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  • in reply to: Quora responses #131118
    in reply to: Quora responses #131117
    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131296
    Ike Pettigrew wrote:
    @ Vin.  Being in the SPGB allows you to adopt the pretense of bravery while aligning yourself with views that are in reality generally tolerated, if not acceptable.  I'm quite knowledgeable and insightful when it comes to psychology and could in fact spend a long time analysing you, but I don't have the time or the inclination.  

    Vin, like yourself is no longer a member of the SPGB.  

    in reply to: Quora responses #131116
    in reply to: Quora responses #131115
    in reply to: Quora responses #131114

    This weeks views were 6,582  : outcome is just my contribution.  Just think what the outcome would be if more socialists were contributing to Quora.

    in reply to: Socialist Party Video Launch #129073
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    As it seems as if the trial has proved a cost-effective success, could we now try the same strategy with some of our other videos,I have a liking for Paddy's Capitalism and other Kids Stuff, the full video and the shorter election non-party political broadcast extract

    I disagree whiteboard animation is the way forward.  The figures speak for themselves and illustrate we need to target those with a short attention span as a first step for further investigation of the socialist case.

    in reply to: Quora responses #131113

    Pleasing news from Quora that my answers got viewed by 6,028 people in a week:

    in reply to: Quora responses #131112
    in reply to: Organisation update #130703
    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    Actually , offering a temporary contract to the person concerned would, if anything, incentivise that person to make a big impact  in order to secure the contract for the following year.

    I have a worry that we may well have a number of applicants for the job and that the rejected will feel aggrieved.There might be office politicking (for a better word), in the competition for the job, especially if it is only on a yearly contract. Complaints and protests about how the duty is carried out by the incumbent by those hoping to replace him or her, in the coming yearThere may well be a lot of lobbying for the job by the applicants and their respective supporters. In fact, it may well be a motive in some members standing for the EC if it is the selection committee for the job applicants.And these are not hypothetical concerns for anyone who has been active in his or her trade union and seen the jockeying for the full-time release and well-rewarded union jobs with generous honoraria  – i am not talking about those Party politics interference. Plus my query on those from outside London and the need for accommodation has not been addressed. Or is it to be assumed that only Londoners are eligible for the job?

    Offering a temporary contract with a lower rate of salary is the last thing you want to do. If you go down that road you can forget all about continuity and sustainability (see my link on tyranny). In fact we need to be thinking along the lines of ensuring the post holder is in post for three years so both are maintained and enables any transition to be as smooth as possible.You also seem to be thinking that if the post is paid the EC does the selection.  Not so under the present party rules. Nonetheless, if such a post does become our new reality it will by necessity mean quite a few changes in the rules.The ones that immediately come to mind: is the post remains an elected post by the membership, but every three years for the purposes of sustainability and continuity; due to the conflict of interest all paid party offices are not allowed to stand for the EC; the present election statement becomes a CV.

    in reply to: Organisation update #130699
    robbo203 wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    HollyHead wrote:
     [Remember these rates are ten years old! and also lets bear in mind London cost of living rates]

    The present average payment in London (2017) for a full-time Office Manager is £31,789 p.a. and for an office administrator its £20,748 p.a.

      If a self employed full time worker is out of the question for legal reason then why not  just settle for a full time paid employee on a temporary contract renewable annually on a salary of, say, 25K –  a reasonable compromise relation to the above figures? The  Party can easily afford this at the present time and, if its financial situation were to deteriorate markedly in the future, it is not obliged to renew the contract. Lets be bold and try this as an experiment.  Having someone working full time at HO 5 days a week  with an expanded remit to undertake political work and well as adminstrative duties could very well make a huge difference  and lift the whole mood of the Parrty. I'm tired of this negativism already  and I have only rejoined in the last month or so!  What have we got to lose apart from our ingrained depression?  If the SWP can employ multiple full time staff, why can't the SPGB employ at least one full time office worker? Actually , offering a temporary contract to the person concerned would, if anything, incentivise that person to make a big impact  in order to secure the contract for the following year.

    Obviously, because your brain is focused on not paying the rate for the job you have forgotten the lessons learned here: we are talking about a job that will carry a lot more responsibility and working in London and not the backend of Spain!

    in reply to: Quora responses #131111
    HollyHead wrote:
    Is there a link to QUORA please?

    in reply to: Quora responses #131107
    Vin wrote:
    Have you posted the SPGB Introductory Video on there Have you a link to the socialist posts?  

    I've put it up a couple of times but has you will see from my answers what I usually do is provide a link to an article in the index on this site to support my answer.  The Intro vid is another tool in the toolbox.If you want to publicise the vid you need to search or look for questions relating to socialism  – there are thousands – then provide a suitable answer and just add the link.  I promise you, you will have a field day.

    in reply to: An Italian curiosity #131104
    Cesco wrote:
    Be aware that Convergenza Socialista is a Reformist Party. We (the italian folks) are preparing a disclaimer to distingish the SPGB from them. 

    Good.  Can you post the disclaimer on their site?

    in reply to: An Italian curiosity #131102
    ALB wrote:
    Our comrades in Italy report that a leftist reformist group there, Convergenza Socialista ( "Socialist Convergence") likes our classic definition of socialism. are described as a " piccolo gruppo di propagandisti" which I suppose we are.Judging by the titles, our Italian-speaking comrades are publishing some good stuff on their blog:

    I phoned Howard Moss and he agreed to have a look at the links to see if they contain anything else would interest us.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 655 total)