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Capitalism will not collapse by itself, it must be replaced by the world working class, and the world working class is not ready for that mission yet
Millions of workers still believe that capitalism is their only viable solution, and millions of US workers are still supporting capitalism and pro capitalist leaders, electing either one would have been the same thing. Capitalism as usual .
Donald Trump was elected by workers from different social backgrounds, including white, blacks, latinos, women, asian, and middle eastern, they believed in the promises of a right wing demagogue, in the same way that workers have believed in the promises of left-wings demagogues, and both have greased the wheels of capitalism
Capitalism is becoming more reactionary and recalcitrant but it is not collapsing, cyclical crisis is a normal process of the capitalist society.
I have heard the same thing about the decomposition of capitalism for several decades and capitalism is still producing profits and it has not collapsed.
It is the same mistake made by Rosa Luxembourg and that is the reason why she supported the uprising and she was killed, capitalism was not collapsing in her time .
There was not a workers socialist revolution in France and Germany, and none has taken placed around the world, on the contrary, workers have embraced capitalist nationalism.
Right wings populists are becoming popular and are winning elections without any coup d’tat, and have a large support among the working class due to the failures and the false promises, and false theories of the left-wingers social democrats, and others pro reformist groups including the Leninists
Argentina is the best example, with so many leftwings, anarchists, and Leninists groups ( several tendencies ) and the workers elected an ultra right wing leader, in this case, a so called anarco capitalist
- This reply was modified 17 hours, 12 minutes ago by Citizenoftheworld.
- This reply was modified 17 hours, 7 minutes ago by Citizenoftheworld.
CitizenoftheworldParticipantI think we should listen to the opinions of others political organizations. I have participated on online meeting given by the ICC ( CCI ) and I attend public meeting given by others organizations
CitizenoftheworldParticipant All fits together
After more than a decade of bloody conflict in which more than 600.000 people were killed and more than 14 million were forced to flee their homes, the Syrian ‘civil’ war seemed to have settled in a stalemate and a de facto partition of the country. And yet, only a little push was needed to topple Assad.
The government forces refused to fight. Everywhere the rebels came, there was little or no resistance, everywhere they were greeted by jubilant masses cheering the downfall of the hated regime.
It looks like the 24-48 hours war ending offered by Trump to his followers during the election campaign is not going to take place. They were just promises made by a populist demagogue leader
Before been officially nominated as a president, he had made certain peace offerings to the Russians but they have rejected all of them, the accords made between capitalists are not based on friendship, they are based on their own interests
The Russians are not fools, and the main objectives of their invasion to Ukraine are still on the negotiation table, and they are not going to give to the USA a big piece of the cake, that is a war for natural resources, routes and spheres of influences
CitizenoftheworldParticipantAnd the same principle must be applied to the Syrian rebels, the honeymoon is not going to last too long, they are going to be removed too by the main external forces involved in the conflict, they were just used as pawn to remove the Syrian government, and the fight will continue in a wider scale.
The British capitalists have not removed them from their terrorist list
The USA has had contacts with them, but they have offered them certain conditions, I think neither one them are going to comply with those conditions. Israel will continue being the main target of those Islamist groups looting of the Syrian resources and its territories will continue, and Israel will continue taking more lands and weaken the government of Iran Six scenarios for Syria
t is naive to assume that the current regime in Syria will remain in place — as it is — going forward.Syria is now in a state of uneasy transition and the political-military situation will remain in flux as long as the conflicts between the various armed and civic groups are not resolved.
- This reply was modified 2 days, 7 hours ago by Citizenoftheworld.
Another commercial and capitalist production agreement made by Joe Biden with the Vietnamese leadership, no more talks about communist threats after thousands of human beings were killed by both sides, the article written by the Socialist Party about the Vietcong and the so called national liberation was totally correct
The capitalists know as an American state minister said about the Soviet Union: it is state capitalism, probably, they are more aware than several leftwing groups who continue claiming that Vietnam is a socialist country, but they call it market socialism, they have thrown away Marx’s Das Kapital
They have placed the Vietnamese workers on a silver plate for the western capitalists, allowing them to extract surplus value from their labor, and both sides became super rich and workers are continue living in extreme poverty and the western capitalists blame the problem on communism
Ho Chi Min was an old friend and allied of the Western capitalists, ( the same as Joseph Stalins ) therefore, it is the renovation of an old alliance with his followers known as the vietcong
All presidents are the continuators of the prior policies of other presidents and when they leave the White House they are canonized by the capitalist class and the corporate press and if they were war criminals they become humanitarians, pro-labors and defenders of human rights
CitizenoftheworldParticipant Jimmy Carter and Ten Hsiao Ping, and supporting China military attack against Vietnam which produced thousands of deaths on both sides . The US historians have two set of books like the ex-bookkeepers of the sicilian mafia
On that occasion China did not apply the reactionary so-called Three world theory created by Mao Tse Tung, in which the USA and Russia were enemies number one, and the biggest world threat according to the Chinese leaders, the only threat was the Soviet Union .
