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January 15, 2025 at 4:54 am in reply to: Marx and Republicanism. ‘Citizen Marx’ by Bruno Leipold #256203
ParticipantThe struggle in the First International was between the follower of Bukanin and the Marxists that is the reason why the concept of Marxism was created by Engels and some of Marx followers. The SPGB has an article calling Bakunin a proto Leninist
Where did Marx obtain the concept of a stateles and moneyless society, and the concept of according to their needs ? It was from the anarchists,
The followers of Proudhon avodcated for the same economic principles of the US economist Henry George which is based on the possession of the land, it is an agrarian conception similar to the Russian populists
Anarchism is older than Marx and Engels, and Europe was not the only place where Anarchism emerged. The concept of socialism/communism is older than Marx and Engels too
There were also anarchist movement in Latin American in the 1800 and the anarchists in Cuba had more influences within the working class rank than the Marxists and the Leninist well in the Arabs world there were materialist philosophers. Europe is not the only place in the world where advanced political, philosophical ideas emerged
The socialist party wrote a pamphlet indicating that most of the concepts expressed by Marx and Engels in the communist manifesto already existed within the working class, and we have also indicated that the manifesto was a German manifesto and the manifesto contains certain state capitalists and reformists
clausesBefore the Paris Commune Marx and Engels had blanquist conception and Engels participated in certain armed revolts, and also they had conceptions similar to the Mensheviks.
The ethnological book of Marx shows that there were conceptual differences between Marx and Engels
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January 15, 2025 at 1:14 am in reply to: Marx and Republicanism. ‘Citizen Marx’ by Bruno Leipold #256198Citizenoftheworld
ParticipantI have not read the book yet, but he is not the only one who have presented those ideas, and it was also discussed when we had the Yahoo groups forum, the problem is that the Leninists are using that conception in order to justify the workers state and that Marx supported the existence of a republic, but they are based on what Engels expressed that the democratic republic was much better for the development of socialists ideas within a capitalist society
I understand that when they were very young, both ( Marx and Engels ) they were petty bourgeois liberals and they were influenced by bourgeois conceptions, and then when they obtained more political maturity, and after the Commune of Paris they changed several of their old conceptions and abandoned some of their blanquist stand and opt for workers participating in the capitalist limited democracy, which the Leninists call bourgeois democracy
Personally, I think they were more influenced by the French Anarchists in order to become socialists and many of their conceptions came from the French Anarchists, for me, the communist manifesto is not a communist document, it was revolutionary during their time but several of the concepts expressed in that documents were abandoned by them, and still there are many so called marxists who have not moved away further than the communist manifesto How Karl Marx became a
communist. I think Marx and Engels became communist when the came into contact with the Anarchists
The Internationalist Perspective, the internationalists tendency, and the International Communists Currents are left communists and Leninists but sometimes they write good articles, and they have taken correct stands on several world issues, I would not reject them completely and sometimes I have seen them supporting some of our point of view
He has done the same thing that has been done by the Marxist humanists and the followers of Raya Dunayeskaya by dividing Marx into the Young Marx when he was a so called Hegelian and then the matured Marx who became a humanist, or Lenin who also became two personalities, one before 1914 and another person after 1914 when he was done research on the betrayal of the second international and he started to read Hegel Science of Logic.
I prefer to visualize Marx and Engels when they were politically inmature and then they became more matured when they started to be influenced by external political and economic events,
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ParticipantNothing strange, they gave a Nobel Peace Prize to Barrack Obama, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter and they were planning to give one to George Bush, probably they are going to give a Nobel Peace Prize to Joe Biden
ParticipantMachado and Guaido are not a pair of doves either, they are a pair of crooks too, they are also puppets of the USA fighting for power like Maduro and willing to establish another repressive regime. She has called for deeper sanctions against Venezuela which have created more poverty and she has called for US military intervention in Venezuela which might produce the death of thousand peoples and another Vietnam in the region, and that war can spread like a brush fire to other countries
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ParticipantThe US government has issued a reward, or an arrest warrant against Nicolas Maduro, but they have not issued an arrest warrant against Joe Biden, and Donald Trump who is convicted felon that is going to become president on January 20.
They are the world sheriff like the old days of the western movies when bounty hunters were paid in order to kill others peoples, this is a call to kill a state leader
They were protesting when the government of Iran issued a warrant against Trump for the killing of one of their generals.
