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  • in reply to: London local by-election leafletting #257057

    500 leaflets were distributed door-to-door this morning in the Isleworth part of the Syon & Brentford ward of Hounslow Council for the by-election on 6 March. That makes a total of over 700 so far.

    The main contest here is between Labour and someone the Green Party candidate has labelled “a divisive ex-Labour councillor”. Theo Dennison, who is standing as an Independent, was at one point presented as one of those left-of-Labour Independents. He was associated with George Galloway’s campaign in Rochdale but now says that it is a “smear” to mention this as the Labourites are doing. He does, however, cite an endorsement by a Hounslow Labour councillor who has defected to the Workers Party of Britain (but without mentioning this).

    Former Mayor of Hounslow joins George Galloway’s party

    He stood as an Independent in the same ward in the 2022 local elections and in a by-election in May last year in a neighbouring ward. In both he came second. This time he is sparing no effort and money to get back into the Council Chamber. There is nothing particularly leftwing about his campaign. He is projecting himself as an ordinary independent to represent the residents of Brentford against those of the rest of Hounslow and has called on all anti-Labour people, including Tories, to rally round him. A complete opportunist.

    His leafletters had been there before us, which means that people will get both our leaflets at the same time and note the contrast. The Greens and Labourites had also passed by.

    Also standing are the Tories, LibDems and ReformUK whose candidate is a Sikh sporting a turban in their colours. A clever choice perhaps, since there are quite a number of people in the ward whose parents or grandparents emigrated from India. In fact, one of the polling stations is in a Hindu Temple.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #257055

    There are doubts about the authenticity of this speech:


    For the record, Robin has a short letter in this week’s Weekly Worker correcting someone who had written that we thought trade union activity was reformist. Scroll down to the end.

    Most of the other letters are about the “mass communist party” idea.

    in reply to: London local by-election leafletting #257027

    The by-election in Hammersmith Broadway took place yesterday. The result can be found here:

    In terms of conventional politics, Labour won easily but with their share of the poll down by 19 percent with ReformUK second, confirming that they are still been punished by voters.

    From our point of view, it’s the rejected ballot papers that are of interest. A ballot paper can be rejected for a number of reasons: if the polling station staff forget to perforate the paper, if the voter voted for more than 1 candidate, if they sign it, or if it is blank or has something written on it.

    If something is written across a ballot paper, by convention this is classified as “wholly void for uncertainty”. This is a fiction since in most cases it is quite certain what the voter meant such as “None of the Above”, “socialism”, “free Palestine”, the Anarchist A sign or, simply, “Fuck the lot of them” (to quote some I have seen).

    In the by-election there were 12 rejected papers, 9 for blank or “uncertainty”. In the council elections in May 2022 there were 7 rejected papers and only 1 for blank or uncertainty.

    It is hard to believe that this increase from 1 to 9 on a smaller turnout had nothing to do with the 950 leaflets we distributed.

    Something else which suggests this might be the case is that there happened to be another by-election in Hammersmith & Fulham yesterday, in Lillie ward where we didn’t distribute any of our leaflets. There the number of rejected papers was down from 7 to 5, with those blank or “uncertain” down from 4 to 3.

    in reply to: London local by-election leafletting #256981

    The other by-election we are covering is Syon & Brentford Lock in the borough of Hounslow in West London.

    The by-election is on Thursday 6 March and we plan to start leafleting this weekend. Meanwhile a local news outlet has provided advance publicity (I am not sure if you need to be on Facebook to see it but it’s a photo of the leaflet):

    in reply to: The Starmer Labour government #256940

    The editorial in today’s Times literally calls for “Guns Before Butter” (that’s the headline) and starts:

    “To underpin Europe’s security, Sir Keir Starmer must expand defence spending at a time of economic difficulty. That means taking an axe to the bloated welfare system.”

    Can there be any doubt about what the Labour government is going to do?

    in reply to: Trump as president again? #256917

    We would also have to suddenly stop being the financial center of the global economy.

    Yes, Trump does seem to be obsessed with the “balance of trade” (the price paid for physical imports as compared with the income from selling physical exports) and punishing countries with which the US has an unfavourable balance.

