Zionism and anti semitism

July 2024 Forums General discussion Zionism and anti semitism

  • This topic has 140 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Anonymous.
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    ‘Israeli rabbi educators at military prep-academy are caught on video congratulating Hitler’ :



    Israel continues killing Palestinian and the whole world stays silence in front of these atrocities and whoever complaint they come with the same old bullshit of antisemitism


    Marcos, I often ask this question.

    When there is absolutely zero chance that the Palestinian’s could win militarily, why do their resistance groups insist upon the provocative strategy of firing rockets into Israel, which are mostly ineffectual. Israel always retaliates with revenge air-strikes which are disproportionate and harms the civilian population yet the Palestinian militants persist poking the Zionist lion.

    I can see only one reason, and that the Hamas require a constant state of war with Israel, perpetual conflict, to divert peoples attention from the existence of a privileged elite in control and who blame the Israelis for the poverty and squalor that exists in Gaza and not Hamas itself.

    Nobody is denying the economic blockade is devastating in its effect but it has to be conceded that there is also inequality within Gaza – the few rich and the many poor. And occasionally the true war – the class war – manifests itself, and often Hamas actions once again turns it into a national war against Israeli occupation.

    What the article describes as the “revolt of the hungry”



    ‘Once again, ‘NYT’ distorts the news, dishonestly making Palestinians the aggressor and Israel the victim’:


    Once again, ‘NYT’ distorts the news, dishonestly making Palestinians the aggressor and Israel the victim



    That is not my point. What I am indicating is that Israel has been killing Palestinian for many years, with and without provocation from the Palestinian side  and the whole world is silence, and when ever anybody protest they are accused of anti-semitism. They have been using that pretext for decades


    ‘Once again, ‘NYT’ distorts the news, dishonestly making Palestinians the aggressor and Israel the victim’:


    They have been doing this for decades. It is like the cowboys movies where the Indians are always the bad boys


    What is frequently under-reported, Marcos,  is Israeli settler systematic and sustained violence against Palestinians on the West Bank, with the acquiescence of the Israeli army


    ‘German parliament smears quest for Palestinian rights as anti-Semitic’:



    I found this article a worthwhile read.


    Once again it  reminds me of what Bill M once said a long time ago that made me re-evaluate my attitude, the Palestinians should end their national struggle and transform it into a civil rights campaign by making the demand for citizenship.

    We all know that a separate Palestinian state will never be a viable entity and simply continue the conflict as the poorer people look across the wall and see the greener grass of the wealthier state built upon the continued exploitation of the West Bank resources.

    I commented on the website –

    “I think the shift from a Palestinian national struggle to a civil rights demand for citizenship in a “ersatz Israel” may well resonate with those who currently view Israel as the “victim”. Rather than supposedly “threaten” Israel’s existence it calls for Israel’s “expansion”, providing legitimacy to the hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers presently illegally occupying the West Bank.”

    I hold out very little hope that the Israeli Jewish population will ever accept this proposal as it upsets their demographic superiority but for the Palestinians, I think it is progress and the idea of One State Solution has indeed already been gaining ground and it will be better received message for those third-parties sitting on the fence.

    It may also encourage the active involvement and  the participation of those Israeli-Arabs as they are conveniently called instead of Palestinians who compose a fifth of Israel’s population but who for good sound reasons that they are economically better off inside Israel, don’t rock the boat too much and acquiesce to the various discriminatory policies.


    Further to my previous post this news item indicates that Israel is never going to be willing to integrate its Palestinian population but will in fact exclude them from any form of citizenship.


    But it does offer a slight glimmer of hope

    “…The increase in Israeli government and municipal presence in these areas of occupied East Jerusalem marks a “shift from broad neglect of Palestinian areas to the beginning of what is intended to be a decades-long process of absorbing most of East Jerusalem into Israel”, ICG wrote. Likud ministers, both in favour of a two-state solution and annexation, who support this shift see it as long-term policy to remould the national identity of Palestinian Jerusalemites from “Palestinian” to an “Arab of Jerusalem”…”


