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  • in reply to: General Election 2017 campaign #127074
    DJP wrote:
    Lord Buckethead gets more votes than us, 249. Personally I think we should really reconsider this fixation with standing in every election.. I know some people are keen on them but really do the figures show that it's worthwile?

    And the alternative is?????  Becoming involved in election activity is not a tactic but a strategy.  Which by default includes long term planning.  In this respect our experiences in the North East and now in Swansea illustrates that eventually this pays dividends either with an increase in the vote and in membership.  Obviously, at first we can only expect very small gains and these may well be wiped out when a branch is unable to stick the pace.  However, at least we are trying.Unfortunately our election strategy spelled out in 2015 was derailed due to the lack of forward planning and the pre-selection of a candidate in Vauxhall.  What these present figures show is that each constituency on average contains approximately 48 workers who support the socialist case.  The problem is our lack of ability to identify these voters.

    in reply to: What just happened? #127577
    gnome wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    Yes we always need to be prepared for the "whatever" for with a hung parliament a further election can be called at any time.

    Not quite. Under the Fixed Term Parliament Act there's another condition — that two-thirds of MPs vote for it, i.e whoever the new Tory PM is they'll have to have the support of Labour to call a snap election.

    Very true, but don't overlook the fact that May announced at the Conservative Party manifesto launch for this General Election that the Tories intend to repeal the Act.  It will, therefore, if successfully repealed, have no bearing on the timing of future General Elections.Bear in mind also that opposition party leaders (i.e. Corbyn in this case) are likely to look at their options and rapidly conclude that, whatever their preferences, opposing an early election would make them look scared.

    Which is all the more reason to be prepared for "whatever" the outcome.  Selection of constituencies and candidates is not only urgent but also a necessity.  

    in reply to: What just happened? #127574
    gnome wrote:
    May has forged a deal with the Democratic Unionists to give her a seven seat majority over all the opposition parties combined which puts her in a worse position than before the election.  So we could well see a repeat of 1974 with a further general election called later in the year.  And please don't anyone say that "the people won't stand for it".  What are they going to do about it?  Revolt?  Ha ha, I wish.But whatever, we need to be much better prepared for the next election, whether general or local, with more candidates standing…

    Yes we always need to be prepared for the "whatever" for with a hung parliament a further election can be called at any time.

    in reply to: General Election 2017 campaign #127069

    Swansea Branch General Election ReportSaturday 20th May Stall in Oxford Street, Swansea.  100 election manifesto's handed out.Saturday 27th May 100 election manifesto's handed out in Oxford Street.Thursday 1st June attended hustings in Swansea University.  Attendence 40, 20 Q&A and Identity leaflets handed out.Saturday 3rd June 250 election leaflets handed out in Quenn Street, Cardiff, 150 in Thornhill, 50 in Barry and 50 in Beddau.  First quarter page advert appeared in South Wales Evening post.Sunday 4th June attended hustings in Swansea University.  Attendance 60, 50 election manifesto's handed out.Tuesday 6th June Second quarter page advert appeared in South Wales Evening Post.Two letters in South Wales Evening Post.Vote for SPGB candidate 92.

    in reply to: General Election 2017 campaign #127066
    ALB wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I'm hoping that the minority government is too unstable to maintain and we have another election at the end of the year.

    Oh no, not another one! People won't stand it. There are local elections in London next year. That's what we need to concentrate on.

    You are missing the point.  What we need to concentrate on is providing the opportunity for workers to express their agreement with the socialist case.  This hung parliament is not going to last long, they never do.  Which means that we have start planning for the next general election NOW with more candidates standing.  And more distribution of the election leaflet.

    in reply to: Questionnaire #86666
    gnome wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    Hi, Currently Swansea Branch are holding street stalls in Cardiff on the 1st Saturday of the month and in Swansea on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
    Brian wrote:
    The reason why there are no details for listing in the Events Section is because the precise location and time is not as yet set in stone.  They will be once the branch decides on how to engage with the public in a positive manner. 

    Eh?  If Swansea Branch is holding street stalls it's already engaging with the public in a positive manner.  N'est-ce pas le cas?

    In your book that may well be the case but in my book its only making an appearance.  And I can't wait for your contribution to the questionnaire.

    in reply to: Questionnaire #86664
    gnome wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    Hi, Currently Swansea Branch are holding street stalls in Cardiff on the 1st Saturday of the month and in Swansea on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

    Oh deary me!  Why isn't this "Positive Socialist Activity" listed on the events calendars of this website and the party's Meetup group?  Doesn't Swansea Branch want to provide workers with information about these street stalls – like precisely where and at what time?I sometimes think there are those in the party who'd prefer it not to grow beyond its present size.  Quite recently two other branches have, in one case, given incorrect information (lasting over a period of some months) about their meeting day and venue, and in the other case, failed to tell anyone that they're no longer meeting at all!   Geezus!

