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  • in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #255724

    These are the so called achievements of the actual capitalist government of Argentina. He has been turned into a god by all the right wings groups and exploiter of the world . His legacy is death, hunger, unemployment, elimination of all workers benefits, and misery . There are workers that without knowing the reality are supporting his so called achievements

    in reply to: Michael Roberts on China #255720

    China does not have so many cheerleaders like during 1960-1980 when they created the Mao Tse Tung thought, and many organizations in the so called third world adopted Maoism, they sold millions copies of Mao Tse Tung collected works, and Peking Review , had Peking Radio which was listened in most third world countries using shortwave radio and transmitters, it was the competition of Moscow Radio and Habana Radio

    China was against the so called soviet social imperialism, and then Albania took a big chunk of the Maoist movement, they created what was known as the Albanian tendency conducted by Enver Hoxha, they also sold millions of copy of the collected works of Hoxha, Albania Today and they had Tirana Radio which was also widely listened in the third world countries.

    The competition for all of them was the Voice of Americas financed by the USA government, it was the station of the right wingers, but they had better broadcasting than all the stations of our time, it was an ideological battle among the differents tendencies

    Maoism and Hoxhaism were widely propagated in the third world countries, and most young peoples supported both world tendencies and right wingers were not so popular like in our time, on the contrary, it was a shame to be a right winger, everybody knew that China and the Soviet Union were capitalists countries

    There were more theoreticians in that epoch than now. China lost many supporters when they propagated the so called Theory of the three worlds and many Maoists rejected that theory, specially went they started to support anti soviet dictatorships

    The ones that exist in our time they are amateur cheerleaders

    in reply to: Trump as president again? #255711

    Several presidents and dictators in Latin America promised rent and price control and the law was passed in the congress but it never took place, on the contrary, the situation got worse, even that the governments made agreement with the sellers, workers unions and producers, they broke all accords and prices became excessive high including the price of gasoline that was double Price control has never worked in the capitalist society,

    The International Monetary Fund twisted the arms to several countries, and central banks were forced to abandon the measures because high austerity plan were imposed and countries had to generate more profits in order to pay the international loans.

    Since the national currencies were completely devaluated in comparison to the dollars, and they had to have dollars dollars reserves ( visas ) the rate of inflation increased drastically and the prices of commodities went up and workers suffered the consequences

    in reply to: Trump as president again? #255708

    Donald Trump before getting on the bus is already admitting that he can not bring down the prices of groceries, and it was a campaign promises that he was going to bring down prices by the stroke of a pen.

    He was only reading the label of the cereal boxes, but he was not reading the logic and the laws of the capitalist mode of production

    The old saying is: You can not fight city hall, but in this case is that you can not fight capitalist market, the market system destroys all politicians promises.

    in reply to: Syria again #255698

    That situation was also explained by the Historian Gerald Horne

    There is one piece of the puzzle that they have not mentioned but it was mentioned by Adam Buick:

    That was quick. This week hasn’t been a good one for dictators. In South Korea a would-be dictator was forced to back down by parliamentary and popular resistance. In Syria a decades long brutal dictatorship collapsed within 10 days.

    Both illustrate that even under capitalism a determined majority will get its way in the end. No government can maintain its rule in the face of widespread majority resistance. Those who think that a capitalist government would be able to establish and maintain for any length of time a dictatorship in face of the democratically-expressed majority will for socialism should take note.

    In the words of Victor Hugo, “No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come”.

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #255689

    The government of Donald Trump thinks that dealing with China is like walking in a park, China is the one holding the fry pan by the handle, and the last time that they entered into a tariff war with china, the USA lost several billions dollars in earnings, and some industries were destroyed, and China is taking over the US market on their own backyard, and Mexico is the US number 1 commercial partner.