In Haiti peoples were asking for the arrest of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton because they are a couples of crooks and criminals
There are outstanding warrants in some countries against George Bush and Henry Kissinger who was accomplish of the assassination of more than 30,000 Chileans and part of the coup
The president of Bolivia Morales was almost killed when his airplane was running out of fuel and he was not allowed to land in several countries to refuel his airplanes due to instructions given by the USA
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Russia is also claiming that Greenland is part of its sphere of national interests
China has interests in the artic region
ParticipantThe so called communist influences in Panama is a very old topics and distortions propagated by the US government and the CIA, but they have placed their own men in power since the time that the Panama Canal was built, in order to protect their investment, commercial routes, and spheres of influences, this is what the CIA said about the Torrijos Government and the students movements:
Torrijos had a very strange helicopter accident and it was blamed on Noriega who was on the CIA payroll. Panama was founded after a nationalist revolt provoked by the USA against the Great Colombia, therefore, the USA influence in Panama is stronger than the so called communists.
During the Cold War period the USA had more influences in Latin America than the Soviet Union, the soviets used the cuban government in order to finance certain guerrillas groups but they were not very successful, but the USA also financed its guerrillas groups too such as the Nicaraguan contras, and some weapons were provided using the government of Israel Omar Torrijos was a nationalist military man like Trujillo and Cardenas
The new allegations of Donald Trump ( and his capitalists backers ) is that the Panama Canal is controlled by the Communist party of China, but the canal is not controlled by the Chinese government, it is controlled by the Panamanian government and a Hong Kong shipping company and all the profits is transferred to the government of Panama, and the profit is used for maintenance and upgrade.
The USA is playing the victim card, that they are been overcharged, but they are paying the same fees as any other shipping country, or shipping vessels, and the transits of vessels have been limited due to the fact that the lake that supply water to the canal is getting dry and that lake also provides water to the panama population
When the US signed the new canal agreement they already had several military bases in Latin America such as in Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Aruba and Curacao, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Belize, Colombia and Peru, and the have a naval fleet that is always moving around and patrolling the whole region, who has the biggest influences in the region ? . The Panama Canal can not be used to accommodate the larger and wide military warships, but the Chinese megaport in Peru can take any type of maritime vessel, and that is the real threat to the USA capitalsit class
The real influences of the chinese capitalists is in the whole region based on commercial trades, and commercial routes, loans and the sales of military weapons, there is not any ideological communist influences from the Chinese capitalists, even more in China you can not find the works of Mao Tse Tung, it is only a red scare for the US voters
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ParticipantWhy Jimmy Carter pardoned the war resisters. This is what really happened, it is not the romantic description made by the corporate press
ParticipantThat Jesusland is not the reality, it is an illusion, it is an oasis in a dry ideological desert, the real statistic shows different results, the color of the map will not make any difference, within the so called red states many progressive motions were passed by the same evangelicals, and trump supporters, the rulers are trying to brainwash the minds of the workers to make them believe that there was a landslide made by the republican voters, and that Donald Trump is a christian president, the anointed of Jesus,( Cyrus the great ) and that the US is a christian nation, ( an idea created in 1949 by fanatic evangelicals , and the founders of the us created a secular republic , and Muslims and Arabs voted for Donald Trump too ) on the contrary, it shows that workers do not trust in anyone of them, and there was a big absenteeism of voters, with proper political consciousness the absenteeism would have been larger from both political parties. There is not any official religion in the USA, and there is not any official language at the federal level
The democrats did not lose this election because Kamala Harris was a woman and “mixed races”, or a black woman , the devil, or a “”marxist” ( she does not have a clue about marxism, and her father was a Keynesian ) , a white man would have obtained the same results, both parties are in political bankruptcy, the election of Donald Trump is a sign of a large discontent, but workers due to their lack of political education they do not know the correct path, it was a close election and he only obtained 25% of the voters and the difference was 1.5%, this time, he accomplished less than during 2016 and Joe Biden did much better than him. Joe Biden did not quit because he was a patriot, his financer supporters forced him to resign in order to continue financing the democratic party, billions of dollars were spent on the 2024 elections, big business and big advertising companies were the winners, and donors from both parties made billions of dollars with the Trump election .
In Europe and Latin America some presidential candidates had to go through a second election in order to obtain a majority of voters according to electoral laws and electoral centers are more independent , 25% of voters is not enough, what has happened to the 75% of the others voters ? The same question can be asked: Can 20 millions of emigrants affect the live of 350 millions peoples ? It is just a pure bourgeois lie, it is an ideological poison propagated by the capitalists, they use them and then they throw them away, they take them from the army of the unemployed and then they blame their own crisis of overproduction on somebody else, the same situation is with the voters, they never vote as a majority, there are more than 150 millions of voters in the whole nation.
