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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #235860

    In Italy, tens of thousands of people turn out, including members of labor unions and Catholic associations, students and a variety of other activists. They were carrying rainbow flags bearing the words “peace” and “non-violence.” Other slogans heard and seen during the demonstration included “Weapons down, wages up,” “Enough arms to Ukraine” and “We do not want war. No weapons, no sanctions. Where is diplomacy?”

    Former Italian prime minister and Five Star party leader Giuseppe Conte attended the rally, stated,
    “Ukraine is now fully armed – we need a breakthrough towards a ceasefire and peace negotiations,” adding that the current “strategy is leading only to escalation.”

    More than half of Germans want their government to increase diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the Ukraine conflict, a recent opinion poll has shown.The share of people espousing this view has risen by 14 percentage points since June.

    Over 70% of respondents believe there is no need for Berlin to further ramp up its weapons supplies to Kiev. 41% replied by saying that the current level of support is sufficient, while another 30% believe that Berlin has already gone overboard.

    Ukraine said it estimated environmental losses at 1.35 trillion hryvnia ($37 billion).

    The amount of harmful emissions from forest fires, fuel burning and blazes at industrial companies has exceeded 67 million tons this year, compared with annual 2.2 million tons in two previous years.

    The total of 3 million hectares or one-third of Ukraine’s total forested areas have been affected, and losses were termed irreversible. in some cases. About one-third of Ukrainian territory requires mine clearing, which may take at least ten years.

    in reply to: Palestinian Resistance #235859

    “…Having Religious Zionism at the heart of government will alter the tone in which Israeli politics is conducted, making it even coarser, more thuggish and uncompromising. But it will make no difference to the ethnic supremacism that has driven Israeli policy for decades. Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world…”

    Fascists in government won’t dent Western support for Israel

    in reply to: UK/US ‘justice’ – Assange extradition hearing #235857

    Another welcomed essay on the persecution of Assange

    Secret Power: The War on WikiLeaks

    in reply to: The Politics of Socialism #235854

    “I also retain a concern for the rights of individuals and other social units such as families, extended families, traditional cultures and tribes (in Africa, central Asia, South America), groups in Europe, Australasia and North America that wish to retain a traditional ethnic identity.”

    Didn’t the Communist Manifesto address this question and conclude that it was capitalism which was the threat to families and lifestyle, a conclusion confirmed by McDonaldisation and the growth of the nuclear family where previously large extended families (clans) flourished?

    Nevertheless, we do appear to be subject to global influences that aren’t always so negative.

    Take the Korean tragedy at Halloween, a foreign festivity that they adopted. Just as many around the world have been receptive to Korean music, K-Pop

    In the predominantly Buddhist country I live in, Christmas is now celebrated, the religious element ignored but the present-giving embraced.

    London has its annual carnival imported from the Caribbean culture.

    Is there any evidence that socialism will discourage diversity? Or will it foster even more?

    in reply to: Human Liberation Ought To Be The True Goal Of Socialists #235853

    “This must include the abolition of any socialist facsimiles of capitalist institutions – for example, workers’ assemblies, formal workers’ councils and what not – where these serve no actual industrial function.”

    Isn’t this what we all aspire towards – a class-free society?

    When the tools needed to achieve socialism have accomplished their goal, there is no need to retain them and they can be discarded…as an industrial or economic democracy is implemented, the administration of things and not of people.

    in reply to: Human Liberation Ought To Be The True Goal Of Socialists #235852

    Similar to DJP, I would contest this assertion

    “It is the idea that socialism can simply be abolished, it does not have to be struggled for, and possibly it cannot be struggled for, and any such struggle is futile and always leads back to capitalism or some similar system.”

    The reality as I see it is that the SPGB is simply in no position to struggle for anything. It has the influence against capitalism of a gnat.

    However, when (or if) it grows in number then it will have the ability to wage a struggle (anybody who has been in the middle of a swarm of midges in Scotland understands analogies with gnats)

    The honesty of the SPGB is that we acknowledge our current impotence and do not mislead people and misrepresent of our ability to change things at present.

    We are an educational advocacy group and that is all we aspire to be under today’s situation and conditions.

    Our future role will evolve when the class struggle escalates into an open class war. We will transform much as all other organs of the working people will change.

