Yanis Varoufakis on the war in Ukraine

December 2024 Forums General discussion Yanis Varoufakis on the war in Ukraine

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  • #234500


    The new non-aligned Peace movement?

    The Athens Declaration, co-authored by Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and myself, whose opening lines were:

    “We stand with the people of Ukraine, as we stand with every people suffering invasion, displacement and occupation. We demand an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of Russian forces, and a comprehensive Peace Treaty guaranteed by the European Union, the United States and Russia in the context of the United Nations.”


    “…As for the idea of the US being our ally against autocracy, my view is precisely the opposite: US policy is actively helping breed monsters to this day (from Putin in the 1990s to Bolsonaro more recently and, now, Meloni’s post-fascist government)… I shall quote approvingly and in full your closing lines: “Our larger aim should be to welcome the emergence of democracy in Russia – maybe the last thing that the Western security establishment actually desires. The alternative is rule by a mobsters international, which would ensure that the world will fry. It is as important as that.”


    Jeremy Corbyn is the only British MP to speak out against the government’s war policy in Ukraine. In every other NATO country, including the US, there is a significant minority of parliamentarians opposed (except in the revanchist Baltic states who now have a free hand to oppress their 20-25% Russian-speaking minorities).

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