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  • in reply to: A German Coup Foiled? #237573

    “I have let it pass because you are a woman, but next time I am going to answer you in the proper way and I going to forget that you are a woman”

    Whether misogynistic or not, it does sound sexist to me

    In exchanges with others on this forum, gender is not an issue. The political argument is. Or should be

    in reply to: A German Coup Foiled? #237572

    7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237557

    If I chose the same way as you do of citing only overtly pro-Russian sources, I could flood this topic with pro-Ukrainian propaganda sources.

    However, I choose to limit my links to those who try to be relatively balanced in their view.

    Using the term troglodyte isn’t racist but reference to the claims that Putin was not fully informed about much of the reality of the war’s progress and Russia’s political and diplomatic isolation leading it to becoming a pariah state like the hermit country of North Korea.

    “Western analysts believe that Russia must be defeated to ensure that Moscow will not try to use force against another Western neighbor.”

    You misunderstood the reference to Russia and western analysts seeking Russia defeat. The author is being critical of such a strategy and like other analysts suggest that there has to be a peace agreement where Putin saves faces and no total defeat.

    “This conflict is nothing like WW1.”

    Say that to the soldiers in mud-filled trenches enduring incessant shell-fire, being killed to claim a little bit more of no-mans-land. It has transformed into a static stand-off, at least for the present.

    Even Putin no longer believes in a speedy finish to the war as you have several times suggested in the past until quite recently when you now concede it might be a year-long conflict going on to end of 2023.

    You believe once the ground is hard, the Russian tanks will crush the Ukrainian defences who will have run out of ammunition and Ukraine will be forced into an unconditional surrender and Ukraine will become a willing partner in a new Russian union.

    “because you’re a MSM zombie spared the taxation of holding a single original thought.”

    I possess no background in military or diplomacy.

    I defer to those who do have the requisite knowledge and experience.

    From all your earlier replies, you have no wish or desire to understand anything that diverges from your own entrenched opinions that are based upon a few aberrant journalists and Russian media, reinforcing the bizarre idiosyncratic world-view on history and events that you have had from long before this war began.

    Bijou Drain was definitely on to something when he posted that you possess a personality disorder.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237553

    Another analysis for peace

    Understanding Russian National Security

    “Only the United States can offer the concessions that Russia presumably will seek to end the war. These concessions would include no NATO membership for Ukraine; closing the U.S. base in Poland; and ending the rotation of forces through the Baltic states that were once Soviet republics. As a result, President Vladimir Putin possibly would consider yielding some of the Ukrainian territory that Russia occupies, although Crimea is probably a done deal and will never be returned. Ukraine believes that its military can regain all of the occupied territory, but that is extremely unlikely without much more lethal weaponry from the United States.

    Western analysts believe that Russia must be defeated to ensure that Moscow will not try to use force against another Western neighbor. For all practical purposes, the Russian military has already been defeated on the battlefield and will be in no position to open another front, particularly with a NATO member. If Russia sustains greater losses in the near term, it is possible that Putin will be replaced by a greater troglodyte who will resort to even more brutal and savage use of force. In any event, prolonged fighting is not on the side of a rational or reasonable outcome.”

    We have always argued that Ukraine would have to surrender land for peace.

    I am sure TS will dispute that Russia has lost any chance of total victory, much like the WW1 generals who always believed in that one final push would succeed.

    And I have been raising the prospect of a possible power-grab in the Kremlin.

    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #237550

    Noam Chomsky

    “One consequence of the neoliberal social-economic policies is collapse of the social order, yielding a breeding ground for extremism, violence hatred, search for scapegoats — and fertile terrain for authoritarian figures who can posture as the savior. And we’re on the road to a form of neo-fascism.”

    Noam Chomsky: “We’re on the Road to a Form of Neofascism”

    “As with fascism, the first question is what we mean by “socialism.” Broadly speaking the term used to refer to social ownership of the means of production, with worker control of enterprises. “Actually existing socialism” had virtually no resemblance to those ideals. In western usage “socialism” has come to mean something like welfare state capitalism, covering a range of options.”

    in reply to: A German Coup Foiled? #237547

    Prince Heinrich XIII Reuss, a descendant of a noble family with a history dating back over eight centuries described by his own family as a “mad old man”

    in reply to: Cost of living crisis #237545

    The Greek answer to inflation – fixed food prices

    The “household basket”: supermarkets agreed with the government to sell about 51 staples – from flour to fish – at fixed prices.

    When I lived in India, I remember there was a maximum price that shops could not charge above.

    If Scotland can have a minimum price for alcohol, why not a maximum price for food?

    in reply to: Iran tensions #237544

    Sadly these executions confirm the expectation of experts of a coming crackdown cited on our blog

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237524
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237517

    ALB, carries the caveat that the investigation did differentiate between casualties of war and those deliberately killed.

    “Available forensic and circumstantial information allowed OHCHR to determine that hundreds of civilians whose bodies were recovered in the three regions were
    killed in the course of hostilities (mostly those with injuries caused by explosives or recovered from debris)
    , or died non-violent deaths as indirect casualties26 or from natural causes. At the same time, a considerable number of civilian bodies bore signs, notably bruises and cuts, bullet wounds, bound hands and burns, indicating that the victims may have been deliberately killed”

    The WSWS website carries a story that 18,000 have been arrested or charged with collaboration by the Ukrainian government. But it seems they are still following the pretence of law but it says also
    “…Under conditions of martial law, the destruction of infrastructure, and the exodus of more than seven million people—including, no doubt, many attorneys—it is impossible that anyone caught in this maelstrom is receiving a fair trial. Guilty verdicts and sentences follow quickly on the heels of charges. Online images show that among the accused are the elderly and women, many of whom appear to be visibly poor…”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237499

    Yes, of course, Bucha was a staged false flag op

    And we all know that Wikipedia is a CIA outlet so we won’t believe any claims that are contrary to what Russia says. The Kremlin never lies.

    Amnesty International, hummff… well-known CIA mouthpiece


    Russian soldiers are humanitarians, isn’t that so?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237496

    Scott Ritter on the USA

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #237495
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237494


    Allegations of the summary executions of civilians by Russian troops.

    United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – pfawwww…what do they know being the puppets of the West and anti-Russian. Fake news. Ukrainian propaganda. All hearsay…we have video evidence of Ukraine shooting POWs and so that cancels out any war crimes by Russia. Russian soldiers are saints. Ukrainian soldiers are servants of satan.

    I can hear TS reply now.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237488

    ALB – Gangs of cut-throats (literally), fighting for Democracy, the Rule of Law, Good against Evil, etc, etc. But at least they are “our” cut-throats.

    You are right, ALB. Even Zelensky had to distance Ukraine from the Al Qaida-esqe Sheikh Mansur Battalion but still uses it.

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