In Chile Salvador Allende obtained 33% of the voters and his election had to be decided by the courts and the christians social democrats, later on, they became part of the coup, the venezuelan christians democrats were part of the government corruption, an arrest warrant was issued for the president Carlos Andres Perez because he stole millions of dollars and they were part of the so called Socialist International, some of those christians movement were allied of Pat Robertson, the same guy who said that god punished the haitians when 200 thousands died in a earthquake, but he did not say that capitalism was the cause of those death and poverty produced more death
Most US presidents have always been elected by a minority of voters, and using a vestige of the slavery system known as electoral college,( both political parties do not want to eliminate the electoral college ) presidents in the so called third world countries have a better results, costa rica which is a country controlled by right wingers, they have a more democratic electoral process, and they have passed several social democrats reforms without making so many political noises and flapping their wings to spread dusts, those reforms can be eliminated by any leader, both parties have practically eliminated the reforms of the new deal
The so called Christian movement in the USA is not a christian movement either, they do not even know the principles of the Bibles, or the real Greek-Roman gospel and the history of christianity, probably, Engels knew more than them about the real origin of the primitive christians, they are losing many members and churches are becoming empties, and the evangelical are becoming less popular, but the Catholic Church is getting more members now, because they are better chameleons, and the increase of latinos emgirations who are catholic are affecting the prevalence of the evangelical church, and the so called conservatives values with the development of capitalism ( which they support ) they are losing all the so called traditional reactionaries values, they did not vote for christians value, they voted for bread and butter which they are going to get either, and Trump will wipe his butt with the Bible. Ironically, they are saying that Trump won because of the high prices of the chicken eggs, and he can not control the capitalist market and the price of the commodities, he is a businessman, he is not a politician or a christian
Years back California was a Republican state and It was controlled by a backward anti communist reactionary known as Ronald Reagan, and then twice, he was elected to be president, and a democratic president like Jimmy Carter paved the way for most of his policies,( he deregulated the so called socialist policies ) it is also a lie that most Latinos, black and women voted for Trump, most latinos that voted for Trump are the so called anti communists who emigrated from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela,( and some mexican americans ) who do not know what communism really is, and they support the so called anti communist league, and during the Obama election most of them voted for his election. Most Latinos, black and women voted for Harris and more than 25 millions democrats did not vote, some sources are saying that it was a punishment to the Democratic Party, and the so called third parties are just an extension of the Democratic Party including the left wingers who just want to continue reforming the capitalist state, the only real alternative is the WSPUS and they are not ready for that challenge
California created the so called sanctuary cities because they need the cheap labor of the Mexicans and the Central American workers, it is not because they are pro labor, a road travel to the North part of California will show the real economic reality without their labor the whole state will fall apart and that is the reason why Reagan advised by his gangs approved an amnesty, part of that gangs were part of the Obama cabinet, somebody asked at the beginning of his presidency: Is he going to follow the Uncle Tom or the Uncle Sam ? He followed the same path of the republicans
The Democratic Party in the past was the most reactionary and right wing party in the USA, they used to support the KKK, the white supremacy and the slave holders, and the progressive party was the Republican Party, and politically both are the same shit, and both are warmongers, they are the political front of the US ruling class. both are interventionists, they do follow what Marx said on the Manifesto that the state is the executive apparatus to manage the affairs of the ruling class, they can elect Mickey Mouse and Pluto, and both will do the same job, workers can stay home drinking beers at the time of election and they will select another reactionary to manage the state apparatus, as Malcom X said to the black voters: You are the ones placing the democrats in powers and they have never done anything for you and they have had control of the senate and the House of house of representatives
Several times they have had control of both house ( democrats and republicans ) and they have never passed anything to benefits the workers, and all those offers made by Harris could have been passed by them, but they needed crumbs bread for the workers for the political campaign, the workers in New York made the correct decision they passed a constitutional amendment for abortion and it was done in Mexico and Argentina, and they took scientist to the congress to discuss about abortion instead of citing witchcrafts, and both are catholics, therefore, religion is not a controlling factor.
