Alex Woodrow

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  • in reply to: Future elections #92636
    Alex Woodrow

    TheOldGreyWhistle, thank you very much for your praise regarding my review on the Contemporary Marxist Party. Anyway, now you have suggested getting an article printed in the Socialist Standard on the subject of reviewing the Contemporary Marxist Party, I will get into contact with the whoever makes the Socialist Standard and ask if they would be interested in an article of this.Thanks for the suggestion mate, it's a very good idea to have an article of this in the Socialist Standard.I owe you one!Alex.

    in reply to: Future elections #92634
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone, I agree with you one hundred percent. The Contemporary Marxist Party would rather do what's best for their own party rather than uniting the people. The CMP have before said they are for socialism, so I asked them why not come and join the Socialist Party of Great Britain. Though the secretary of the Contemporary Marxist Party rejected this idea, just showing how they didn't really want to unite the people.I used to be a member of the CMP, and, for a while, I thought they were real socialists. Though once I saw that there were people in the party defending the likes of Lenin and Trotsky, as well as defending the Soviet Union and the idea of a "Vanguard Party" running the world, and with the party happy not to challenging but rather embrace these extreme state capitalist views I could do nothing but leave the CMP and join the Socialist Party of Great Britain, the only REAL socialist party. Also, the CMP had an undemocratic leadership, with unelected secretaries and a are planning to put in a party committee. The CMP are NOT a democratic movement acting in the interests of the people, and the only way the Contemporary Marxist Party can improve is by removing the undemocratic, pro Soviet style parasitic party leaders and instead create a party based around REAL democracy which works in the interests of the majority of its party members, instead of working in the interests of the few party secretaries.  Anyway, there are many decent members of the Contemporary Marxist Party, as the majority of the members are decent people and oppose state capitalism, and this is why the CMP has had problems regarding sustaining its membership and the party is no political threat, as really, at the moment, they are just a false flag sensationalist front. I am sure maybe a few of these members may well join the Socialist Party of Great Britain, as I will stay in touch with many ordinary CMP members and try to convince the REAL socialist faction of the CMP to leave and, instead, join the SPGB. 

    in reply to: Future elections #92632
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjThis post is for anyone who is interested. The Contemporary Marxist Party (CMP) have a manifesto put together now. Unfortunately they are not a socialist party, they support state capitalism as they like to defend Lenin and Mao, both two capitalist dictators.Anyway, below is the link to their manifesto, and you can click on the link to then see what the Contemporary Marxist Party stands for.Link:

    in reply to: Future elections #92631
    Alex Woodrow

    TheOldGreyWhistle, Oh ok, I understand now. Cheers mate.

    in reply to: Future elections #92629
    Alex Woodrow

    Hello Steve,Thank you for the response. Anyway, we, as a party, will still work very hard as a party and work in the interests of the general public, because the SPGB always has and always will be a people's party.May I ask, though, I thought you said, at some point in this thread, that you thought the North East branch were getting a disproportionate amount of funds from the SPGB.Also, correct me if I am worng but, is most of the SPGB funds kept in Clapham in London?If this is the case, and most party funds are kept in London (the Capitalist financial centyre of Britain!) Then the party needs to change so that funds are distributed evenly across the country.   

    in reply to: Future elections #92627
    Alex Woodrow

    steve colborn, I will very soon be a member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain but, asking for some advice, are they a political party with good tactics?I would be grateful for a response mate.

    in reply to: Future elections #92620
    Alex Woodrow

    TheOldGreyWhistle, Blimey. I never realised there were people in the party who didn't like people talking about other things apart from SPGB activities. Hopefully this is not the case anymore and, nowadays, all members are tolerant of their peers.

    in reply to: Future elections #92618
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone, I completely agree with you that it is wrong to surpress the right wing and neo-fascists because, even though it may be wrong what they believe in, freedom of speech is an absolute fundamental to a democratic society.Though when the CMP done that rally in Dundee I don't know whether they were trying to surpress the right or just express their own opinions and think that it was all right for the SDL to speak freely as long as the CMP had the right to speak freely too.Anyway, we shall see what the CMP really stands for in several months time when they eventually get a manifesto together.

    in reply to: Future elections #92616
    Alex Woodrow

    SocialistPunk, I know of one particular group which we could potentially find common ground with. This group is known as the Contemporary Marxist Party, though we need to wait several months before this party gets out a manifesto and see what they really stand for, so whether they are true socialists or just reformists.

    in reply to: Future elections #92613
    Alex Woodrow

    I agree with you alan that we need an international socialist revolution where we see beyond one's little community, though all I am saying is that we also need to remember what community we live in as, in a socialist world, you may disagree but I see a world full of lots of little local communities that co-operate with one another. So basically common ownership of decentralized governments and common ownership of international unions will create a democratic world.Let's get this clear. we are one world and one human race and socialism will only ever happen if we have a world of common ownership. Though this does not mean that we should throw the ideas of localism in the rubbish bin, as localism is a way of opposing the current corrupt global capitalist system, and localism will benefit all because it has environmentally friendly policies, a world of peace, harmony and a world where communities always get put first before the individual, and a world where there is no exploiters.So localism and international socialism go very well together, as to create the best world possible we need both international socialism and localism put into practice.  

    in reply to: Future elections #92612
    Alex Woodrow

    Ok then alan. Though anyway, from now on I shall probably just use the word common rather than anything else because then we will all understand each other.

    in reply to: Future elections #92609
    Alex Woodrow

    Ed, I think standing in a european election could go either way. While standing in a local election only shows the community that we care about the people and are not sensationalists, when it comes to a european election it is very much touch and go to whether or not the general public are able to see through the lies portrayed by the coporate controlled media and see that, unlike other parties, we do actually care about the people. Anyway, if we are standing in the european elections the party has all my support and we all need to work very hard.

    in reply to: Future elections #92607
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone, I completely agree with you mate. We need a democratic world where each citizen has an equal say on decisions. I agree that we need common ownership, and the only reason that I said co-operative ownership was because I thought that it meant the same as common ownership. Though now I know that these words have different meanings, I shall never again think of using these words interchangably purely due to the fact I am all for common ownership and I am against the idea of co-operative ownership.

    in reply to: Future elections #92606
    Alex Woodrow

    Ed, I guess you could well be right regarding the European election BUT, if we stood in regions, then we need to do LOTS of work so people see that we care about people in this region unlike other candidates who are full of nothing but sleaze.When I mean lots of work, I mean both before the election and after if elected. Though anyway, this is an opportunity for the party, and I am willing to help the party as much as possible so we can spread our message of people power democracy, but we all need to pull our weight because this will not be easy. Nevertheless it will be worth it in the end.

    in reply to: Future elections #92601
    Alex Woodrow

    We need economic planning, though if this planning is made by unions each citizen must have a say, not a small minority. When you talk about unions and work place organisations making decisions you mean unions and work places under a democratic cooperative ownership making these decisions, don't you?Also, you are right, there does need to be special interests. For example, we will provide jobs for everyone though understandably, of course, not everyone will be able to work, as there will be single parents looking after children 24/7, people with health problems who need lots of looking after, as well as protecting environment and ecology hence this will mean putting lots olf green legislation in place.

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