China made alliance with many reactionaries governments around the whole world, and the Maoists were saying that the economic was socialists, and capitalist investment would not affect the economic base of the society, and workers would benefits ( it sound like Lenin state capitalism ) and it created a big division among the Maoist movement and the emerge of the so called Albanian tendency.
Now China is the biggest competitor for world hegemony against the USA, and enemy number one of the USA capitalist class, it sounds like the period before WW2 and during WW 2 in regard to Germany .
As Thomas More has said: Why burn books when people are not reading them ? That event was widely published in the Peking Review, Albania Today and Russia Today and some US newspapers. In that time we were reading books, newspapers, pamphlets, magazines and listening broadcasting in shortwave radios The main concern was not the diplomats’ ties, the main concern was to establish factories in China, and then they blamed the lack of jobs on the emigrants, that move was also done by Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. The real replacement was done by the capitalist class.
History is a tragedy the first time, and like a farce on the second time Richard Nixon visit to China, someone that I knew said: Mao is placing the so called Chinese revolution on the floor on a red carpet, but in reality it was a pro capitalist revolution carried on later with the so called four modernizations and the development of capitalism in China Bill Clinton visited China, profits first and human rights later. The character of the state did not end with one particular capitalist administration it continue its mission, It is the executive apparatus to manage the affairs of the capitalist class
This is a very detailed historical description of the Carter administration. They are saying that Trumpism is a cult, but Carter is also a capitalist cult, one created by the Republicans and the other one created by the Democrats,
CitizenoftheworldParticipantThe market-libertarians (brand: Reason magazine) salute him as the pre-Reagan:
That magazine treats him a little soft, but this is what really he was :
Carter is a liberal saint now, was a war criminal then. The bourgeois press does not mention that he also made agreement with China which cost the life of thousands of Chinese and Vietnamese. Like him, China also supported several reactionary and right wing government including the government of Augusto Pinochet based on the so called Three World Theory developed by Mao Tse Tung, and later on they denied that it was created by Mao Jimmy Carter the false savoir- This reply was modified 4 days, 20 hours ago by Citizenoftheworld.
- This reply was modified 4 days, 20 hours ago by Citizenoftheworld.
CitizenoftheworldParticipantThe same situation that the Democrats are describing about Donald Trump also took place during the election of Bill Clinton, he was elected for less than 49% of the voters . This is what the Historian Howard Zinn wrote about him :
The discontent around the US voters is a very old situation that culminated with a big absenteeism in this last election, and probably the same trend will continue during the next presidential election
No wonders why they want to eliminate Howard Zinn books from public schools because he has debunked all the historical myth and pipe dreams about the history of the USA
- This reply was modified 5 days, 4 hours ago by Citizenoftheworld.
CitizenoftheworldParticipantHe can be categorized under the same myth of John F Kennedy, as a Catholic who defended human rights and civil rights, both allegations are false. This is what Noam Chomsky said about Ronald Reagan and JFK and it was summarized on SOYMB:
Noam Chomsky says, the Kennedy and Reagan administrations aren’t that different:
“…compare two Presidential administrations in the 1960s and the 1980s, the Kennedy administration and the Reagan administration. Now, in a sense they had a lot in common, contrary to what everyone says. Both came into office on a fraudulent denunciations of their predecessors as being wimpish and weak and letting the Russians get ahead of us–There was a fraudulent “missile gap” in the Kennedy case, a fraudulent “window of vulnerability” in the Reagan case. Both were characterized by a major escalation of the arms race, which means more international violence and increased taxpayer subsidies to advanced industry at home through military spending. Both were jingoist, both tried to whip up fear in the general population through a lot of militarist hysteria and jingoism. Both launched highly aggressive foreign policies around the world–Kennedy substantially increased the level of violence in Latin America; the plague of repression that culminated in the 1980s under Reagan was in fact largely the result of his initiatives…”Nor is the similarity restricted to foreign adventurism. Both JFK and Reagan were the tax-cutting presidents. He lowered the top rates of individual income tax and he reduced corporate tax levels. Kennedy was a boom time for the corporations with the price of the S&P Composite Index return up, about 150% between 1960 and 1965. At the same time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 115 points (between 18 and 19%), give or take, during JFK’s administration, reaching a high of about 735 points in 1962. corporate taxes as a percentage of corporate profits were on a decline while corporate profits after taxes were on the rise. However, personal wage and salary as a percentage of the GDP was on the decline.
