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  • in reply to: Haiti #237378

    Mea culpa, for my carelessness, Lizzie.

    But does it diminish my admiration for her reporting in any way and drawing attention of the forum to her virtues?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237377

    ALB, the problem is that any claim that is critical of Russia is automatically dismissed as propaganda and fake news. Several times I have tried to point out that both sides are in the wrong but to no avail.

    He dismisses our anti-nationalist arguments by countering with his pro-Russian nationalism as being anti-nazi.

    He doesn’t want to criticise the Russian nazis such as Rusiche or the Russian Imperial Legion, the Russian equivalents of the Azov Battalion

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #237355


    NGO Shelter’s go on strike.

    Unite union said a 3% pay increase this year had left some of Shelter’s staff unable to pay their rent and very worried about the possibility of becoming homeless themselves.

    Unite said Shelter’s reserves last year stood at about £14.5m, substantially higher than its target reserves of £8.9m, and that it was “fully able to make a fair pay offer”.

    in reply to: Haiti #237354

    I note that the BBC reporter Olga Guerin is now on the ground.

    She is one of the few journalists I possess respect for having been driven out of her role of reporting from Palestine by Israel and BBC capitulating to their demands to replace her.

    Expect far better coverage of Haiti from the BBC now if she is being based long-term there and not merely a temporary assignment

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237353

    TS “Wagner group doesn’t have it’s own artillery, missiles and air-force. All these are provided by the regular Russian military.”

    And from well behind the front lines.

    As i said in an earlier post, those unfortunates in what can now only be described as penal battalions are being used as cannon fodder and forced forward into suicide attacks, all for the glory of Prigozhin and his political ambitions

    Did you ever answer why the name Wagner was chosen for the organisation, Hitler’s favourite composer?

    Go to our African blog and use the search facility to find the massacres conducted by the Wagner mercenaries.

    Sadly, very sadly, this war is long from being over. You conceded it will last another year.

    in reply to: UK Repression Intensifies #237344

    A man whom the Home Office repeatedly tried to deport after he brought his badly burned baby niece to the UK illegally for treatment has won his right to remain in Britain after a six-year battle.

    in reply to: UK Repression Intensifies #237343

    Braverman continues her persecution of asylum seekers

    Locking up people who enter the country illegally and barring them from ever settling in the UK are “options” under consideration by Suella Braverman.

    The ideas are contained in a report by the rightwing thinktank the Centre for Policy Studies, for which Braverman wrote a foreword.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237339

    Under what clause of the United Nations allows a foreign country to invade another to intervene in an internal affair of that country even if justified as pre-emptive.

    The self-declared governments of LPR and DPR were not recognized by any governments other than Russia. There was no attack on Russia to claim self-defence. There was no invasion of the separatist republics although you insist there was going to be.

    Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have called for Russia to immediately cease its attack on Ukraine. China, India, and the United Arab Emirates abstained from the vote; the eleven remaining members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution. A General Assembly resolution condemning the Russian invasion was passed with a 141–5 vote majority, with 35 nations abstaining.

    Just because various Western countries have broken international law doesn’t lead to another wrong being right.

    The international community has made it clear who started the war. It was not Ukraine.

    No doubt you will produce counterclaims from various so-called experts in international law such as Scott Ritter whose authority is not recognised by any other legal expert as you have done previously. But who are you trying to convince. Yourself?

    It doesn’t matter how often you repeat your mantra that this “special military operation” was a war of aggression under the terms of the UN charter. There was no genocide although a bitter bloody civil war

    You ignore that Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov offered amnesty to the separatists if they laid down their arms and surrendered, and also offered concessions that included devolution of power to regions, and the protection of the Russian language in law. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko also announced a fifteen-point plan for peace.

    You ignore the opposition to separatism by many in Donetsk. You call the Maidan events a coup. Others call the separatist action a putsch.

    You ignore that the Crimea Tatars reported that they were being persecuted by the new Russian authority in 2014 and many fled to Ukraine.

    You talk a lot about Ukrainian refugees being a burden on the West but ignore that Donbas refugees to Russia are also thought of as a burden

    Migration of Ukrainians to Russia in 2014–2015

    You forget all about the pro-Ukrainian loyalists who fled the separatist republics and who became IDPs

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237328

    “I will say one thing – Russia has never been and will never be ”anti-Ukraine“. And what Ukraine will be – it is up to its citizens to decide.” – Putin, July 2021.

    in reply to: Iran tensions #237323

    Reading between the lines of the Guardian report could indicate an internal power struggle.

    “There was no confirmation of the closure from the interior ministry, which is in charge of the morality police, and Iranian state media said the attorney general, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, was not responsible for overseeing the force.”

    Al-Alam state television said foreign media were depicting his comments as “a retreat on the part of the Islamic Republic from its stance on hijab and religious morality as a result of the protests”, but that all that could be understood from his comments was that the morality police were not directly related to the judiciary.

    One senior European diplomat… detected tensions within the regime over how to respond to the protests, saying: “There is a lot of internal disharmony around different bits of the particular security apparatus in terms of passing responsibility for handling the protests.”

    So who knows for sure what is going on? All we can do is wish fellow workers the best of luck with their strikes against the regime and to keep self-organising.

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #237322

    Blame the unions for everything as pawns of Putin

    “planned industrial action was playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands by dividing society.”

    Zahawi said “This is a time to come together and to send a very clear message to Mr Putin that we’re not going to be divided in this way…”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237320

    TS “Ukraine will be reduced to a parking lot”

    I see that you do use metaphors.

    Or do i take you literally?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237319

    interesting vox populi interviews from inside Russia

    I keep wondering which one was TS ;-))

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237315

    I think if you read back you will find that I already stated it was Boris Johnson who convinced Ukraine to resist when all other NATO countries were ready to accept defeat with USA preparing to fly Zelensky out to safety. I was making the point that the USA was not responsible for planning the proxy war which you claimed but the UK. But the strategic situation did change.

    Do you deny that Russia’s intelligence failed by miscalculating the strength of nationalist feelings of the Ukrainians and that the Russian army was not welcomed as liberators as their soldiers were told?

    Are you so deluded that you expect that Ukraine will accept surrender when they already refused to when elite Russian troops were in the suburbs of Kiev and before NATO aid had arrived?

    Are you so deluded that you see Russia desperate to retain some of the gains they made at the outset of the war and lost to a Ukrainian offensive. You talk of Bakhmut a battle going on since August with Ukraine still holding out but conveniently forget the defeats Russia had at Kharkiv and Izium. A symbolic victory – not for the Russian army, but a mercenary army of convicts

    I tried to earlier explain that NATO was prepared to accept the defeat of Ukraine at the outset of the war but now the stakes are far too high to allow a Russian victory. Global geo-politics takes precedence now.

    I anticipate the loss of DPR, LHR and Crimea and a return of Russia to Feb 22 lines as the basis of peace. How long such a peace lasts is conjecture.

    Your video link is to a website that has the description
    “I analyze war movies, video games and react to other Youtube videos.”
    Scarcely a credible source when you dismiss similar such sources that are pro-Ukrainian?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237307

    I know you won’t accept an American analysis but isn’t it useful to know what the enemy is thinking especially since unlike the Europeans the USA did correctly predict a Russian invasion

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