Zionism and anti semitism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Zionism and anti semitism

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  • #184658
    J Surman

    Yes Alan, in a similar situation to you and I agree with all you wrote there. I tend to view the US/Israel/supreme court thing as just another aspect of what ‘nationality’ is all about – something which we’re supposed to believe in along with ‘our values’. And why should religion have anything to do with it? – I know, I know – – –

    When I’m asked where I’m from I also give the name of my village here and then join in the laughing, explaining ‘this is my home’. Also I’m asked if I have taken citizenship to which I reply in the negative and explain that I want only citizenship of the world and to be free to go anywhere I choose without hindrance and believe that that should be the same for us all – adding that I didn’t choose British citizenship, I was just born there and I wouldn’t choose it as I can’t agree with much of the dogma etc, but have to keep it and renew my passport in order to go anywhere. Interesting how many individuals appreciate what I’m saying. There have been some good conversations over the years.

    I invite comment on this article I linked to on 19 March that claims to present a ‘quick list of instances in which the Zionist lobby skewed US foreign policy at the highest level, going back to Israel’s creation’: https://mondoweiss.net/2019/03/accept-criticize-israel .  The picture given is of foreign policy determined not by economico-strategic considerations, but by what virtually amounts to bribery. (Cf Marx infamously on Palmerston??)


    @ alanjjohnstone:

    In a post of yours I can’t find now, you mentioned having relatives in … the Shetlands? If they are (relatively speaking) autochthonous, rather than migrants from mainland Scotland (or elsewhere), are they imbued with any measure of ‘Norse-consciousness’, as I understand some people there to be? I get that impression from, for example, this: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish-independence/11066878/British-isles-where-Viking-blood-still-flows.html . Are there are currently those there that in the event of Scottish independence would favor some kind of arrangement with Norway rather staying with Scotland or remaining in a rump UK?

    (Only of linguistic interest: the article is wrong in saying that *Norwegian* still had speakers until 1850. What they spoke there — ‘Norn’ — is thought to be close to Faroese: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norn_language .


    “Also I’m asked if I have taken citizenship to which I reply in the negative and explain that I want only citizenship of the world and to be free to go anywhere I choose without hindrance and believe that that should be the same for us all”

    Seen on yesterday’s ‘People’s Vote’ march in London.

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling


    Chomsky has often repudiated the charge of  American middle east foreign policy being set in the interest of Israel but I don’t think he can deny that there is active manipulation to steer that policy by pro-Israel’s but not always by American Jews. The US right wing saw Israel as a counterweight to the leftist/baathist Arab countries and many of now rare secular Palestinian leftist national liberation movements.

    I read somewhere that it was only the result of the 1956 war that the US eventually opted to ally with Israel and until up to then was ready to align with Nasser. Historically, when Israel was created it was France and Russia via Czechoslovakia that supported it militarily. The UK foreign office was dominated by what were called the Arabists and probably still thought Israel was a terrorist-created state.

    Little is said about the US aid to Egypt, particularly military.  Between 1979 and 2003, Egypt acquired about $19 billion in military aid, making Egypt the second largest non-NATO recipient of U.S. military aid after Israel. Also, Egypt received about $30 billion in economic aid within the same time frame. General Anthony Zinni, the former Commandant of CENTCOM, once said, “Egypt is the most important country in my area of responsibility because of the access it gives me to the region.”

    “…A second impediment to American aid to Egypt, of course, was Israel. Eisenhower was not so personally concerned with the fate of the Zionist experiment as his predecessor, Harry Truman, had been, but neither was he oblivious to the political salience in the United States of the Israel issue. Abba Hillel Silver told Eisenhower in 1956, “You can be reelected without a single Jewish vote,” and he was undoubtedly right. Eisenhower liked to make much of his independence of the Israel lobby. At the height of the Suez crisis, he wrote to a friend that he had ordered the State Department to “inform Israel that we would handle our affairs exactly as though we didn’t have a Jew in America…”


    It is a useful link to read as a summary of the ins and outs, the going and froing of Middle East diplomacy to show that nothing is ever simple.

    So is this alliance also designed by America’s Zionists. Some will say yes, others will determine that it is America’s independent interests being expressed.