    Nobody argues the SPGB (or a clone of it) is a pre-requisite for socialist revolution.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235851

    “US officials have requested that Kyiv signal its openness to negotiate NOT to push Ukraine towards the negotiating table immediately, but to maintain the support of concerned allies, according to the Post.” (my emphasis)

    The ulterior motive is fully explained and MofA concerns that it is a PR exercise are reflected in the article

    The point of my message was to confirm ALB’s earlier posts that there will come a point that Ukraine’s allies will place their own national interests before continued support of Ukraine. The US advice suggests that some countries are already experiencing “Ukraine Fatigue” and require reassurance that peace talks will take place and the war will end soon.

    As for MofA accompanying military analysis, I simply cannot comment. I will await the outcome of the Russian offensive you expect to happen and whether it is a swift victory that you fully anticipate or becomes another stalemate phase of a long war which is also a reasonable prognosis.

    Once more, the SPGB is for the end of hostilities under any conditions whether detrimental to Ukraine. Losing territory is a price worth paying for peace.

    And Russia can live with neighbouring nations being NATO members as it has already demonstrated. Or do you expect an invasion of Finland when its membership of NATO is formalised?

    For the de-Nazification I think the war has been counter-productive and deepened the right-wing influences and strengthened the Russophobe prejudices.

    The Shock and Awe invasion failed.

    A quick victory was not accomplished and the Kiev government stayed intact.

    If it now negotiates, it will not be because Russia forced it to compromise and make concessions but as the article implies, because those presently supporting Ukraine are pressing for it. And the US and the UK are aware that commitment to Ukraine is waning.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235826

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #235821

    On my personal blog, several years ago I had exchanges with members of a group who described themselves as national anarchists.

    They advocated communities that were ethnically homogeneous…white. They held it was a community’s right to decide its membership as they saw deserving.

    If they wish to be a small exclusive society attracting like-minded then so be it. Let them get on with it themselves. They can live in seclusion, welcoming only those who share the same values. In the long term, they would not thrive, imho.

    If they choose, however, to impose such segregation rules upon others that is quite another issue. One for those in socialism to deal with applying whatever measures they have available.

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #235809

    The Amish and the Mennonite communities come to mind of those who seek to keep a distance from other cultures.

    They still interact with the broader society, though, don’t they?

    I suppose some survivalist cult may seek to isolate themselves.

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #235805

    Erik, the question of overpopulation is one that has been debated since the 18th C. There has always been disagreement on what is the optimum population.

    You actually raise the question of population density.

    Much of Africa is UNDER-populated. There are enormous swathes of suitable arable land not used,(The Great Guinea Savannah, for example). There is great potential.

    How are the Netherlands and Belgium food-exporting countries despite being far more crowded than many others?

    And we do have mega-cities with enormous districts that are slums and shanty-towns. Isn’t it poverty that resulted in those growing? Aren’t there many architects and town-planners with solutions that are never implemented?

    And does living cheek to jowl with others in packed cities really reduce our quality of life? Some claim it creates a stronger sense of community with enhanced sharing of amenities…concert halls, theatres, social and leisure facilities that low-populated rural areas can not offer, albeit ceilidhs and pub music sessions are a great alternative.

    Urban farming is not theoretical but practical. I, as a child, remember the public park in the centre of my home city having flocks of sheep grazing on it.

    And what about all those vanishing allotments?

    Locavore diets were once prevalent, eating what was close-by and in season. Why shouldn’t we revert back to not expecting certain fruit and veg to be all-year-round?

    Of course, there are deserts, mountains and other geographical features that hinder agriculture, livestock rearing and human settlement. But a study of the Scottish Highland’s history shows a thriving cattle trade that has all but disappeared.

    Yes, you’re right, socialism will still require decisions on how we produce and allot our resources. Some choices will be contested. But the process will be democratic and the criteria won’t be determined by monetary reasons. Mistakes may well be made, but they will be rectified and not protected by vested interests.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #235797
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235796

    Moderator Notice

    Apologies for disrupting replies addressing nationalism on this topic. I tried to move certain posts to a more relevant topic on:
    ‘We are African Apes, Nationalism is Nonsense’ topic

    As I had never done the procedure before it was pretty much a fuck up so to speak. Hopefully, future contributions can make sense of it all.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235785

    To return us on track

    US officials have reportedly warned the Ukrainian government in private that it needs to signal an openness to negotiating with Russia. US officials told the paper that Ukraine’s position on negotiations with Russia is wearing thin among allies who are worried about the economic effects of a protracted war. “Ukraine fatigue is a real thing for some of our partners,” one US official said.

    It is as what ALB said in earlier posts. National self-interest will eventually prevail over Ukraine’s

    in reply to: Italy – Another country to swing right? #235782

    The new right-wing government begins to make its politics a reality, turning away rescue ships from its ports

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