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  • in reply to: SPGB T-Shirts #122403

    Great, please reserve the black shirt, red logo large, I've sent an email.  Thanks for your help. 

    in reply to: SPGB T-Shirts #122401

    Thanks gnome

    in reply to: SPGB T-Shirts #122399

    Are these t-shirts still available?

    in reply to: “Like” Button facility #114027

    As a lurker I think this is a great idea, or should I say "like".

    in reply to: William Morris Music #110795

    Great find Alan.  Nice music too.

    in reply to: Site on mobile devices #109974

    It wasn’t working well on my phone. It was as if nothing was formatted correctly and in plain text.

    in reply to: Site on mobile devices #109971

    Seems to be working again now :)

    in reply to: The WSM and the future identity of the SPGB and SPC #104624

    1986 party poll? That was nearly 30 years ago. What else was happening in 1986? Spain and Portugual enter EC, Kodak leave instant photo business (my camera was rendered useless, probably sickened my parents, only decent present they ever bought me),  MIR space station launched, John McCarthy kidnapped, Chernobyl, and thats only up to May on Wikipedia. I han't even plucked up the courage to glance sideways at a girl in 1986.

    in reply to: The WSM and the future identity of the SPGB and SPC #104615

    I too like the Edwardian logo, and I think this ballot paper emblem is a nice update on the design, but would be improved with the registered name World Socialist Party (UK) around the outside.  This could then also be adopted as a party logo, and used on all SPGB material.  Once the logo has been used in this way, the name World Socialit Party (UK) would be recognised as the Socialist Party of Great Britain. 

    in reply to: The WSM and the future identity of the SPGB and SPC #104598

    I think the name is important if we are to develop a brand and I think it should convey what the party stands for, i.e. World Socialism.  I don't think a change of name would affect the party at all, seeing as hardly anyone outside 'hard left' politics has heard of the SPGB, and that people immediately associate Socialist Party with SPEW.  It took me ages to find the SPGB when I first became politically aware, and without a brand, I found if very difficult to link all the disparate online offerings of the SPGB.  In summary, I personally prefer World Socialist Party (GB) and a party logo, preferably not red, as red is left and we are not.  But again, well done KS branch for actually doing something, as I am well aware that my contribution at the moment is practically zero. 

    in reply to: The BBC advert for the CPUSA #101552

    As a member of the Media Committee I would like to add a few points.  All committee members are 'amateurs' in that the work done is carried out as best as can be by individuals in their spare time, often with no experience or training, and, depending on their circumstances, working full-time and spending time with their families.  Personally, I work full-time and have a young family; therefore, there is no way that I can spend time monitoring the media.  Perhaps I should not have taken on the role? Or, perhaps those members with the time and ability can provide the Media Committee with text for issue to the media.  As an 'amateur' and relative newcomer to socialism,  I would not feel confident drafting original responses to the media.  I think the role of the Media Committee should be to build and maintain a media contact list, to issue media releases in an appropriate format, and to direct responses to media releases to experienced party members.  The departments and committees terms of reference state that one of the roles of the Media Committee is, "To issue press releases to the media as requested by other committees".  I understand this to mean that other committees would provide text for a media release that can then be issued to the media through the contacts list maintained by the Media Committee.  The Media Strategy expanded on this by suggesting that the Media Committee maintain a 'duty roster' of media speakers willing and able to respond to media enquiries.  Does anyone have any other ideas about the role of the Media Committee? Perhaps this topic should have its own thread?Bob.

    in reply to: Debate with Peter Tatchell #98056

    Anyone back from the debate yet? How was it?

    in reply to: Euroelections 2014: South East Region #99466

    I agree that anyone who has the time and the skills, or even just wants to learn on the go, should go ahead and produce some video material.  There are countless online outlets for promotional video online.  The videos don't need to be polished and professional.  My son loves to watch funny, experimental animation online.  Let's get creative. Entertaining and interesting video has the potential to be seen by millions.  The party political broadcast doesn't need to be conventional either.  Here's an example of a Green Party election broadcast that just uses animation. to time constraints and limits to resources, the party broadcast is likely to be a voiceover/stock footage affair, which is likely to be rather dull (no critcism of the production team intended).  Lets just get it made, and then look straight to the future. So that we don't end up in this predicament again we need to start planning for future broadcasts now.  The general election is coming up fast.Good luck to the production team, I hope they are able to produce something on time that meets the broadcast specification.

    in reply to: A Xmas Message #99343
    Matt wrote:
    "Children Of The Revolution"Yeah!Well you can bump and grindIf it's good for your mindWell you can twist and shoutLet it all hang out[Chorus:]But you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo no noWell you can tear a planeIn the falling rainI drive a Rolls Royce'Cos its good for my voice[Chorus]Yeah!But you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo you won't fool the children of the revolutionNo way!HeyWow

    Ha, ha. Like I said, the lyrics aren't socialist, but neither do they need to be.  Any soundtrack used for a broadcast just needs to catch the attention. 

    in reply to: A Xmas Message #99340

    OK, '70's may be good.  How about "Children of the Revolution" by T-Rex. The lyrics aren't socialist, but the song is rousing. 

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