    Conspiracism appeals to the unlearned, anti-science, anti-reason rebellious, and therefore attracts many of “left”, as well as “right”, inclinations. I am not referring to anyone in parliament or the Labour Party, but to a tendency I am noticing among the disenfranchised-feeling who call themselves Leftists and are seduced by conspiracism. These wouldn’t want to face the fact that they are in the same camp as openly right-wing conspiracists and neo-nazis,, and religious fundamentalists.
    Among the lefties seduced by conspiracism, I have noticed the reappearance of Strasserism (not that they would know what that means!) – the left-wing Nazism that was suppressed by Hitler as an embarrassment.
    Since much conspiracism invests heavily in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” anti-semitic nonsense which was a reactionary backlash to the Russian Revolution (and before that, to similar anti-semitic and anti-masonic monarchist conspiracy-theories following the French Revolution), it has always appealed to the political extreme right. Its leftist form is Strasserism, which only further shows the political bankruptcy of the extreme left since the collapse of Bolshevism.
    Extreme left and right find themselves together in Strasserism, which claims to be for the workers, but which reveals its reactionary nature in equating capitalism with “Jewry” and Freemasonry, thus reproducing old monarchist anti-bourgeois propaganda in the supposed name of the proletariat.
    Ugly !

    (By the way, who can forget Maoism’s (leftist, no?) support for Idi Amin – being anti-Israel-, but then also for Thatcherism, etc?)

    Left and right are both enemies of world socialism.

    Socialists are not leftists, since left, right and centre are all factions of capitalist politics, and have been since France 1789.



    Berlin’s Jewish Museum said its director, Peter Schäfer, had resigned…The museum was criticized for the exhibition “Welcome to Jerusalem,” which focused on daily life, religion and politics in the city. Some said the exhibit was biased in favor of the Palestinian point of view…Netanyahu wrote to German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanding the closure of the exhibition. At the time, the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung quoted Schäfer as describing Jerusalem as a “place of longing for Jews, Christians and Muslims.”…


    Israel’s annexation is a reality

    Annexation: How Israel Already controls More than Half of the West Bank

    “…On the Palestinian side, a tiny number, mostly business leaders, have backed annexation of the West Bank…Most Palestinians consider them traitors or collaborators…..have consciously sought to package annexation on Israeli terms as similar to the one-state agenda of a growing section of the Palestinian population, especially those supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS)…  there are Palestinians who consider annexation and Israel’s direct re-occupation of the West Bank, unmediated by the PA, as a necessary condition for Palestinians launching a civil rights or anti-apartheid struggle to realise a genuine one-state solution…”

    <p dir=”ltr”>As for all the “Jewish/Masonic Conspiracy” rot, it has its roots in the anti-bourgeois royalism of France and Russia since the French Revolution.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>The Counter-revolutionaries, both Catholic and Orthodox, and feudal royalists, were steeped in centuries of Christian anti-semitism.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>Masonry was associated with the liberal philosophies of the Age of Enlightenment.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>Royalist hysteria in both France and Russia clutched at “the Eternal Jew” motif to explain why their autocratic royal rule had fallen.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>Catherine of Russia, horrified by the French Revolution, banned the works of Voltaire.
    In France, a priest who possessed Voltaire’s works had his tongue cut out by monarchists and was burned alive.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>The Tsarist diaspora following the Russian Revolution produced the forgery, <i>Protocols of the Elders of Zion</i>, and the Revolution was condemned as a Jewish-Masonic plot.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>Anarchists and communists like Makhno were vilified as Jews, although Makhno was not.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>In the Balkans, Freemasons were believed to become vampires after death, so their graves were opened and the bodies mutilated.</p>
    <p dir=”ltr”>These are the roots of the silly “Jewish Conspiracy” myth.</p>


    Indeed there is a big difference within masonry.  I believe atheists are free to join the French freemasons, whereas a belief in theism remains the rule for all other freemason orders.

    The Paris lodges were also a strong constituent in the Paris Commune.

    I recall reading somewhere that during the 1967  war and in some sort of mason ceremony, Jewish and Egyptian Muslim masons paraded together…anecdotal, i’m afraid, and I can’t recall the source.

    As for the growth of freemasonry, it does stem from the “enlightenment” age where liberal talk was indeed closely watched and monitored so the best place for free discussion was within an organization where an oath was taken to keep such things secret from outsiders, hence the presence of many such as Robert Burns.

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