb”] or what had historically been that part of Europe formerly part of the Ottoman Empire.

    Confusing yeah? — and an argument for defining terms almost every time they are used.  🙂




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by GwynnThomas.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by GwynnThomas.
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