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  • Fuzzy83

    This is more than useful. Its incredible. I will be learning a lot here for sure :D


    My only problem about globalisation is it gives too much power to corporations to exploit workers.For example the main reason people are angry about immigration is because the amount of jobs vs the amount of workers. It creates a even hostile economy for those trying to get a foot on the job ladder.Personally I have been raised by Asian people (My Doctors), Middle eastern people(Teachers), Jews(Neighbors), Born Again Christians(Family), Pagans(Family) and a whole multitude of different people. What pushed me towards these Nationalist groups was the constant racism accusations that eventually pushed me to the dark side. However this seems to be more dominant within the Socialist Workers Party and their Unite Against Fascism branch.I almost feel sorry for the SWP/UAF and the EDL/BNP because they are caught in a repetitive cycle that solves nothing. I had my spell in the EDL but I dropped out when I realized I was commiting huge amounts of moral wrong doings. Since then I have never looked back until I have been self reflecting.What are your opinions on the SWP? There is a lot of drama and controversy surrounding them on the left-wing?Do you think EDL members can change if someone like myself spends the time showing them how to unplug from the matrix and see the system for what it is?Is the TUSC a complete out of the EU group like UKIP is or do they want to offer a referendum? Personally I believe the EU courts of human rights is something we shouldn't give up too easily because its the only thing stopping us from having another Nazi state.


    Has anyone heard of the TUSC?


    I strongly agree.At the moment I am in favor of non-profit enterprise where people can be invited to work together and reap the collective benefits. I'm looking into an IT workshop and a community farm.As a disabled person this is extremly difficult though because there are days when my disability turns me into a raging lunatic or I have physical problems which prevent mobility. Despite being hounded to death by ATOS and the Job centre I am marching on.I also have another barrier and that is the majority of people in the area where I live favor UKIP and UKIP are at best extremly anti disability and anti workers right. While there is motivation to push ahead with a non-profit enterprise I wonder how I can some how pass it as a community project without being labeled as a threat to the nationalist regime which may be imposed in my area in the coming years.


    The arguement that Capitalism brings many products of significant worth is being eroded today as we see the start of open source software on the internet show that a profit motive isn't the only thing which propels human beings to create.Other examples can be non-profit argiculture like Growing Power in Wisconson USA.I do believe Capitalism is like a one trick pony. You have to refresh the market to square 1. Its like a game of monoply.I agree that reforms always end up benefiting the Capital class. For example Labour brought in Tax Credits to top low incomes up but it just ended up as a means to subsidize employers so they can pay lower wages.People can go on about crony-Capitalism all they like but since Capitalism is a broken system we really do need something to replace it.I think if we harness peoples will to create things then Socialism is more than a possibility.


    Well I want to gain solidarity with other movements. Trade Unions etc.The current struggle that I am part of is Disabled People Against Cuts vs the Tories/UKIP who seem to be hell bent on increasing austerity and giving their rich mates all the privledges.The trouble is the majority of DPAC members are marginlised. We need true unity.I am in this for the long haul. I'm not just going to stop after the 2015 election. I want to see a revolution in the UK and have the corruption in the canary wharf ended for good.

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