Youtube videos of interest

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Youtube videos of interest

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    Here's a video by Contrapoints (70 thousand subscribers) that might be interesting for members/symphathizers of the SPGB:

    What's Wrong with Capitalism (Part 1) | ContraPoints – YouTube

    She is vague about Socialism, but it's nice to have someone talk about Capitalism and marxist ideas without being a leninist.


    It is not too bad. I liked the song  at the end.I added the following comment as prolerat to plug our animation.."It is very good at showing the problem but does not point to any solution except in a vague way. This short 3 minute whiteboard animation lets you move beyond this quickly."


    Is this one of 'interest' ? The only video officially banned by the SPGB! Members instructed by the Socialist Party NOT to use or share!

    Vin wrote:
    Is this one of 'interest' ?

    In a way it is of interest as it is about something important, but I think it's more interesting when relatively well-known people that have no connection to the SPGB make videos that say some stuff that SPGB-members and sympathizers can agree with.Have you ever considered doing any "personal" videos about Socialism without the SPGB logo and interviews etc? Sure, your party may have rejected your video to be officially approved, but you can still potentially influence people on Youtube by talking about your own views on issues (which, I assume, have very much in common with the SPGB in general).


    Sympo,There is little point in individuals defining socialism unless it is linked to a movement to change the world. It is the  raison d'etre of a socialist movement to draw attention to itself and act as a catalyst There are many great videos out there but I think it is more important to link ideas and the case for socialism to a movement. Which is why I was keen on having this video produced.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           But I was kicked off the project. Very frustrating considering the amount of energy I put in to it. Worse than that I received no explanation and no replies to my requests – though the real reason is well known and not democratic. Which is the main reason I left. Can you hear the silence?

    Sympo wrote:
    Have you ever considered doing any "personal" videos about Socialism without the SPGB logo and interviews etc?

    Why shouldn't I use Logo and Interviews? Other members do it. They sign public statement without them going throught the EC and some set up Facebooks and Blogs using the Party logo. The video was banned because it was produced by me. There is also an EC resolution in effect banning party members from sharing videos from this subsriber

    northern light

    Vin, please forgive me for being a little vague on the subject, but I thought you resigned from the Party because moneys allocated to the .A.V. Committee was handed to a third party. i did not know you had been, "kicked off the project."  Can you explain? I, for one, would have prefered that you stayed in the Party and that one day in the not too distant future, you would have come back to the N.E. branch (cap in hand).


    I think the reason people leave the party should be recorded in the EC minutes, particularly as many long standing members have left recentlyThe main reason I left was because I was prevent from carrying out essential socialist propaganda by  the Internet Committee and its vindictive campaign against me and the EC's weak submission to them.I made it clear that I was keen to promote the video and had researched it. The AV Committee was asked by the EC to report on advertising the video on Youtube and Facebook, as clearly the Internet Committee had no intention of doing so. (Remember the Twitter account fiasco? )  We submitted the report and made it clear that the AV Committee would need access to the Youtube account or be made ad hoc members of the IC. The Internet Committee threw the dummy out the pram as usual so the £1,000 grant requested by the AV Committee went them.


    I think we are off topic. But then again we are talking about a Youtube Video of interestPerhaps a new thread on democracy and the SPGB

    admin wrote:
    It is not too bad. I liked the song  at the end.I added the following comment as prolerat to plug our animation.."It is very good at showing the problem but does not point to any solution except in a vague way. This short 3 minute whiteboard animation lets you move beyond this quickly."

    This video was produced by an ex-party member but – (according to an EC resolution that remains in effect and has not been recinded) – members are not supposed to share it.  Which is why there is no party Logo or link to the SPGB and why this member is  'ex' .  Which I consider to be a waste.Here is another one by the same person, please do not share this if you are a member,could get you into trouble here is a unauthorised bootleg by the same author

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