Noam Chomsky commented: “…Kennedy was very pro-business. He was essentially a business candidate. His assassination had no significant effect on policy that anybody was able to detect.”
Howard Zinn wrote that after JFK presented his first budget, it was clear there “would be no major change in the distribution of income or wealth or tax advantages” and then proceeded to quote New York Times columnist James Reston, who wrote that Kennedy “agreed to a tax break for business investment in plant expansion and modernization. He is not spoiling for a fight with the Southern conservatives over civil rights. He has been urging the unions to keep wage demands down…he has been trying to reassure the business community that he does not want any cold war with them…”.
Historian Howard Zinn on Carter, there is not difference between Ronald Reagan and himself and the following presidents such as George Bush, Bill Clinton and Obama
- This reply was modified 5 days, 4 hours ago by Citizenoftheworld.
CitizenoftheworldParticipantAs Thomas More has written in this forum several times: Why do they want to burn books when peoples are not reading them ? It is also applicable to the criminal history of Jimmy Carter, he has been portrayed as a Christian saint but that assertion is completely false because most peoples have not read the real history
Like asking why are there so many Uzi machines guns and Israel weapons spread in Central America, the answer is because Israel was used to supply weapons to all the reactionaries governments and right wings guerrillas groups of that region supported by the government of Jimmy Carter including the death squad of El Salvador, and the Nicaraguas Contras and the Colombian paramilitary
CitizenoftheworldParticipantErnesto Che Guevara believed in a moneyless society and he ended up becoming the head of the Central Bank of Cuba, and minister of industry and commerce, and he himself volunteered to motivate the workers to produce more at the sugar plantation and factories for the soviet union
All the time Trotsky enarbolated bourgeois nationalization as socialism and he supported the hitler -stalin pact as a protection to socialist russia.
He died believing that the Soviet Union was a socialist country, but Lenin at the end of his life he did recognize the bureaucratic aspect of the soviet state similar to the old czarist state .
Lenin did recognize that the vanguard party to lead was only applicable to Russia and it was a temporary measure and Trotsky and Stalin made a permanent policy of the Soviet Union and the bolshevik party
He paraphrased certain socialist principles that the never supported which has been a pretext for his followers to say that he was a socialist and he knew what socialism really is.
He supported the militarization at the point of production and whoever did not show up to work should be dismissed, it does sound like Ford assembly line which later on was adopted by Joseph Stalin.
We have an article which say that Bolshevism is just a combination of Karl Kautsky vanguard party and leon Trotsky theory of the permanent revolution
CitizenoftheworldParticipantThe Socialist Party ( and the WSM ) since its foundation has advocated that the liberation of the working class would be done by the working class themselves without any leaders, and it was the same conception advocated for Marx and Engels through their whole life, and it was the center of their writings versus the conception of leadership and cadres propagated by the bolsheviks and its followers. I stick my gun to that conception
CitizenoftheworldParticipantI thought I would check with the original German of what Luxemburg wrote and the situation is not that clear-cut. The word that the Australian translator translated as “economics” is Nationalökonomie which literally means “national economy”, the word then in use to mean fir instance the subject studied at university.
This was the word Engels and Marx had used in their early writings (1840s) and which they later called “political economy”. In fact in some translations Nationalökonomie which they used has been translated into English as “political economy”.
There is another German word Wirtschaft which can also be translated as “economics” and which Luxemburg also used. It is a sort of literal translation of the Greek word from which “economics” is derived, ie rules of house-keeping.
What Luxemburg said would disappear in socialism was Nationalökonomie, which is obvious in one sense as with capitalism would go the study of how it works (and ideological justifications for it).
There is also a German word Naturalwirtschaft used to describe an “economy” where money is not used.
There is a good translation of the works of Rosa Luxembourg to English ( 4 volumes ) made by Peter Hudis and Kevin Anderson both are fluently in the German language. The word used by Adam means economy, business and industry
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg- This reply was modified 1 week ago by Citizenoftheworld.