    It is going to be a disaster, as well, deporting millions of foreign workers is going to be a disaster, who is going to do the hard and cheap labor in Agriculture, farming and construction ? Some of those skills require years of training and experiences The farming industry and meat industry is in economic crisis, and they are facing a tough competition around the whole world. There is not magician or demagogue able to solve the crisis of capitalism

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #255685

    That war is already lost, the Russians are holding a large area in Ukraine and that area contains the best minerals and resources that they need for the modern industry. The USA has never won a war without a secretary

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #255678

    China steps up retaliation against US economic warfare

    Even before Trump is inaugurated as US president and moves to hike tariffs against China—he has threatened to impose a 60 percent impost—Beijing is demonstrating it is prepared to retaliate far more powerfully than it has so far to the economic war being waged against it by the US.

    China moved very quickly in response to the decision of the outgoing Biden administration earlier this month to impose a new series of export controls on high-tech components. Those US measures are aimed at shackling China’s high-tech development, which President Xi Jinping has placed front and centre of the drive to develop new “high quality” productive forces.

    Beijing imposed restrictions on the export of critical minerals last week and this week announced an antitrust investigation into the leading US chip maker Nvidia in a move that the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) characterised as “sending a message that China won’t stand by quietly when targeted by trade and technology sanctions.”

    The export bans cover gallium, germanium, antimony and various compounds known as superhard materials, as well as graphite, which play a key role in the production of semi-conductors.

    in reply to: Richard Wolff distorting socialism #255676

    There are other people who can listen to his point of view and make their own decisions.

    The socialist party has always being open to listen to different point of views and we have written several articles about Richard Wolff specially on Cooperatives, and we have indicated that coop is not a socialist conception and that the management is not the solution to this problems of this society.

    In all my websites and discussions forum I publish articles and opinions from different organizations and most of the time I do not agree with their point of view but I want other members to see the point of view of those organizations to be compared with the point of view of the socialist party

    in reply to: Engels: On the History of Early Christianity #255669

    Alan wrote in this forum that Engels was mistaken about the origin of the primitive christians but the historical description made by Engels is totally correct and it has been confirmed by others sources including christian sources, and some of them have given credits to Engels including the movement of the liberation theology, the only ones that see negativity on Engels are the Marxist humanists but they support Lenin and Trotsky.

    There are many sincere and good peoples within the religion movement and most of them are members of the working class, and christianity was not born as a movement to kill peoples as most secular atheist have propagated, most religion had a materialistic origin born within an economic system, and christianity evolved within classical slavery and then it became the negation of the negation.

    Personally I grew up with Jesuits, salesians and Lasalle brothers and I learned many good things from them, I do not think that everything is negative but I broke away from them when I learned historical materialism

    It is really possible to establish a new society despite the fact that workers are moving toward the right and totalitarian leaders but within the same movement there is a large discontent within the working class, the election of Donald Trump by some millions of American workers it also a sign of discontent when they prefer to vote for the economy, but they do not have the theoretical understanding that it is the economy the one that is producing their own misery, left-winger only see the leaders, or the individual but they do not see the contradiction that workers are facing at the present time.

    I have seen workers taking class consciousness from one day into another day, and rebelling themselves against their own oppressors although those movements were only for reforms, but it does show that a vast majority of workers taking class consciousness can establish a better society

    in reply to: Syria again #255663

    The US government and some of its allied are saying that Russia has given exile to a brutal dictator but they have not mentioned their own dictators who also received exile . This is a small list of their own dictators until 1990 :
    (Data up to 1990)
    The United States and its Friendly Dictators

    Many of the world’s most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry dictators and corrupt puppet-presidents have been aided, supported, and rewarded handsomely for their loyalty to US interests. Traditional dictators seize control through force, while constitutional dictators hold office through voting fraud or severely restricted elections, and are frequently puppets and apologists for the military juntas which control the ballot boxes. In any case, none have been democratically elected by the majority of their people in fair and open elections.

