Alex Woodrow

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  • in reply to: Future elections #92681
    Alex Woodrow

    Sad how almost everyone in that ward of Seaham Town Council that turned out to vote voted for a party of warmongerers. Then again, though, when capitalism is forced down people's throats every second of every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year by the corporate controlled media, I guess this result doesn't come to much a surprise. Though the fact that 156 people in this ward can already be able to see through the lies of the corporate controlled media is a remarkable achievement.

    in reply to: Future elections #92680
    Alex Woodrow

    ALB, Though we don't necessarily need councillors and MPs to get a referendum, all we need to do is get people to sign petitions up and down the countrry until we get enough signatures so that we will get a referendum.

    in reply to: Future elections #92677
    Alex Woodrow

    Ed and Steve, I completely agree with both of you that we need to use the vote to then have a peaceful, democratic and socialist world.Though this doesn't need to be achieved via representative democracy, this can be achieved by direct democracy having a referendum.

    in reply to: Future elections #92673
    Alex Woodrow

    Ed, it could be possible to have a democratic and peaceful revolution without parliamentary democracy.What if, all over the world, we got our message of socialism and people power democracy across, and then petition forms would be signed demanding a referendum on what system the world should have. This would be REAL democracy and would lead to socialism. 

    in reply to: Future elections #92674
    Alex Woodrow

    Ed, thanks for the link to the "What's wrong with using parliament."  I never knew the Anarchist federation were in favour of violence.

    in reply to: Future elections #92671
    Alex Woodrow

    This is just an idea Steve but, wouldn't it be better for none of us to stand in elections?I mean correct me if I am wrong, but representative democracy is just pseudo democracy and if we, the SPGB, want REAL democracy, then surely it would be a better idea for us to campaign for a society without gods, masters and rulers, and instead have a society by where the people are in charge and there is direct democracy. 

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93784
    Alex Woodrow

    Young Master Sweet, I one hundred percent agree with you there. We need to create a society whereby the overwhelming majority are protected from a few extremely dangerous individuals.Your comment also brings us back to the root topic, and that being that, if a police service did exist in a socialist society, then they would be there to serve the people and act in the interests of the people rather than repress the people because, under a socialist society, everyone and everything will act in the interests of the people due to the fact we will have common ownership and real democracy. 

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93772
    Alex Woodrow

    SocialistPunk, if you mean the question regarding having the death penalty in extreme cases, I think you brought up a very valid question here and this, in a socialist society, should be up for the people to decide. Personally I am completely neutral that, when it comes to extreme cases such as murders, rapes etc to whether we should give the death penalty to the criminals. So anyway, this matter, like all others in a socialist society, will be up for the people to democratically decide. All Power To The People!

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93770
    Alex Woodrow

    SocialistPunk, I think we are going slightly off topic, though in my opinion this doesn't matter too much because part of talking about the police service and law and order also talks about crime, penalties for crimes and crime prevention.  

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93768
    Alex Woodrow

    My personal opinion is that, for extreme criminals such as murderers, rapists and paedophiles, they should be put in prison for life, and when I say life, I mean LIFE!I must say it sickens me how the most extreme criminals who are guilty of crimes only get twenty one years. If they are a murderer, rapist or paedophile they should be in prison until the day they die and lose all access from the outside world.

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93761
    Alex Woodrow

    jon brown, I agree with you that crime would drop under socialism purely due to the fact that materialism would no longer brainwash the masses, as under our corrupt capitalist system today 60% of crimes are money related so, if money is abolished and we, the people, create a socialist world of the democratic ownership of the means of producing and distributing wealth, then crime will drop significantly. I agree with you that a small amount of authority will be necessary, because, even though in the socialist world the majority of people are good people, there will unfortunately still be the few idiots and hence this is why the people's police service will be there to act in the interests of the majority and protect the majority against a few dangerous individuals.

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93760
    Alex Woodrow

    alanjjohnstone, fair enough, so what you are basically proposing was like what I was saying, let the people democratically deicde.

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93757
    Alex Woodrow

    Yeah sorry ALB, I got it wrong. In a socialist society the police are there to serve the people, not repress the people and therefore you are right. It would be a police service, not a police force.

    in reply to: Would the police force exist in a Socialist world? #93758
    Alex Woodrow

    Young Master Sweet, I agree. It is up for the people to decide whether they do or don't want a police service and, if they do want a police service then we, the people, one hundred percent decide how they run and how they can work purely in the interests of the community.

    in reply to: Future elections #92649
    Alex Woodrow

    The Old Grey Whistle, I have decided that I won't do an article in the Socialist Standard about the Contemporary Marxist Party as, even though I am no longer a member of the CMP, I am worried this will upset the party and, even though I don't agree with the party, I don't want to cause tension. Though it is a nice idea suggesting to do an article.

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