They are saying that they voted for the economy, but the economy is the one that is affecting them, because it is the one that produces poverty, hunger, unemployment, racisms, divisions, wars, inequality and lack of medical services and insecurity, the vast majority of the poor in the USA are the white peoples, and they have not been replaced by the emigrants,( as the white supremacist are saying ) they have been replaced by the capitalist class who are the ones who moved all the factories to others countries, and they are the one employing cheaper labor commodities, and they are exploited like any human beings and they do not care about the color of their skin, and they are younger too, and the whole US society is getting old, and pension is a deferred salary, and it imposes a heavy burden on their profits , workers are poor and they can not even pay their rent, therefore, they can not finance the state, that is another wrong conception in order to divide the working class propagated by right wingers and left wingers . As a journalist told DeSantis: Read your Karl Marx
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ParticipantHere is a short video by Trump Jr during his visit to Greenland. Greenlanders’ heartfelt pleading to be bought and be free at last from Danish exploitation:
That asshole is more ignorant than his own father
ParticipantMost Canadians workers ( English or French speaking ) are more politically advanced and have more working class consciousness than 99% of the American ( US ) workers. The Marxist Leninist Party of Canada had a daily newspaper that was sold at every news stand in the streets, situation like that has not taken place in the USA, for the Canadian the expression socialism/communism is not a diabolical expression like in the USA
If the USA is able to annex Canada probably presidents like Trump and Joe Biden will never be elected. They will never be able to annex Latin America because, the ruling class is more anti yankis than the Canadian ruling class and most peoples will reject it too and they might elect a left-winger
The USA border does not stop in Mexico, it goes all they way down to the South and in order to pacify the peoples of the region they have had to impose several brutal dictatorships and several peoples revolts had to be repressed with invasions, and the situation now is totally different too after the emerge of Hugo Chavez
Puerto Rico is a territory of the US and in the last election a left wing coalition was formed and it obtained a second stand in the past election, and peoples are more open to progressive conceptions.
If the USA invade Panama again ,or Venezuela, they are going to open a Pandora box and the USA army is not trained to carry a war in the jungles with left wings guerrillas groups, and the peoples might incline toward China or Russia and they are going to lose a big international market. They sent 50,000 soldiers to the Caribbeans to fight against the workers from the poor neighborhood ( they were called communists ) and they had to negotiate with them, and they did not have modern weapons, the situation now is different
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ParticipantPetro government in Colombia confronts lawfare, Alvaro Uribe’s return, and U.S. intervention
Another palace coup that Donald Trump might inherit which has been initiated by prior presidents. A right wing coup in Colombia.
ParticipantIncidentally, I would also consider the Second Indochina War a strategic rather than a military defeat for the US. The US was and is a nuclear power after all, and General Westmoreland (appropriately named) even entertained the idea of employing nuclear weapons to “save” the Saigon regime. The US did indeed lose around 58,000 American troops—which paled in comparison to the millions of deaths inflicted by the US on the Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotions—but it was really the anti-war movement in the US and elsewhere that was among the decisive factors in helping to end the war. The US also never directly invaded the North due to fears of a Soviet or Chinese retaliation, so the US mostly just bombed them instead, in addition to carrying out various special operations.
The USA also considered to drop atomic bombs on russia but the proposal was rejected
There has never been any real anti war movement, the so called anti war was supporting the vietcong, the real anti movement was the SPGB which did not support either side, and at the present time there is not any anti war movement eitherThe atomic bombs dropped in Japan were two scientific experiments on human beings, the Japanese were already defeated
Death of soldiers does not mean anything, the soviet lost more than 25 millions peoples and they defeated the best German battalions during ww2 and they defeated the best Japanese battalion in Manchuria.
The so called communist movement has never existed, on the contrary they have prolonged the existence of the capitalist society
ParticipantWhatever Trump is trying to do now, it has been tried by others presidents, it is nothing new, it is new for the new generation who hates libraries and bookstores, everything has been written and documented, trying to invade Canada or England is nothing abnormal, and both sides have tried to invade each others like normal capitalist expansion.
Before WW 2 the real enemy of the USA was England and Canada and they had war plans to attack and invade both countries, and the allied in that time was Nazis Germany, and several USC corporation were making a lot of profits with German state capitalism, even more, Roosevelt said that a system like that should have been tried in the USA, and then they became anti fascist like the Soviets who wanted to become part of the Axis groups and then they became anti fascist too
Isolation and intervention has been practiced in the USA before the foundation as a capitalist republic during 1776, before that, George Washington wanted to invade Haiti, and he was a slave holder like all the other so called founding fathers who have been canonized. The USA president is an English with a congress .
The same tactic used to create Texas was the same tactic used to create Panama which was part of the Great Colombian, and the main objective was to build the Panama Canal and to create a military catapult in the region, which is the same as Israel in the middle east.