    They are democratic America’s undemocratic allies. They may rise to power through bloody ClA-backed coups and rule by terror and torture. Their troops may receive training or advice from the CIA and other US agencies. US military aid and weapons sales often strengthen their armies and guarantee their hold on power. Unwavering “anti-communism” and a willingness to provide unhampered access for American business interests to exploit their countries’ natural resources and cheap labor are the excuses for their repression, and the primary reason the US government supports them. They may be linked internationalIy to extreme right-wing groups such as the World Anti-Communist League, and some have had strong Nazi affiliations and have offered sanctuary to WWll Nazi war criminals.

    They usually grow rich, while their countries’ economies deteriorate and the majority of their people live in poverty. US tax dollars and US-backed loans have made billionaires of some, while others are international drug dealers who also collect CIA paychecks. Rarely are they called to account for their crimes. And rarely still, is the US government held responsible for supporting and protecting some of the worst human rights violators in the world.

    in reply to: United Healthcare CEO murdered in Manhattan #255657

    They are already killing doctors and nurse as it was done during the Pandemic, they never hit the Piñatas in the proper place, this young man is not a hero, this act is going to create copycat on a society based on violences and false sociological conceptions and the ruling class is going to continue making profits, it is like removing the parts to a Rolex and new parts are going to be replaced again and the expensive watch will continue winding itself

    There is going to be an epidemic of individualistic anarchist execution, a famous medical doctor was already ambushed and killed , like during the pandemic many doctors and nurses were killed, they were being killed for the pandemic and the death of patients , but the reality is that many doctors and nurses died taking care of their patients, and some medical students postponed their studies due to the pandemic, and some medical schools allow amateur students to help others doctors because there is a shortage of doctors and nurses.

    Medical internists with 25 years of experiences were killed by fanatics and it takes time to recover that person again because in order to become an internist more than 12 years of education and training is required. Medical students algo were harassed and received death threats and their automobiles were vandalized because they do not the difference between a license medical doctor and a medical student, like some fanatics did not the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu

    The real problem is the capitalist society, it is not the working class, and the family of this young man are rich and some of his relative are Republicans, therefore, anybody can do that, it is not the act of a left-winger as some cavemen are saying

    This is a characteristic that Malcom X did not know and he learned it when he went to Africa and the Middle East . He thought that all Muslims are blacks and some of were targeted during first trump presidency, as well he did not know that there are black jews in the Middle East and africa

    Who are White Muslims?

    in reply to: Irony #255655

    The death penalty has been rejected by many so called third world countries, and the majority of Senators and state ministers have considered the death penalty to be a barbaric and criminal act approved by the same so called criminal laws

    More examples of killing peoples in cold blood and destroying the life of millions of peoples

    Natives peoples were placed in private schools and forced to abandon their language, religion and customs, and now many are suffering personal problems, the peoples from the reservation are suffering from poverty, drugs addictions, and family destruction, every years hundred of natives women are disappearing and are killed, the battles of 1492 continue, it has not stopped after 500 years of looting and killing, and more than 72 millions were exterminated in all continents

    This is not Nazis Germany, and this idiot has said that nothing has happened, and he was going to be part of the pool of heroes to be Kamala Harris vice president .

    He has a doctorate degree and he does not know anything about history, ( centers of brainwashing ) he must be reading comic books, and they want to burn books, what for? he should get his money back .

    I have known peasants and factory workers who can be his teacher on history, anthropology and economics

    in reply to: Syria again #255653

    There are many news sources in Latin America who have indicated the same things, that Israel wants to weaken completely the Syrian state and destroy all future resistance, and they want to take more lands and more territories.

    Now they are looking for Weapons of Mass destruction like the USA in Iraq, and Israel is the only state in the Middle East who has atomic bombs and ultra modern millitary equipments supplied by the USA.

    More than 310 attacks have been carried by Israel after the rebel took Syria

    This is going to be like the time of the Buccaneers and the Filibusters, when the pirates took an island they destroyed everything and they splitted everything among themselves This daily news center is explaining why Israel is carrying those attacks and debunks all the false news propagated by NATO and the USA.

    It is well planned move carried by the USA, NATO and Israel to weaken and destroy all oppositions in the Middle East, and to weaken Iran and Russia to take over all the natural resources of the region and to give a final blow to Iran who is the biggest opposition and competition with Israel.

