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ParticipantWhoever place his/her in the fire of the capitalist class will get third degree burn, and many workers are burning their own hands supporting them
Capitalist will cheat bully and betray each other, After so much show, and spectacles, shouting against each other, the USA and Ukraine are going to sign the mineral agreement.
The best snake oil salesman won the prize and all the Oscars and Grammies
All of those dogs are salivating for the vast amount of money that represent those resources, whoever has more saliva will eat more bread.
Thousands of peoples has died in the Ukraine/Russia war and the capitalists got the best part of their own war. We are just a bunch of masochists
If the national borders are more important that the life of our children and others peoples life, wars will continue killing more human beings
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ParticipantThis is an inter-imperialists conflict, and it does show that there is a big crack between the Western Powers and the US capitalist class, and Ukraine is in the middle of this conflict due to the vast amount of natural resources that it possess, and all of them want to take possession of all of those resources which are needed for their modern industrial production
The conflict also falls within the interest of the Chinese capitalists which is the main enemy of the USA ruling class, and for them it is much better to have an alliance with Russia than Russia making an alliance with China, like in the old days the US/Western powers made an alliance with the Soviet Union against Germany, and the USA made an alliance with China and Mao Tse Tung against the Soviet Union . Capitalists power always have made temporary alliances
The USA is desperate fighting for its single world hegemony ( a multipolar world has always existed included the period when the Soviet Union imploded) which is in rapid decline around the whole world, even more, it is losing its grip in its own backyard which is Latin America and several countries are moving themselves toward the umbrella of China, and china is becoming the second trade partner, and there are prediction that it can become the number one trade partner, and besides consumers goods, china is also providing loans, building infrastructure and military weapons, and they are obtaining minerals, rare earth, petroleum, commercial routes and spheres of influences, and some of those countries have become members of the BRICS coalition. Two points of view about this conflicts :–
PS: Donald Trump has said that the USA has provided more than 350 billions to Ukraine which is just a lie, the USA has provided around 119 billions in military hardware which must be paid back, and the European Union has provided more military aid than the USA, and they are playing the victim card, when they are the biggest thief that has existed over the earth along with the British empire-
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ParticipantYes. But the word as used in our modern sense had to wait until Restif.
————————————————-I know that, I am just mentioning that particular historical events before the emerge of scientific socialism
Karl Marx also took from the Utopian socialists the labor vouchers, and several of them were christians too, and he was also influenced by Theodore Dezamy
ParticipantThe American natives lived under primitive communism
And the primitive christians lived under a form of socialism
ParticipantRussian imperialism after Assad more guns and bullets are heading to Africa
———————————The Kremlin losing their main base for deploying forces into Africa and the Middle East has been a set back for Russian Imperialism and thus China and Iran despite them being primarily united by US & Western sanctions and by future sanctions against them. This is partially why Russia and Iran accepted the humiliation of withdrawing from Syria. Bashar Al-Assad was in negotiations with the US and UAE to have sanctions lifted and to be rehabilitated into the Arab League in exchange for breaking their relations with Iran and Russia.(1) This is despite Iran expending $50 billion in their intervention to save Assad’s regime in 2011 & 2015-2016.(2) Russia fought against the Turkish backed Hayat-Tharir al-Sham (HTS) and Syrian National Army with its usual brutal airstrikes until it was clear that Assad’s regime was already spent out and plagued by mass desertions, due to soldiers being paid for only 3 days pay out of a month.(3) Bashar Al- Assad had also failed in fulfilling Russia’s demands to expand the support base for the already long faltering regime.
ParticipantTrump and the new golden age’s start with what the terrible images of Trump’s investiture as 47th president of the United States tell us. Surrounded by an attentive court of billionaire vassals, as rich as they are opportunistic (they were also present at Biden’s coronation) Trump solemnly declared that he had been “saved by god to make America great again”, a feat that will entail performing two miracles. The first is to bring the USA back to being the greatest economic and financial power in the world (“America first”). The second will be to bring “peace” to the world — by building “the strongest military the world has ever seen”. Translated into international geopolitical terms, or inter-imperialist power relations, we find that he who claims to be anointed by the Lord will continue to do what all previous Administrations have done, whether Republican or Democrat, including Biden’s. The only difference being the crudeness of the character, his political aggression and personal vulgarity.
ParticipantCapitalists do not have friends, they only have temporary alliances, and they always cheat each other, and despite that there are millions of workers who support their own class enemies. The US government spent millions in this war that is already lost, but the weapons manufacturers earned billions of dollars too. All wars are financed by the capitalists class, the workers can not even pay their rents and buy groceries
ParticipantI’ve moved this thread to off-topic, where it belongs, could people please calm down.
So, you are going to let this guy to insult anybody around here I am constantly posting in this forum and outside this forum
ParticipantBill gates invested money in Kamala Harris campaign He is also investing in the rocket industry and engine fuel, farming and real estate
ParticipantThe Russian are not fools in order to give to the USA the large chunk of minerals that already have taken in Ukraine,
They also need it and they can sell them to members of BRIcS including China.
