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  • in reply to: World Cup #237817

    The team I had a sentimental soft spot for having once visited the country in the 70s was eco-friendly Costa Rica which abolished its army in 1948.

    But alas, the underdogs never progressed

    in reply to: Haiti #237814

    David Oxygène, secretary general of the organization MOLEGHAF (Mouvement de Liberté d’Égalité des Haitiens pour la Fraternité, or National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity), explains why he opposes military intervention.

    “Military Intervention Will Birth Military Occupation,” Haitian Activist Warns

    “He and members of other grassroots organizations in Haiti see this is a tactic used to create an atmosphere that will enable foreign powers to assume control of the country’s resources and economy, as well as its culture, and prop up leaders who are in the service of the colonizers.”

    “Many people in Haiti view the gangs as being under the control of the government that is supporting lawbreaking with impunity, including kidnapping, rape, exploitation, and all other forms of violence. It is not clear what exactly the foreign interventions in Haiti will accomplish beyond giving power to another group of gangs that will continue to maintain inequality and foment violence.”

    in reply to: UK/US ‘justice’ – Assange extradition hearing #237813
    in reply to: World Cup #237810
    in reply to: World Cup #237809

    EU politicians arrested over Qatar corruption charges

    A European Parliament vice-president and four others linked to Qatar suspected of influencing the decisions of the European Parliament through cash payments or gifts.

    in reply to: World Cup #237808

    Yet another item of interest.

    The Spanish have always objected to Britain retaining its tiny spot of territory in Spain- Gibraltar.

    Yet Spain is happy to keep sovereignty over the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco

    in reply to: World Cup #237807

    Another bit of history

    At the onset of the Spanish Civil War, Franco arrived from Morocco with tens of thousands of Moorish troops under his command.

    If the Spanish Republic had given Morocco its independence, many historians suggest that the Moors would not have followed Franco.

    But the Republic believed granting Morroco its independence would swing the other colonial powers, Britain and France against it. As it turned out, these two countries were sympathetic to Franco anyways.

    in reply to: World Cup #237806

    History in the making with Morocco in the semi-finals.

    Still no account in the media of history already being made with Morroco’s colonialism in the Western Sahara.

    But our African blog knows its history

    But it isn’t the only occasion the media has a memory lapse

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237788

    Indian author Arundhati Roy – “Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.”

    But the Red Flag is different.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237614

    The other invasion

    “Policies being put forth by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, clearly influenced by the U.S. and countries of Western Europe, are forcing Ukraine to condition the delay of payment of its foreign debt upon approval of a change in the right to own land in Ukraine.

    Current law restricts property rights for foreigners. The policy change, however, gives international companies the right to own property in the country.

    The Ukrainian government, which has a neoliberal orientation, favors these policies which are very unpopular. Equally unpopular is the massive deregulation of the labor market proposed by this government before the war and approved just a few weeks ago. Both measures have been imposed by international organizations and adopted by the Ukrainian government under the assumption that they are necessary to “attract foreign capital to facilitate the reconstruction of the country.” Foreign capital, in this case, means North American and European companies.”

    The Predictable Resurgence of Fascism and Nazism On Both Sides of the North Atlantic and Its Consequences

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #237605

    A collaboration between the UK, Italy and Japan to develop a new fighter jet.

    The fact that Japan is involved suggests that they will still consider China and North Korea as a threat in the mid-2030s

    in reply to: A German Coup Foiled? #237604


    As you can see when I re-edit to delete an offensive comment to diffuse the situation, it makes the exchanges nonsensical.

    The alternative is to exercise my prerogative and suspend or ban forum members.

    Forum members who came here voluntarily. I was appointed to the moderator role and if the manner I exercise my authority displeases, people are free to leave. No one is held on the forum against his or her will.

    I have been on forums that are unmoderated and they quickly degenerate into slagging matches where there is no attempt to engage in a civil exchange.

    Whether we agree or disagree with one another, the point of any forum is to express your own personal view. There is no requirement at all to read what another person thinks nor to respond, although it does not makes a cyber conversation very constructive or fruitful.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237581

    Another seldom heard view – War Weary Russia

    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #237580

    Moore v Harper has come to be seen as an existential threat to functioning democracy in America

    “Moore v Harper is a challenge by North Carolina’s Republican-controlled state legislature to a decision by the state’s Democratic-controlled supreme court, which threw out what the court called an excessively gerrymandered congressional district map that the legislature put forward, saying the map violated a state constitutional law guaranteeing free elections. Unhappy, the legislature adopted what used to be a fringe theory: that state courts don’t have much jurisdiction over election matters at all.
    The “independent state legislature” theory has been put forward only a handful of times over the past hundred years, and even then, only by blatant partisans acting in transparent bad faith.

    But “blatant partisans acting in transparent bad faith” is now a decent description of the supreme court, so the meritless case is being heard …”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237574

    A Freudian slip by TS … it’s a goldfish bowl he is swimming around and around, offering him his view of the world

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