Several invasions to other latin American countries have been launched from Panama, and the school of americas to train criminals, tortures and dictators was located in Panama and some like Noriega were in the payroll of the CIA
Since 1876 the US government and its capitalist class have tried to purchase Greenland, as they did with Alaska but the proposed purchase was rejected about three times, and after the WW 2 occupation they tried to purchase it again but it was rejected and they left a military base, wherever they build a military base they never leave like in Germany and Japan, and then the nationalist are shouting about US nationalism and USA first,( including Joe Biden ) the whole nation was build on the concept of expansionism covered with a romantic notion of freedom and democracy.
Donald Trump is not a new kid on the block, he is just repeating the same rethoric used by other imperialist presidents, probably, he is a Boy Scout compared with the prior ones including Jimmy Carter who paved the way for Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barrak Obama.
John F Kennedy asked several dictators to resign, or to be killed or to be invaded, therefore, both political parties have practiced the same rethoric of isolation ( Nationalism ) and intervention ( imperialism or expansionism ) in latin America they are still carrying over the Monroe doctrine, the only thing that the left wingers are claiming is that Trump is a fascists which is the same old claim of the stalinists but they do not remember when Stalin was an allied of the Nazis and he wanted to expand the
Soviet Union-
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ParticipantThe US has a military base in Greenland since 1951 and it has had more military personnel than civilians, besides being an strategic location, it has mineral deposits and oil, and most of the billionaires behind trump want to drill petroleum, rare earth all over the earth and the seas.
Greenland has many natural resources, including:
Copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, precious stones, rare earth, uranium, thorium, titanium, zinc, graphite, lithium, oils, gas, coal, and ironCanada, Denmark and England are members of NATO since its foundation, I do not think that a member of NATO is going to fight against another member of NATO, as Adam wrote realpolitik is going to be real issue about all this populist bluff. He is not going to be able to dissolve NATO, even more Joe Biden expanded its membership and it is in a stronger stand at the present time
They do not need an invasion to take the resources of Greenland, they are going to negotiate that among capitalists, and the USA does not have the resources to buy Greenland, and in the last time the congress voted against increasing the deficit and he is not going to obtain the approval to buy it, and he has opposition within the high ranks of the Pentagon, that is the reason why he wants to remove some of them, and his nominee has a lot of opposition within the congress
He is making all those threats like a typical gangster to scare peoples and to show to his base that he is a strong man, but he is not, it is part of his show,
He will not invade or shoot missiles toward Mexico, there are several USA corporations in Mexico who are also supporting him including the automobile industry, and a shortage of food from Mexico might create problem with his base of supporters.
A big crisis in Mexico will increase the emigration to a higher level, and he is not going to be able to deport more than 20 millions peoples in four years, and many farmers that voted for him are already complaining and getting scare because they might go into bankruptcy due to the fact that most of their workers are from Mexico and other Latin America countries, and nobody else want to do their job, and they do not have the training either, to deport millions of peoples will require a lot of military resources and money that the congress is not willing to spend, and some states that depend on agriculture are getting ready to confront him including republicans governors
He only has 25% of support within the Americans workers,( 1.25% was the difference with Harris ) and he promised peace to his supporters, he does not have a mandate as he is saying.
The market system is stronger than any president, and Biden prepared the conditions that will force him to continue the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, he is not going to be able to unban seas drilling for oil
He is not going to invade Venezuela, and the Venezuelan army is armed to the teeth and they have a lot of military training, and all of them are supporting Maduro, an invasion to Venezuela might create many opposition in the region, and many guerrillas groups are willing to fight against the USA including the Colombian FARC, the time to kick ass are already gone,
His Secretary of State who might be Marco Rubio, he is not going to be welcome in Latin America and he will try to create opposition against cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, brasil and Nicaragua, and all countries ( the argentina ambassador was fired because she opposed Cuba embargo at the UN ) want the cuban embargo to be lifted. Most leftwing organizations oppose him, and also Hillary Clinton had a lot of opposition within the peoples when she was the Secretary of State, and she is more ‘liberal’ than him
Pretty soon the Chinese are not going to need the Panama Canal, they have their own port, and they are trying to make a Canal thru Nicaragua, the lake that supply water to the Panama Canal is getting dry due to climate change and pretty soon the canal is going to be useless, and it will require billions of dollars to fix that situation
The last time that George Bush invaded Panama it created a big crisis in the region, and in this time the situation can be worse and there more countries and government in Latin America who are opposing the USA, the situation is different, and the presence and influence of China and Russia in the region will make a difference, the situation is totally different to the period of the cold war.
The USA is an empire in decline, and it is losing its grip around the world, and its world hegemony is declining, it has a powerful army but it has been defeated several times
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