They can not twist arms with the Russian empire Biden tried and it did not work
ParticipantWhat are the us troops doing at the Haiti/DR doing ? Protecting democracy and freedom ? Protecting a large supply of mineral needed for rockets Who owns the best and future rocket corporation? Elon musk As Adam said earlier. Gates vs musk
ParticipantThis new us hawkish leaders are building a new weapon industrial complex and musk is going to finance them. The traditional manufacturer such as Boeing and Lockheed are being taken over by new wars corporations Russia is getting stronger thru brics The money given by us to Ukraine is not free it must be repaid and trump wants the rare earth for space x and electric vehicles to compete with china
The us is desperate looking for rare earth to compete with china They have troop in the Haitian border protecting those minerals instead of using civilians corporations
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ParticipantI have been reading and studying Marx and Engels for many years ago since I was a very young person, and I have read several of his biography and one of the best one has been written by one of his closest friend which was Franz Mehring, and several of his biographers have clearly indicated that he learned the concept of stateless society, leaderless, and freely associated labor, and according to their needs from the French anarchists when he was living in France. Before Marx and Engels became socialist they were liberal petty bourgeois, and they had blanquists conception and Engels participated in an armed uprising, before Marx became an economists, the real economist was Engels, and he was subscribed to the collapsists theory, there are many things that we do not know about Marx and the new MEGA collection will show many discoveries, and I have the 52 volumes in my personal library. I participate in this forum all the time, and I am always making research, and I will always bring topics. Read an articles published by the SPGB titled what Marx would have told to Peter Kropotkin
Also I know about music because I am a music collector since I was very young. ( known as crate digger ) I am not looking for musical pieces in you tube. I used to own thousands of LP vinyl, reel to reel, DAT, and I sold them to a store owner and most of them were classical music, instrumental, opera, jazz, Brazilian, and afro cuban music, I stream music from Tidal, and Qobuz which is losless music and I can record them on a professional recorder that I own. I was also a collector of stereo equipments such as Mcintosh and Marantz. I have been involved in the world of music for many years and it is one of my favorites hobbies .
PD Marx and Engels used the concept of communism and socialism interchangeable, and the Communist Manifesto was not a communist documents either because it contains several reformist clauses and state capitalist clauses, and they used the name communist due to historical convenience, and the manifesto at the very beginning was called the German manifesto ( which sounds like a nationalist document ) and the specter of communism was an exaggeration made by Marx. I has been proven that several of the concepts used in the Manifesto already existed within the working class, and part of the draft was written by Engels on principles of communism. There are many things that are going to be discovered about Marx that have not been published yet. Their concept of history at the very beginning was wrong and then they changed when Lewis Morgan published his book titled the Ancient society, and his anthropological notebooks have not been studied completely yet and I am studying them. They also had conceptions similar to the Mensheviks-
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ParticipantI do not think that boxing was a brutal sport all the time, it existed since pre historical times and it was a form of entertainment.
It exists in our time as a brutal and violent sport due to the intervention of the business world and the competition in order to make money and profits, and several of them have died because they have not followed certain rules established by the boxing regulators, but football is worst than boxing and it is more brutal than boxing and it has been medically proven that i produce a lot of brain damages, as a medical doctor proved that brain do not have ‘shock absorber” like some others animals
Baseball was a sport practiced by the Tainos as a community entertainment, and the US turned it into a business to produce money and profits and in order to compete many baseball players use drugs in order to excel, but it is practiced in some community as a form of family gathering and entertainment
The problem of our world is the system of profits, and several things that exist in capitalism might exist also in socialism under a different approach, and it is up to the majority of the peoples to keep them or to eliminate them, it is not up to the desires of one or several individuals to decide the future society, even more, we can not make a blueprint of the future society, we do not even know what form of organization the world working class is going to use, we do not have the keys to the paradise, we are not the Moses that is going to take the working class to the promised land
We can not kill all the venomous snakes because they can kill human beings when poison is also used for medical treatments, and surgical procedures, an antidote, opium is also used for medical treatment, and it was also used many years ago to treat pain produced by syphilis, the same case is for cannabis it can be used for medical treatment and the plant can be used for industrial production, in the past they were making medications based on cocaines, and human beings have been using herbs and plants for many years which are prohibited in our time, and pharmacology comes from herbs and plants.
The same thing is with atomic plant and atomic power, it can be safely used without the production of profits and to cut corners, they can be designed based on human safety and protection, the key word is mutual collaboration, and mutual sharing among human beings, and the decision of the majority, and value of use is the only thing that is going to prevail, we are not going to eliminate atomic medicine, in the contrary it is going to be developed to produce better treatment, better equipment and better safety, even more, it is going to be one of the paradigm of medicine, as well, regenerative medicine is going to be developed, we might develop new organs, or repair damaged organs, and stem cell research has been blocked by the religious leaders, we are going to gave religious peoples in a socialist society, it is going to become a problem of personal incumbency
Many cultures are going to learn from other cultures by the elimination of nationalism and patriotism, we can learn from the experiences of the peasants who are the best agronomist, even more, agronomy evolved from the experiences of the peasants and small farmers, and capitalism applied mechanization to the agricultural production, it is going to be used in socialist society to produce more foods and more efficiency, we are going to learn from the workers located at the most advanced countries, at the present Mexican peasants are being kicked out from the USA but they are the most experienced agricultural workers, even more GMO seeds might also be used in a socialist society under a different approach in order to produce more foods, to avoid plant diseases, it would be up to the majority of the associated world farmer to use them, because it is be going managed under a different system without the concept of profit
We can not make a blueprint of the future society, and I think that Karl Marx did not do it either
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Not enough!———————————————————
What this forum needs are more topics on real socialist issues, and topics related to the needs of the world working class.( World Socialist Movement ) Win music workers do not pay rent, utilities, education, and groceries. I was a crate diggers and I am still a music collector and I had a large collection of LP vinyl that I sold to a collector and a record store owner, but I made money by selling them
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