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  • in reply to: ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles #242326

    You have to hand it to capitalism, it’s managed to negotiate (in a less than smooth way) technological innovation from the first primitive steam engines right up to these AI gizmos (and beyond?). Far from capitalist relations of production being fetters these relations display a dispiriting flexibility.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by chelmsford.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242322

    That last h doesn’t have an a on it. Berk. Otherwise it’s a devastating response.

    in reply to: Our 2023 local election activity #242185

    Being not particularly rational (whatever that means) would prompt one to vote for a candidate with a silly name. If you were sensible you wouldn’t.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #242100

    I see Vladen Tatarsky (who he?) has copped it. A pro-war blogger, Vlad was blown up in a Leningrad cafe by an agent of US Imperial Mints. (Made that last bit up but bet on it somebody will say it)
    ‘Ere, we’ve not heard from the Scotsman for a bit. You don’t think…

    in reply to: French crisis #242067

    Another reform whittled away til we get back to the good old days of LLoyd George’s 1908 Old Age Pension act, ’twas the only game in town. Five bob a week for all workers 70 and over. Not that many workers made it to that age. Only introduced because sending people to the workhouse was costing too much.
    Who will want to employ folk in their late 60’s? Call this an unfair generalisation if you must, but old people are no good at anything.

    in reply to: Someone else has a go at refuting socialism #241974

    I wonder why Ivo wears that hat?

    in reply to: Another Bank in Crisis? #241972

    The Professor had no luck with large European financial institutions, who declined to help with his empirical test on the grounds of security. Why did he not just tell them his theory and ask if this is what they do?

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #241971

    I am NOT Spartacus! I am NOT Spartacus! It’s that bloke over there. Kirk Douglas.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241805

    If a socialist found the Scotsman raping his (the socialist’s) mother/sister/granny/brother (not necessarily in that order), would the socialist
    (a) reason with the Scotsman he was showing a woeful lack of class-consciousness?
    (b) bray him with a handy length of four by two?
    The answer is (of course?) (b).
    Not a new ‘argument’. Pacifists and socialists (who are not pacifist) have to meet it whenever capitalist rivalries turn ugly. ‘Drop the naive class stuff and get stuck in with whatever side excites you’.
    If the Scotsman found a Russian soldier raping a ‘nazi’ (using the word practically in it’s Japanese sense) (might be Waffen SS might not), the only consistent course open to the Scotsman would be to
    (c) Join in.
    You can attempt to unpack the thinking until the proverbial dairy-farm reunion but as a logician himself the Scotsman will confirm the reasoning is impeccable. What it might tell us about his moral qualities, well…that is essentially a Viennese question it would be unseemly to go in to.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241657

    Lizzie and the Scotsman lament the lack of humour on this thread. S’pose this is his idea of it.
    Howz about guys an gals, reducing the population of Poland to a great waxy greasy blob. Not unlike Bees Wax polish. Geddit! Polish/polish!!…(Frankie Howerd) ooooh please yerself!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241555

    You see, next thing you know those pesky Natostanis will be coming over here opening sweetie shops on every other corner and bumming off the welfare.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #241554

    But is it prudent helping people like your good self who use the dough to go swanning off to Austria drinking schnapps and belting out traditional Austrian folk songs ‘Tie me Kangeroo down sport’ and ‘My boomerang wont come back’.
    It’s folk like you Lee Anderson has in mind when blathering on about the undeserving poor.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241272

    I wonder if the Scotsman has met a ‘Nazi’ in the flesh.
    Although having no interest in the Anti-‘Nazi’ League, they did put on some good benefit shows featuring obscure punk bands. It was at one of these a girl talked me into joining her and her SWP pals into confronting National Front newspapers sellers proffering their wares in Walsall town centre most Saturdays.
    I should have worn me brown trousers.
    I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’, they were not into ideology, political theory and all that palaver, they just enjoyed a good punch-up. In a sense they were without prejudice – they would hit anyone.
    I really liked that girl, so despite the old spine now being distinctly soluble, I somehow tottered up to this huge skinhead and…purchased a copy of Spearhead.
    The Scotsman will be overjoyed to hear things did ‘kick off’. Fortunately this was the late 1970’s and there was still plenty of NHS dental treatment available and I only paid a nominal sum toward the upper denture. And you know I still have that relic of the anti-‘Nazi’ struggle in me gob. I do look like Albert Steptoe though.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241123

    This war has to end on May 23 2024, the date I’ve drawn in the sweepstake.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240900

    Certainly no sign of battle-fatigue on this thread.The combatants soldier on…

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