    Off Topic

    [One of my mum’s sister met and married a Norwegian who was involved in the Shetland Bus as the wartime boats between the two places were called, so I have a Norwegian branch of my family.
    When the sisters (5 sisters. One brother who is a bit of a mystery, a skeleton  the cupboard) ll meet up they always reverted to their Shetland dialect
    But my maternal antecedents were newcomers to Shetland as a result of the whaling industry but even so they considered themselves distinctly Shetlanders.
    Paternally, ancestors were from a Border reiver family, tinkers from Galloway, but to become full of Orange and Freemason connections.]


    V-P Pence reminded his audience that Israel and the United States were not merely allies, but in fact, “mishpocha,” using the Yiddish word for “family.”



    The Middle East is now getting more dangerous with the openly recognition of the Golan Heights as Israel territory, and will create more anti-semitism in the area and around the world


    It’s about t happen again. A group of MPs have proposed the following absurd and dangerous definition of “Islamophobia” which is going to allow bigoted Muslims to denounce any criticism of their religious ideas and practices as “islamophobic”:

    Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

    This is problematic for two reasons.

    First, this assumes that Muslims are a “race” whereas all sorts of people are Muslim, including “Europeans” from Albania and the former Yugoslavia and Islam is a non-racial, universalist religion.

    Second, what on earth is this horrible newly-inverted word “Muslimness”?  Bigoted and obscurantist Muslim clerics and activists are bound to have a field day with it. We’ll be tarred as “islamophobic”  for our criticism of Islam as a religion (as part of our criticism of all religion)


    Muslimness, I think in practice will refer to the wearing of the hijab or the burka.


    It is the same case for the Jews who are considered as a race, instead of  followers of  a religion. This world is getting more confused and more reactionary  every day


    “It is the same case for the Jews who are considered as a race, instead of followers of a religion.”

    This has legally been the case in the UK for many, many years, Marcos, under discrimination legislation.

    Followers of the Sikh religion are also defined as a race under UK law.


    Pelosi parrots Pence at AIPAC

    “Israel and America are connected now and forever,” said Pelosi. “We will never allow anyone to make Israel a wedge issue.”



    Never heard this before. Heard of the Frankfurt school…psychologists, psycho-analysists and the like.

    “…The phrase “cultural Marxism” refers to an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that a small group of Marxist Jews behind the Frankfurt School were part of an effort to destroy Western culture. According to the 1990s theory, academics and theorists at the school were part a plan to attack Western society through multiculturalism and progressive politics…”

    “…The Board of Deputies, a group representing the British Jewish community, said that the comments had a history of anti-Semitic connotations. A spokesman told Times of Israel: “Suella Braverman MP may not have been aware of it, but the term ‘cultural Marxist’ has a history as an antisemitic trope…”

    Read more at: https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/suella-braverman-cultural-marxism-anti-semitism-conspiracy-theory/


    I see wiki refers to this conspiracy theory also



    Yes, you live and learn. I hadn’t heard of this conspiracy theory either.

    If she really persists, and she seems to be digging her heels in, I wonder whether she’ll be referred to some disciplinary committee such as the Tories would want Labour to do if she’d been one of their MPs. And to think that she was until recently a minister (in the Ministry or Brexit, of course).

    Maybe Marcuse, Fromm etc were on the wrong track in adding Freud to Marx to try to explain why workers support capitalism, but they still made some good points (Fromm especially).


    That right winger and Neo-Nazi theory is being spread all over the internet, it is part of the conspiracy theory that the Bolshevik coup was a revolution organized and financed by jews, and that Marxism is a theory financed by the Rothschild. Now the whole world is controlled by one man known as Soros, it is not capitalism any longer, one man is running the whole show, and the USA  is totally controlled by Israel. The pigeons can shoot back to the shotgun according to some conspiracionists



    PS This conspiracy theory was also extensively used by an ex-Trostky known as Lyndon Larouche


    After it was published the letter that Karl Marx wrote on Simon Bolivar many follower of the so called Bolivarian Revolution are becoming apologists of the same conspiracy theory, but before that, they were asking to all the workers to read and study Marx, Engels, Lenin, Gramsci,  and Trotsky. The left is like a clock pendulum

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