    Biden is leaving a very hot potato to Trump in the Middle East and Europe, he must follow the rules of capital and to continue with the same plans, the pretext of taking the hostage back to Israel is already gone, and according to some left-wingers groups they knew that they were going to be attacked by Hamas

    in reply to: Trump as president again? #255652

    Both political parties are completely dominated, controlled and financed by the capitalist class, and now it is more obvious than in prior epochs, they can not hide it any longer, they can not cover up the propagated false illusion that it is a government by the peoples and the for the peoples, it is just the executive committee to manage the affairs of the whole bourgeois class, it is a government by the rich and for the rich, and it was going to be the same with the democrats, that is the reason why millions of Americans did not vote for any one of them, there was a large absenteeism

    They are going to drill petroleum all over the USA ( including Indian lands ) and all over the world, it was one of the campaign promises, ( Drill Baby Drill ) and most of his followers approved that, and most of them believe that climate disaster is a Chinese hoax, and they want the USA to become a petroleum exporter, and self sufficient, it is going to be a disaster, and large hurricane and water cyclone are going to destroy many states, and fracking produce earthquakes and sink holes

    During the political campaign they were saying that the Chinese capitalists were taking over many USA corporations and lands,( inciting bourgeois nationalism ) but now, they are saying that all kind of capitalists investment is welcomed, and probably the Russian oligarchs are going to invest in the USA, as long as it is money they do not care, including the financial investment of the drugs cartels who also are investing money in real estates, they want to make ‘America great again” with foreign investments, it is similar to the so called third world countries that are welcoming all kinds of foreign investment to push the economy and and exploit the working class

    Anybody with half brain will understand that a member of the capitalist class is going to support all members of the capitalists class, he or she is not going to support the working class, a capitalist can not be a benefactor of the working peoples, that is totally illogical, as Warren Buffet said: There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning

    I have seen particular situations where the population of a town or province have elected plumbers, carpenters and common peoples of their community to be senator, major, or a state minister, but in this government the net worth of all nominated officials is 344 billions dollars and none have qualifications to those government posts, they are paying political favors as it is done in the so called third world countries and the same country that they call shit holes countries.

    It is like one article of the socialist standard says, it is economic isolation combined with economic intervention, it has been like since the foundation of the USA, and since the time of the Monroe Doctrine, the reality is that the USA is an empire in decline, and it is a de industrialized nation, and foreign capital is needed in order to boost the economy, what the Democratic Party has been preaching that the economy is doing extraordinarily is just a lie, it is just doing good for the capitalist class and poorly for the working class, if the economy is doing so good why more than 75 millions of poor Americans voted for Trump ? The concept of making America great agains applies also to foreign investments, they will also make America great again, but great for the rich class and it is not new either

    One side of the capitalist class was campaigning for the so called middle class, for the educated sector of the American society, and the other sector of the capitalist class were better snake oil salesmen they were campaigning for the poor and the peoples from the rural areas who are the poorest ones and most of them are whites, and most poor peoples in the USA are whites.( Trump said I love the uneducated peoples ) Kamala Harris did not lose because she is a woman or black, a white man, or white woman would have lost the election too.

    There is an article published in this forum that shows the fallacy of the so called middle versus the concept of the working class propagated in the USA, the middle class are the peoples holding a college degree, and the working class are the peoples who do not have a college degree, but both are wage slaves exploited by the bourgoise class, they are wage slaves without university degrees, and others are wage slaves with college degrees, the capitalist also need slaves with technical knowledges, most peoples graduated from universities are unemployed, or holding unsecured jobs, with schools debts, and many are living with their parents, they can not afford to pay rent or to buy a house,( Kamala Harris promised 25,000 dollars to buy a house ) and are paying their needs using credit cards, using the visa to pay the Mastercard or vice versa

    As historian Howard Zinn said: The class struggle has been completely hidden in the USA

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