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  • in reply to: No Indyref2 #236904

    Time in history is relative.

    Who would think that a few hundred years ago the poor and women would have a say in the running of the country, that someone from an immigrant family would be prime minister, that one’s sexual preferences would be one’s own private business and not the law?

    Change does come. Sometimes quicker than we anticipate. Sometimes at a plodding slow pace. I have seen the differences in attitudes and behaviour within my own lifetime and they have been for the better

    Will this generation of socialists see socialism?

    Perhaps not but we will have the privilege of participating in social change, no matter how little our contribution. We aren’t holding back social progress with out-moded ideas and are involved in the transformation, engaged in pressing society forward to a better system.

    Some of us are simply grateful for such an opportunity.

    in reply to: World Cup #236896
    in reply to: No Indyref2 #236895

    Sturgeon emphasises legality and didn’t the Catalan nationalists end up in the Spanish courts?

    She has called for a special SNP conference in the early new year to debate and decide specifically exactly what next to do.

    I think psychologically and emotionally whatever the process it will not duplicate 2014 experience. There will not be a repeat of the record-breaking participation.

    I was in Scotland for the referendum and the involvement of the people was impressive, both on the yes and no sides. Individuals truly believed their personal vote counted and they valued it and wore it literally on their chest in the form of stickers.

    Being somewhat detached now, I simply don’t get the same feeling from what I read that people care as much, much like the Tartan Army having any expectations to win at football or rugby.

    The arrogance of the “Scotland wha hae” nats will fade more and more. Perhaps we can catch some with the new hope of socialism as that disillusionment deepens

    If in the future independence is no longer a core issue for the SNP, I think the real question will be what is the point of the Labour Party in Scotland as the SNP out-competes it as the more effective social-democrat party. North of the border it could be the Labour Party that disappears and really who would miss it?

    Nationally, the SNP will develop a constant policy of gaining more and more devolved powers but to no avail as Westminister won’t be keen to surrender any power.

    The small Salmond Alba Party may become the home of the more radical nationalists who may advocate UDI.

    That is my take. fwiw

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236886

    A doomsday prognosis for Germany

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #236885

    26 storeys it is by far the biggest single-building pig farm in the world, with a capacity to slaughter 1.2 million pigs a year.

    in reply to: World Cup #236883

    We’ve seen them at matches before, some English fans dressed up as crusaders.

    Now they have been told they are banned from the games

    “We would advise fans who are attending Fifa World Cup matches that certain attire, such as fancy-dress costumes representing knights or crusaders, may not be welcomed in Qatar and other Islamic countries.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236879

    “like the deluded musings of a wacko like Scott Ritter”
    Not sure that’s a legitimate or justifiable description of Ritter.”

    On this, I have to agree with Lizzie45 that back in 2003 Ritter was indeed an insightful commentator.

    But that does not mean that his view remains valid in the present situation where he has no direct experience.

    His access to information is as limited as any other journalist’s sources. How much “insider” knowledge he possesses is somewhat suspect after almost two decades of being away from any professional involvement in intelligence agencies.

    Since his period of imprisonment (most likely instigated by his political position) he has become much more contrarian.

    He certainly didn’t side with Saddam Hussein and his observations on the actual invasion tactics on the conduct of the war were much more measured compared with his writings now.

    in reply to: Music #236870

    Your Friendly, Liberal, Neighborhood Ku-Klux-Klan

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236868

    A new law to be brought in where any promotion of homosexuality – including in books, films and online – will be illegal and carries heavy penalties. Anyone who breaks the law will face a fine of up to 400,000 rubles ($6,600), while companies could have to pay up to 5 million rubles ($82,100).

    It was approved by 397 votes to none in the Duma – Russia’s lower house – with no abstentions.

    The bill still has to pass in the upper house and be signed off by President Vladimir Putin, but this is largely seen as an administrative step.

    Putin in a recent speech, he accused the West of “moving towards open Satanism”, citing the promotion of gay and transgender rights in Europe as an example.

    It makes the anti-gay extreme right of the Republicans in America seem liberal.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236853

    Lyrics by Nestor Makhno

    in reply to: Music #236840

    United Front (1934) written by Bertolt Brecht and composed by Hanns Eisler.
    In German (eng sub)

    in reply to: Film #236823

    A blacklisted movie telling the story about a strike but also about the empowerment of women

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236790

    He confirms an earlier post where Boris Johnson accuses the West of being prepared to capitulate to the Russians, expecting Ukraine to fall in 3 days.

    He explains why the West were reluctant at first to supply Ukraine with advanced hi-tech weapons.

    I think Friedman oversimplifies for effect such as declaring 4 javelin missiles stopping a whole convoy.

    I fully accept he possesses an ideological bias but doesn’t those you defer to also hold these? Friedman certainly is no friend of ours, a regular Newsmax guest, but does that disqualify his analysis?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236779

    TS “When one wants to be informed on military matters one turns to military experts.”

    Military commanders are sometimes short on political and diplomatic savvy and understanding of the ramifications of war.

    George Friedman heads Stratfor, a geo-political think-tank nicknamed the “shadow CIA”.

    You can agree or disagree with his analysis but right or wrong his views carry influence with those who hold weight.

    in reply to: World Cup #236776

    he international players’ union questioned why Pierre-Alain Mounguengui, the president of the Gabonese Football Federation was allowed to attend the opening match of the 2022 World Cup despite being charged in connection with allegations of widespread sexual abuse.

    “Pierre-Alain Mounguengui is currently under investigation for allegedly covering up the widespread abuse by not reporting to the competent authorities,” read a statement from Fifpro. “Caf executives visiting Mounguengui in custody, on the eve of his release, and photographs of Caf’s president hugging Mounguengui at the Fifa World Cup do nothing to persuade victims and whistleblowers to risk their lives and those of their families to give evidence. How victims perceive these moments matter and could significantly impact the integrity and efficacy of Fifa’s investigation.”

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