    The reason why there are no details for listing in the Events Section is because the precise location and time is not as yet set in stone.  They will be once the branch decides on how to engage with the public in a positive manner.  Pretty pointless trying to engage with the public on the socialist case when their minds are engaged elsewhere.  Find out what their concerns are then start making the connections to socialism.Hence the questionnaire.  Which I hasten to add is looking forward to your contribution.  By the way "Positive Socialist Activity" is not in the blame game but seeks to encourage our fellow workers to become engaged and involved with the class struggle. 

    in reply to: Questionnaire #86662
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Perhaps this website may help you in your venture Brian

    I knew about the Boston button type of approach and think it could be useful if the branch decide to fork out for some badges.  However, from past experience with TZM I've found a survey can be more productive when the questions are short, sharp and hit the nail on the head e.g. 'Having given some thought to Brexit do you think its going to make any difference'?

    in reply to: Borders #124322
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    YMS- that is your idea of how it should be but what if a majority of people think otherwise? that they should control the flow of immigration and not allow open borders.

    Such a scenario is possible in a socialist society, however seeing that it's a given such a scenario precludes the maturirty of humanity this would suggest that in all probability its highly unlikely that the democratic decision making process would decide to restrict the freedom of movement for the global population.

    in reply to: PRESIDENT Donald Trump #122992
    twc wrote:
    Can anyone supply a link to just the plain non-annotated statement of our Object and Declaration of Principles?As the  banner we fight under, it is far superior.

    Better still why not click on the top menu bar 'About us' and click on the drop down menu?

    in reply to: freeworlder #123279
    ALB wrote:
    Actually, I remember contacting him in 2011 or 2012 when  his Free World Charter video first came out. He's from Ireland as is rather obvious from "the strong regional accent" of the commentary.

    A review on this publication is an opportunity for us, imo.

    in reply to: freeworlder #123277
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Can't remember whether this website, an off-shoot of TZM, has been brought to the attention of members, nor do i know how it is organised, whether it is a functioning group or a one-man-band.

    It's the blog of the founder of the Free World Charter movement.  They are not an off-shoot of TZM but have attracted attention from some followers of TZM.  He's not been contacted, to my knowledge, by any members of WSM/SPGB.

    in reply to: Quora #122872
    robbo203 wrote:
    I joined the Quora forum a little while back. (  I was astonished to come across this post by the founder member and CEO , Adam D'Angelo,, in response to a question about how many people use Quora  "We have about 100 million monthly unique visitors. About half are from the US and 15% are from India. But, we don't focus much on these numbers because we usually optimize for quality and that comes with a tradeoff against volume." That is an incredible figure and must surely place this site at or near the top of all internet forms. I know there are a two or three comrades in the SPGB who use this site but it strikes me this is something many more in the SPGB and other parties in the WSM could get actively involved in.  How about a coordinated campaign to rope in new people?  I have already come across a few contributors who are at at least sympathetic to socialist ideas…. Imagine the reinforcement effect of say 30 or 40 comrades

    I've been plugging Quora for at least 3 months and so far nobody is listening.  If just 5 or 6 more comrades were to join Quora they would be connected to a far wider audience than facebook.  For instance my present stats are 118,500 views for 754 answers and 964 upvotes which I would never attain elsewhere.

    in reply to: Money Free Party #106897
    gnome wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    The advent of TZM, MFP, Venus Project despite their adherence to a class based analysis of society exemplify the prospect of a moneyless society is still on the public agenda.    

    I take it you mean "their 'lack' of adherence to a class based analysis of society".

    Yes my mistake.  But to them a class based analysis is so much political baggage and unnecessary to their main message.

    in reply to: Money Free Party #106895
    gnome wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    It seems it is not the content of the message which is 99% similar but the presentation of the message is where we suffer from.Or am i on the wrong track?

    I don't think you are on the wrong track.  From my experience two things stand out as off-putting to many (most?) people. 1) Our use of the terms 'socialism' and 'communism' and the connotations they still have.2) Our recognition of the class-based nature of society.Should we cease to use these terms or abandon our analysis of capitalism?  I think not.  But therein lies the dilemma…..

    It only becomes a dilemma when socialists fail to tune into the Unique Selling Point of the day, be it a moneyless society, corruption, war or any other issue or problem of the current public mindset. Socialism is not for sale as a branding but the image of the essence of socialism is what engages the public mindset.The advent of TZM, MFP, Venus Project despite their adherence to a class based analysis of society exemplify the prospect of a moneyless society is still on the public agenda.    

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