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  • in reply to: A Xmas Message #99339

    I think we should avoid using Imagine.  It is too old, too slow, and too dull.  Something more dynamic should be used.  A plodding soundtrack with a boring voiceover is not going to grab the attention of disaffected voters.  An old song from the 70's is not the way to attract people to the SPGB. 

    in reply to: A Xmas Message #99337
    Vin Maratty wrote:
    gnome wrote:
      In order to meet the required deadline of the end of March 2014, the EC should request him to work expeditiously on an election video using existing scripts.

     I would appreciate a copy of the scripts so far in order  to see if the project is within my capabilities, tho' I can't see why not and I don't think we would be breaking the official secrets act  

    Hi Vin,I've got copies of the various scripts, and will email them when I get a moment on my other computer (kids on it at the moment).Bob.

    in reply to: Why would membership of the SPGB be refused #96642
    steve colborn wrote:
    I remember approximately 15 years ago, sending detailed guidelines of the work that should be undertaken, over a 2 or 3 year period, to prepare the ground for contesting elections. It was lost in a sea of apathy and disinterest. The same work was undertaken by comrades in the NE, from which benefits are still being garnered.

    Hi Steve,Do you mean that you produced a document? If so, I'm sure other members, and myself, would be interested in seeing the guidance produced.Kind regards,Bob.

    in reply to: Dodgy investment funds #99042
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I was a convert in the debate, and this recent story about Comic Relief (and previous one about the CofE) convinced me that although there is no reason in principle not to invest, the reputational risk is too great.  Whilst there is no substantial difference between the surplus value we'd accrue through bank interest, there is the matter of directly linking our name with given firms.

    I agree.  At first I did think that there could be no objection in principle to investing, after all, we do live in a capitalist society and cannot avoid investment via banks, pensions etc.  However, directly investing in a fund does risk being associated with unsavoury activity, which would tarnish our reputation.  

    in reply to: Members and a Socialist Party – Organisational critique #98692

    A quick search turned up this software for downloading data from Yahoo groups, could this be used?, some people still use the Yahoo forums in preference to this one, but I think they should be encouraged to migrate here, and have all the forums in one place.  It is confusing for new comers to find forums scattered across the interweb.  It took me quite a while to find all the different resources, spintcom, spopen, spgbmedia, WSM_Forum on Yahoo (is that all of them?) and the forums here.  

    in reply to: Members and a Socialist Party – Organisational critique #98687

    I am discussing a forum that doesn't work so well, on a forum that works perfectly well.  As mentioned in the previous discussion linked to above, why don't we just ditch Yahoo and use this one for everything?

    in reply to: Members and a Socialist Party – Organisational critique #98684

    I agree with admice about the Yahoo forums. They are shit. Would it be possible for a knowledgeable person to look into the feasabililty of using an alternative forum platform?I have been put off using those forums by their lack of user friendlyness, and this is also likely to put off any new members to the forums.  We should be doing all we can to attract people to the forums, and to keep them there by making them user friendly.  

    in reply to: Studying Economics #97848

    The Post-Crash Economics Society at Manchester University has just been discussed on Radio 4 news this morning, with one commentator worried that 'the baby will be thrown out with the bathwater' if economics courses are redesigned.  He is clinging to the belief that data can be used to predict variations in the economy.  If he needs predictions, than I can help.  I predict that there will be economic peaks and depressions, that wealth will continue to be concentrated into the hands of the '1%', and that the majority of the worlds people will continue to be forced to work for a pittance in order to survive, and to generate profits for the '1%'.  There, can I have an economics degree now please.  

    in reply to: “Slavery” case: a Maoist cult? #98443

    The BBC have gone from describing the couple as Marxists to describing them as Maoists, so somebody must have listened.  They still have a quote from somebody at Manchester University describing Maoism as 'traditional conventional communism' though.  Tut. 

    in reply to: “Slavery” case: a Maoist cult? #98439

    I expect the capitalist press will use this as another stick to beat marxists with.

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97257

    This works for me

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97255

    Sent this message  "Further to your recent, and ongoing coverage of democracy, in particular in relation to the ideas expressed by Russell Brand, I feel it would benefit your listeners hear the views of the Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB).  The SPGB have been advocating the use of the ballot to gauge support for a revolutionary movement against the current political system since 1904.  The politicians that have appeared on your programme do not seem to grasp that there is an alternative to the current system of exploitation, and an alternative view would broaden your listeners outlook on democracy."

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97250

    I cannot find a direct contact for the production team, but below is a link to a contact form for the programme.  I think we should bombard them with messages telling them about the party, and suggesting that they invite a representative to appear on the programme.

    in reply to: Brand and Paxman #97247

    Following the various interviews by Brand and Paxman, the PM programme on Radio 4 has been presenting items relating to democracy all this week, and this looks set to continue for the next few weeks.  Would it be possible for the party to get a representative onto the programme? 

    in reply to: Deconstructing The Socialist Party #96994

    I've just done a very quick online search for free online voting systems and found these.  I don't have time to look at them in any detail, but could something like this be utilised in the decision making process of the party?Bob

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