    But there is no need for this to balance. What does need to balance is the overall balance of payments, including loans made to the US government. The dollar is the world’s reserve and main trading currency which other countries hold, mainly in the form of short-term US Treasury bills. This represents a huge loan by the rest of the capitalist world to the US — enabled by there being a favourable balance of trade vis-à-vis the US by the EU, China, Japan etc.

    If the US forces, for instance, China to balance its trade with it, then China would not have a surplus of income to invest in US bonds, to lend to the US.

    Trump needs to be careful as to what he wishes.

    in reply to: The Starmer Labour government #256916

    Meanwhile the Leader of the Tory party (a non-entity who surely won’t last for long) has let slip that she’s completely bonkers:

    in reply to: London local by-election leafletting #256905

    Three hundred leaflets were distributed in Vincent Square, Westminster, yesterday, resulting in 3 visits to our website. One in a hundred is not a bad response. Maybe because this is a by-election where the outcome is unclear, either Labour or the Tories could win and each is campaigning hard.

    The Tory candidate has wished our campaign for a write-in vote for socialism a success. He would of course, since he imagines this would take votes from Labour and maybe let him in. He forgets that nobody who wants socialism would even think of voting Labour.

    A real threat to Labour might come from the Greens who have issued a statement promising “a beautiful life on a beautiful planet – for everyone”. A change from fixing potholes and telephone kiosks.

    Vincent Square by-election CANDIDATE STATEMENT

    This part of her peroration seems good advice:


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #256875

    Yes and he’s tied to paying a basket case £3 billion a year for the next 100 years. It’ll probably go straight towards repaying the interest on the debt that Ukraine owes the US.

    Trump is showing them how to do it : be “transactional”. I’m sure if he was the German Chancellor he’d start buying Russian oil again on the grounds that it’s cheaper than the LNG from the US and those paragons of democracy the Gulf States.

    Mind you, it was the Biden regime that pulled that one off. By cutting itself off from cheap Russian oil Germany has shot itself in the foot by undermining its competitiveness.

    No wonder the European leaders are running around like headless chickens. They’ve been had.

    in reply to: Boxing and moral judgments #256806

    Cravan boarded a ship of men fleeing the war to New York, which also had Trotsky on board, with whom he had a fist fight.

    That’s interesting? What was the fight about and who won?

    in reply to: Boxing and moral judgments #256802

    According to the blurb for his book on Jack London, Barltrop seems to have regarded himself as a re-incarnation of Jack London:

    “Robert Barltrop has done many things. He has been a professional boxer and, at various times, a cartoonist, sign painter, labourer, schoolteacher, editor and, always, a writer.”

    in reply to: London local by-election leafletting #256787

    Leafletting of Hammersmith Broadway has now finished, nearly 1000 distributed in all, behind schedule due to the weather and illness. The election is next Thursday.

    It’s an ultra-safe Labour ward and if they lose here there’ll be in serious trouble. On one housing estate there is a social centre called “Nye Bevan Hall” with a plaque saying “opened by former Leader of the Labour Party Michael Foot in 1996”. The plaque had been partially defaced. The question is by who? Someone who doesn’t like the Labour Party or by the Labour Party itself, now that it is “the Party of Business” and wants to repudiate its leftwing past? Foot was of course the Corbyn of his day (the early 1980s).

    The Anarchist Communist Group has also been putting stickers on lampposts saying “Freeze Rents not Renters”. Amusing but not very anarchist as who is supposed to “freeze rents” if not the capitalist state? The ACG is behaving in the same reformist way to attract support as the Trotskyists. You might have thought they would campaign rather for an anarchist communist society, but there you are.


    Another distinction is who the “demand” is made on: in the case of trade union action over wages and working conditions it’s the employer(s). In the case of reforms, it is the government, whether through legislation or administrative decision.

    Also, the fact that we think trade unionism is ok, doesn’t mean that we as a party campaign for higher wages all round as well as for socialism.


    Robbo’s letter of reply can be found here on page 2:

    Incidentally, the first letter is from an ex-member. Why someone would leave to join the Communist Party of Britain (the Morning Star) needs some explaining, but at least he treats us with some respect as, in fact, did Mcnair.

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